1.15 The Wraith

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Emma nodded "Oh, I am. But, see... Here's the thing – no matter what the circumstances, for twenty-eight years I only knew one thing. That my parents sent me away. "

Snow " We did that to give you your best chance. "

Emma "You did it for everyone, because that's who you are. Leaders, heroes, princes, and princesses, and that's great. A-And amazing. And wonderful. But it doesn't change the fact that, for my entire life, I've been alone. "

Snow " But, if we hadn't sent you away, you would've been cursed, too. "

Emma "But we would've been together. Which curse is worse?"

Snow and Charming froze.

Emma sighed " Come on. Let's just... Let's go find Gold."

At the station.

I walked inside and saw a wraith sucking out Regina's soul.

I looked around and grabbed a lighter and a aerosol can "hey!"

It turned to me.

I burned it and the wraith crashed out of the window. Regina was on the ground, coughing.

Suddenly Snow, Emma and Charming rushed inside.

Snow asked shocked "what was that?!"

Emma helped up Regina.

Regina "A wraith"

Emma looked confused.

Me " A soul sucker. "

Snow asked me "Did you...?"

I shook my head.

Regina " it's regenerating. It'll be back. It doesn't stop until it devours its prey – me. "

Emma"So, how do we kill it? "

Regina shook her head " There's no way. Can't kill something that's already dead. "

Emma"Then, we have a problem. "

David shook his head " No, we don't. Regina does. "

Our heads snapped to him, shocked.

Regina " What? "

Snow asked shocked "David? "

Emma"You want to let her die?"

David shrugged " Why not? Then it goes away and then, we're safe. "

Regina snapped "That's quite the example you're setting for your daughter, there. "

Charming pointed at her "No, you don't get to judge us"

Regina" Let me ask you something. Where do you think that thing came from? Gold. "

Emma"I made a promise to Henry. She's not dying. "

Snow "If it can't be killed, what do you suggest? "

Regina "Send it somewhere it can't hurt anyone. "

At Regina's.

Regina pulled out a box that contained a hat. Jefferson's hat.

Regina asked Emma "Did Henry really ask you to protect me? "

Emma nodded" Yes."

Regina pulled out the hat.

Me " The hat. You had it all along. "

Regina asked confused "What do you mean? "

Me "That's Jefferson's hat. "

Regina asked confused " Who's Jefferson? "

I rolled my eyes at her.

Snow and Charming entered with brooms.

David "Torches – for when it comes back. I know it's old fashioned, but so am I. "

I nodded.

Snow "So. How does it work? "

We walked into another room.

Regina "It will open a portal to our land. All we have to do is send the wraith in there."

David nodded " Oh, yeah. Just that."

Snow shook her head, confused "I don't understand. I thought our land was gone?"

Regina"It is. But, sending it to a place that no longer exists... Well, that's banishing it to oblivion. "

The lights began to flicker as we heard the wraith approaching.

We lit the torches.

Emma"Regina. "

Regina attempted to open a portal with the hat, but it only slightly spun " I'm trying. "

The doors busted open and the wraith flew inside.

Me "Regina."

Regina"I know. "

Charming used his broom torch to keep the wraith at bay. Snow grabbed a bottle of alcohol off of a nearby table and poured it along the railing in front of us.

Snow yelled " David! "

David got behind the barrier and lit the railing on fire " Hurry! "

Regina"It's not working!"

She still couldn't do it.

Emma "What is the problem?"

Regina" Magic... It's different here."

David yelled " Now would be the time!"

Emma touched Regina's shoulder, which seemed to trigger Regina's magic. The hat began to spin and the purple vortex appeared.

David" It's coming! "

the wraith charged at us.

Emma yelled " Regina! "

She pushed Regina out of the way, causing the wraith to fall through the portal. However, on the way down, it grabbed Emma's ankle and dragged her through the portal, as well.

Sow yelled " No! "

David yelled "No! "

Snow " I'm not losing her again. "

David "Neither am I! "

I rolled my eyes and jumped through the portal. 

Storytelling  (K.Hook)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora