(C) Chapter Thirteen: End to Rebellion

Start from the beginning

(Orochi is defeated)

Orochi: How could I lose...?!

(Initiating combat with Reina)

Reina: I will grant you death for your crimes here today!

(Corrin initiates combat with Reina)

Reina: I hope you know how upset Queen Mikoto has been as of late... She wants you home more than anything else.

Corrin: I... Please, tell her I don't want to fight against her.

Reina: You made your choice when you sided with Nohr. Just be aware that your actions have more consequences than you realize.

(Reina is defeated)

Reina: Such a pity...

(Initiating combat with Scarlet)

Scarlet: I won't let Nohr oppress my people any longer. For freedom!

(Corrin initiates combat with Scarlet)

Corrin: You're the leader of the rebellion...

Scarlet: And you're the leader of this army... Pathetic.

Corrin: What?

Scarlet: Nohr is not the side of righteousness. However, I know I can't change your mind. You've made your choice. Now, you must live with it!

(Scarlet is defeated)

Scarlet: Cheve will never bow down...

(Initiating combat with Takumi)

Takumi: I will not lose this time. Death to Nohr!

(Corrin initiates combat with Takumi)

Corrin: Takumi, please listen to me—

Takumi: The time for words is over. Fight or perish.

Corrin: Please forgive me...

(Azura initiates combat with Takumi)

Azura: Takumi, are you alright?

Takumi: What does it matter to you, traitor?!

Azura: You're not well...

Takumi: Shut up! Die already!

(Takumi is defeated)

Takumi: How could this happen...?

(After the battle, Corrin, Azura, and Takumi are left on the battlefield)

Takumi: No! How could I lose?! Not again...!

Corrin: It's over, Takumi. Return to Hoshido with your troops.

Takumi: Why can't I beat you?! You abandoned Hoshido! You abandoned Mother! You abandoned our family! Why can't I have the justice I deserve?!

Corrin: Takumi...

Takumi: I'll never forgive you... I won't rest until I've executed you myself. I swear our father's grave.

(Takumi leaves)

Azura: That isn't the Takumi I once knew... He's changed... He's so much more violent now... It's as if he's a different person.

Corrin: Do you think it's because I sided with Nohr...?

Azura: If I'm being honest, that likely played a part in it... But it still doesn't add up. He's so crazed and focused on destruction... I can't help but wonder if that's really Takumi.

Corrin: Huh? Of course it's Takumi. Who else would it—


Corrin: Someone's been hurt! What's going on over there?!

Azura: It's getting louder! Let's hurry!

(Scene transitions to show Hans attacking the Chevois people)

Hans: Death to those who defy Nohr! Death to the people of Cheve!

Corrin: Hans! Stop this, now! What do you think you're doing?!

Hans: I'm finishing the battle. King Garon ordered that they die, and so I am fulfilling his orders.

Corrin: We don't kill for the sake of killing! These are innocent commoners!

Hans: Villagers are just soldiers who haven't yet grabbed a blade.

Corrin: That's no excuse to take innocent lives! Stop this at once! I order you to drop your blade and let these people go!

Hans: These orders come straight from King Garon. You may be a noble, but the king's word is law.

Corrin: Father ordered you...?!

Hans: He did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to wrap things up here.

Corrin: Stop this madness! Hans!

(Hans leaves and Camilla approaches)

Camilla: This is truly a horrid sight... I wish things could be different.

Corrin: Camilla...

Camilla: Hans... He's already killed the rebels and Hoshidan soldiers we spared... Only your brother escaped... That rebel... Scarlet, I believe? They clearly meant to make an example of her death...

Corrin: Gods... If they had just listened to us, we could have talked things out. Now we'll never have that chance... Why, Camilla? Who wants to live in a world where a precious life is destroyed on a whim? Do innocent people really amount to that little? Is this the world Father is building? Is this what I've been fighting for? Is this the Nohr we all want?

Camilla: ...

Corrin: I don't understand... How could Father do this? Where is the justice? The respect for life? The mercy? The common decency?!

Camilla: I'm sorry, Corrin. I don't have the answers you're looking for. I believe only you can find what you seek. I know that Father makes some decisions far beyond my comprehension. Even as his blood, I know he wouldn't hesitate to end my life if I disobeyed...

Corrin: Then why are fighting for him?!

Camilla: I can't answer that... However, if you want to talk, I'll always be here for you.

Corrin: I... I think I need you now...

Camilla: Alright...

Corrin: Would you be willing to hold me as you did when we were young? I need your comfort now...

Camilla: Of course.

Corrin: I... I think I want to stay here for a while.

Camilla: I understand... We'll stay this way as long as you like... 


I accidentally forgot to post on this for a ridiculously long time so I'm going to do a miniature spam of it tonight


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