"He still getting killed tho." He blurted out. I shook my head.

Next thing I know.

It's in the middle of the afternoon.

"Get up." I mumbled to myself. I've been laying here for twenty minutes and I haven't opened my eyes yet. I don't feel like moving. Im still a little discombobulated from the situation yesterday and I kept having episodes in my dreams. I feel on edge and my nerves are shot. I need some weed or something shit. "Aye someone on the phone for yo-Oh she still sleep." I quickly popped my eyes open and sat up. He was standing in the door with a towel around his waist and my phone in his hands. Confused but okay. He tossed me the phone and I caught it before putting it up to my ear. "Hello?" I managed to get out with a raspy morning voice. "Yes, this is Ms. Winon in the house on Yale. I need someone to come out and check my bath tub for a leak because it is leaking down into the basement and the carpet is getting mildew on it." I sighed and looked over at the clock on the wall. 12:34 PM. "Umm...Okay I will call maintenance and have them come out. If they don't make it today, then I'll make sure to have them there first thing in the morning. That sounds good?" "Yes it is. Thank you Ms. Kenson. Have a good day." The phone hung up. Great. Something else to add to my plate. I need to go see my mom so she can help me relax.

"Look at my little business bitch." He sat down in the edge of the bed. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him sideways. "Who?" I tossed my phone onto the bed and stood on my knees. "You. Come here, I wanna talk about something important." He pat the bed on the left side of him. I rolled eyes because he trying to act like he just didn't say what he said. I'll let it slide tho. I crawled over to his side and sat down on my legs. My hair is everywhere, my breathe stank, and I need to talk a shower because I feel gross. "So you brung something to my attention yesterday." He looked over at me while grabbing my hand. "You know I been liking you and all that lil corny shit but you made me realize that time keep passing and i haven't made it official. I know we were working on ourselves so that we don't bring unwanted problems into our relationship but I'm ready to make it official with you. So with that being said-" He stood up in front of me and pulled me up so that I was standing on the bed. Coochie to mouth was all I was thinking in the mist of trying to be serious in this moment. Just a couple movements to the left and you'll be giving me some fire ass top. "Will you be my main bitch, my lil hoe, my 'main squeeze' head ass?" I busted out laughing and fell back onto the bed. "You funny as fuck bro!" I held my stomach, on the verge of tears. He was laughing with me cause he knew. After a couple more seconds I started to calm down and I took a deep breath. "So will you?" He raised his eyebrows. "Yeah man I guess." I tried to act nonchalant about it but I couldn't help but to smile. He looked at me with this huge smile on his face and pulled me towards him by my legs, picked me up and kissed all over my face. I laughed and held onto him by neck. After a few more kisses he sat me down on the ground and huffed. "Now go tell Facebook you taken." He double smacked my butt before walking out of the room. I watched him and shook my head.

Wow I have a man now. I mean he been my man but he wasn't really my man but he was. Confusing but it works.

A couple hours have passed and I am on the way to my mothers house. I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the passing time. I called maintenance for the one tenant then I had to collect some documents but I didn't remember where I put them so I had to look for them. It was just a lot but I got it done. Now I'm ready to talk to my mom and get her caught up on the tea!

"Mom!" I shut the door behind myself and locked it. Her house was awkwardly quiet and it kinda had a funny smell to it. My mother is a very cleanly person so normally the only smell you will ever find in her house is lavender or a tropical smell. "Mom!" I yelled again as I walked down the shirt hall and into the living room. Pizza boxes were stacked on the table and their was trash thrown everywhere on the floor. I dropped my purse in the couch and made my way upstairs to the bedroom fairly quick because now I'm confused and worried. I could hear her bedroom tv on and the shower water running. I opened the door and I froze. This isn't what I think it is.



Hell no.

"Mom what the fuck!?" I rushed over to the bed and shook her rapidly. This is all too familiar. The paleness. The marks. The needles. She jumped up out of her coma and I didn't recognize this woman sitting here. Her eyes were wide. Her scarf was halfway on her head. Her lips were chapped. Bags were hugging her skin. "S-Seni-a who let you in?" She slurred out. My mouth hung open and I shook my head because I just know..this isn't my mother. The same one that had her life on track. The same woman that vowed to me that she would never go back to drugs. The same woman I've put my trust in and I just knew...I knew this time was going to be the time that she really got clean and was going to stay clean. This fucked me up forreal.

"Baby that soap you ha- Senia." The male voice said in shock. I just know when I turn around it's going to be some bullshit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe to calm myself down. Relax. I turned around and opened my eyes and I almost fucking fainted.

How many surprises did god intend on giving me today and did he want to steer me in the direction of a heart attack?

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