1.10 "I Need Your Help"

Start from the beginning

We walked into Mary's bedroom and looked around.

Henry "here's nothing"

I sighed annoyed and flopped down on the bed.

Suddenly the heat noisily turned on.

I raised an eyebrow and looked around. The heating vent. I walked over there and took off the grate of the vent and stuck my hand in.

Henry" Did you find something? "

i pulled it out and froze.

There was a hunting knife, covered in a piece of cloth. Great.

At the station.

Emma and i were talking to Mary who was locked in a cell.

Mary "The heating vent? Echo, I don't even know where the heating vent in my bedroom is. "

Me "Well, someone did, and they put a hunting knife in there. I checked for signs of a break in, but there weren't any."

Mary froze "You don't believe me. "

I nodded " Of course I do. But what I think doesn't matter. "

Emma "The evidence is piling up by the hour."

Mary "Okay, what are you saying? "

Emma "I'm saying, you should think about hiring a lawyer. "

Suddenly Mr. Gold walked inside "An excellent idea."

We turned to him.

Emma " Mr. Gold. What are you doing here?"

Mr. Gold" Offering my legal services. "

Emma raised her eyebrows " You're a lawyer? "

Mr. Gold" Ever wondered why I was so adept at contracts? I've been following the details of your case, Miss Blanchard. And I think you'd be well-advised to bring me on as your counsel. "

Mary " And why is that? "

Mr. Gold "Well, because the Sheriff had me arrested for nearly beating a man to death, and I managed to persuade the judge to drop the charges. "

Emma "Asserting your influence isn't what's needed here. We need to find the truth."

Mr. Gold" Exerting influence may be exactly what's needed here."

Emma" What's needed here, is for me to do my job. "

Mr. Gold shook his head "Well, no one's stopping you. I'm only here to help. "

Mary " Enough. Please go. "

Emma " You heard her. "

Mary shook her head " No, I was talking to you."

My jaw dropped, smirking.

Mary sighed " Oh, Emma, he's right. I need help. And you need to do your job, or else I'm screwed. So, just please – do your job the best you can, and you'll prove me innocent. Until you do, I need some practical help. "

Mr. Gold " Trust me. This is in Miss Blanchard's best interests."

Emma"Good luck, Mary Margaret. I hope your best interests are what he's looking out for."

Then she left.

Mary shook her head " I can't pay you. "

Mr. Gold" I didn't ask for money"

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