𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

Start from the beginning

Clara rolled her eyes; this is exactly what she didn't want to tell Caroline about her involvement with the smirk riddled boy. She was going to be judgemental, and over exaggerate as she always did.

"Caroline, aren't you always the Klaus bait?" Clara responds, a bit of attitude rolling right off the tongue involuntarily.

"But that doesn't mean I like him!"

Clara took a deep breath in as she felt the annoyance mixed with anger pulse throughout her veins. She really needed to get a hold on this getting mad so fast and so easily thanks to being a vampire.

"Okay, Care," Clara caves, raising her arms in the air while leaning her head down. "You win. Sorry I brought it up."

Caroline switches from glaring daggers at the blonde to Elena instead, and she sends her one look; apologise!

"Alright, maybe I was being a bit unfair," Caroline chokes out, folding her arms across her chest as Clara just huffs out a big breath. "I just worry about you, Lara."

Caroline walks around the couch to stand in front of the laying down Elena and sitting Clara. She immediately rushes into a hug with the familiar blonde, who was completely taken off guard by her action, but nonetheless hugged back. This was their relationship; Clara would say something and Caroline would be judgmental, but then apologise and the girls were back to being regular friends.

"There's nothing to worry about," Clara confirms gently, flashing the girl the smallest of smiles before standing up. "Speaking of that, Kol asked me to go with Rebekah while she went to Damon for Klaus's body. I've got to go."

"And now you're hanging out with barbie?" Caroline gapped, and both girls sitting on the couch sent another deathly glare. "Okay, I'm shutting up now. Want some soup, Elena?"

"Yes, please," Elena smiled at Caroline, and then turned to Clara, and continued. "We'll talk later, have fun with your boyfriends sister."

Clara rolled her eyes at the brunette in front of her, and rose from her spot on the couch while making her way to the front door after waving bye to the boys walking downstairs. She did like the way boyfriend rolled off the tongue referring to Kol, to admit it.


"So, are you and my dear brother a thing?"

Clara glanced from staring out the window to the blonde sitting next to her in the actually comfortable car. Rebekah was driving to where both girls were apparently meeting Damon, who had Klaus's body. One, because Clara knew her best friend would need help and two because Kol asked the girl to make sure his sister wouldn't be in any danger and wouldn't be by herself. She happily obliged, thinking it could help smooth the rough path the two girls had went through.

"Hm?" Clara hummed, tilting her head a bit as she was completely spaced out she wasn't even sure what Rebekah had asked.

"You and Kol?" Rebekah asks, shortly taking her eyes off the road to gaze to her right to look at the blue eyed girl. "My brother isn't one to fawn over a single girl, so this is new."

"He's not fawning over me," Clara corrects, laughing softly to herself. "And...well, I dont know what we are, necessarily."

Rebekah turns back to studying the road carefully, her hands gripped tightly on the
black steering wheel. Clara was trying desperately to think of some sort of conversation starter so the awkward silence wouldn't be so, well, awkward.

"It is nice to see him happy, though."

Clara glanced back over to the blonde, and blinked a few times as she thought. "I'm sure I'm not the main cause of that."

"How so? I mean, the amount of times he's dropped your name by now, I could practically be your best friend from knowing you so well," Rebekah responds, and Clara gently smiled to herself as she moved her eyes to see her hands fiddle around with her fingers on her lap.

"What does he say?" Clara asked, her grin only growing by the second.

"Oh, you know," Rebekah responds, a little bit of a smirk on her face. "Just how kind you are, how your compassion is your greatest gift, etc. And of course, how drop dead gorgeous you are, which is completely true."

"Oh c'mon, you can't say I'm the gorgeous one," Clara waved off, flashing her white teeth at the girl with a smile. "You're like, the photo picture girl that everyone's completely jealous of. You look good, freaking like all the time."

Rebekah smiles brightly, tearing her eyes away from the road to look deeply at the blonde girl. She liked Clara, her spirit and gentleness made her incredibly likable, even being a vampire. She could picture the girls being close friends, only if for once she could stop being a bitch towards everyone. She felt like Clara's presence just made her want to be a better person.

"Thanks, Clara."

"Lara," the blonde corrects, and Rebekah tilts her head a bit at her statement, so she continues. "It's what my friends call me."

a/n: omg how have we gained 5K reads from my last update what ?? so crazy ! thank you guys <3 don't forget to vote & comment ;)

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