chapter six ... a little more interesting

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Gumusservi (n

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Gumusservi (n.)
the light of the moon as it shines upon the water.

"Shit, I have to go," Cooper rushed out as his phone vibrated on the table. "Where will you guys be in an hour?"

"Well, King and I will be at home," I replied. As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a foot kick my shin from under the table and noticed Benjamin looking at me with a cocked brow. I stared back with a confused expression but didn't say a word as I waited for him to speak.

"I was thinking we'd go to the beach for a late night swim," Benjamin informed us. I nodded and smiled, not wanting to show my disdain. All I wanted was to go home and lay in bed but I was trying to be a good wing-woman and Kingsley would kill me if I went home now.

"Perfect, I'll meet you lot there," Cooper said as he waited for Benjamin to exit the booth so he could make a run for the door. Once Benjamin sat back down, I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the booth.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, filling the silence.

"I have two things, actually," he started to say as he rested his hands on the table. "First things first, I know you're friends with Kingsley and I've heard some things about the two of you so I was just wondering if she's looking for a relationship?"

"What things have you heard?" I asked incredulously.

"Just that you both sleep around," Benjamin replied nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. I couldn't help as I burst out laughing at the table which startled him.

"She does not sleep around," I informed him while still laughing softly. "Just because they were right with me and I'm friends with her doesn't mean she's the same way. She definitely wants a relationship."

Benjamin suddenly fell silent and then I heard him curse under his breath. Leaning forward in my seat, I rested my arms on the table and tilted my head at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Sorry about that," Kingsley said as she returned to the table and slid in next to me. "Where's Cooper?"

"He had something he needed to do but he'll meet up with us later," Benjamin told her somewhat dryly. Kingsley didn't seem to notice the change in his behavior but for the rest of dinner he was rather standoffish.

Paying for our meal, we began to make our way out of the restaurant when I realized I had forgotten my wallet. Quickly walking back to the table, I saw that Kingsley had left her box of leftovers. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed them both and turned back around to make my way out of the building.

As I was walking past the kitchen, a pair of hands wrapped around my arm and pulled me through the double doors. My back was suddenly pushed against the cool tile and a pair of lips were on mine. Startled, I pulled back and looked up but smiled in relief when I saw who it was.

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