Gold "for rainy days"

Me "You're not getting any better, are you?"

Gold "i know what happend back then, Echo."

I froze "what?"

Gold "i know you can save me. There's nothing else but-"

I shook my head "i haven't even done it to save my own mother. What makes you think i would do it for you?"

Gold "because you're all grown up now. And for once, our interests are aligned"

Me "Cora dies instead of you"

Gold nodded "i know you can do this"

Me "Cora's heart. It's not in her body"

Gold "find it. "

Me "Or i get her heart, I control her and make her do the right thing and i let you die. "

Gold "The deal we-"

Me "The deal was that i would never siphon from you, not that i would never let you die"

Gold "Henry would never forgive you if you let his Grandpa die. "

I growled. 

Emma walked to us "i drew the invisible line. I think. what now? you cast a protection spell?"

Gold shook his head "no, no. You're going to do that for me. I'm relying on you"

He was talking to Emma but his words were meant to me.

In Regina's vault.

I looked around for Cora's heart. I don't know why but i could feel its presence.

I found the box and opened it. Then i switched out the heart with my own heart and put her heart in my bag .

Well ,couldn't let anyone notice that her heart was gone. 

Suddenly a voice stopped me "don't even dare"

I turned around with the box.

Regina shook her head  "you have no right to be here"

Then she pointed at the box "and you have no right to that, either !"

Me "Regina-"

Regina "Give me her heart"

I pleaded and pretended to be caught "please, think about it, Regina-"

Regina "Give me the box!"

I handed it to her "you can't trust her"

At the shop.

I stormed inside.  Cora and Gold were there.

Cora was about to stab Gold with the dagger.

I grabbed her heart out of my pocked and started to siphon it.

She gasped and fell to the ground.

Regina rushed inside and asked shocked "what are you doing? Echo?"

Cora looked at me "Echo-"

I shook my head "no, now you listen to me. Is it true?"

Cora "is what true ?"

Me "Gold told me on the ship what you did! You were knew who i was when Regina married my father. you knew i had powers because you poisoned my mother, you were the blue fairy in the woods who told me how to use my powers for dark magic"

Cora shook her head.

Me "it's true! That's why you took such an interest in me! because you knew what i was capable of! it was you this whole time! you turned me into this!"

Cora shook her head "no, i didn-"

I yelled and put some pressure on her heart "Stop with the lies, Cora! stop it! "

She gasped.

i asked hurt "Why?! i was a child. You wanted me to kill someone to save my mother! you knew from the beginning!"

Regina asked carefully "mother, how did you know Echo was even able to do magic in the first place? "

I looked at Regina and then to Cora "how did you know i was capable of doing Magic?"

Cora "Because i cursed the alcohol Queen Eva drank the night you were made"

My jaw dropped "what?"

Cora "I had to make sure you were growing to be powerful"

I shook my head, shocked  "no."

Cora "with the information i just told you..why do you think i did take such an interest in you? why i made Regina marry your father?"

My jaw dropped "no"

Cora "it's the are-"

I started to siphoned her "do not dare say it !"

She cried out in pain.

I felt her powers run through my veins.

I shook my head "don't you dare say it. Because it's not true. It can't be"

Cora " Regina could never kill you, not matter how much she'd tried. It wasn't because of me. It was because deep down she knew she couldn't hurt her own blood"

She was getting weaker by the second.

Regina "Drop the heart, Echo"

I shook my head.

Regina "Drop the heart, Echo ! now!"

Cora started to get paler and paler.

I shook my head "i can't. "

The heart started to beat slower and slower.

Regina started to cry and grabbed Cora  "Echo, please"

Cora breathed out "my two girls"

Regina pleaded " please, Echo"

Me "I can't. I'm sorry"

Then her heart stopped beating and Cora dropped to the ground.

I let the a tear roll down my cheek and her heart turned to ashes in my hand. 

Then i went over to Gold and put a hand on his chest. the man was half dead.

I concentrated and put Cora's life essence into Gold.

The wound healed and he stood up. 

I looked at Regina who was holding Cora and looked down. 

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