chapter five ... stir the pot

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Litost (n

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Litost (n.)
a state of torment created by the sudden sight
of one's own misery.

"There you are," Kingsley chirped as she approached us. Cooper pushed himself to his feet and turned around to hold a hand out to me with a smile. I grinned up at him and accepted his outstretched hand, allowing him to pull me to my feet. "We were thinking of grabbing some food, want to come?"

"Well, we did come here together," I teased as I glanced between her and Benjamin's still intertwined hands. "And I told you I'd be mom for the night so come on daughter, let's go feed you."

Kingsley laughed and rolled her eyes as Benjamin lead her toward his car. He hit the button on the remote and unlocked it before tossing the keys to Cooper. I chuckled and couldn't stop the smile from growing on my face as Benjamin opened the door for Kingsley to slide in.

"Where we going?" Cooper asked as he mimicked Benjamin and opened the passenger side door for me.

"You pick," I told him as he looked at me with a raised brow. "I'm not that hard to please, I promise. I trust your judgement."

Cooper nodded as he walked around the car and opened the driver's side door, climbing in. Just as I was about to slide in, I felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed Benjamin looking at me with an intense expression covering his features.

"Can you and I talk later? Privately?" He asked which caused me to furrow my eyebrows.

"Of course, but why?" I retorted as I placed my arms to rest on the roof of the car. But instead of responding, he opened up the door and slid in next to Kingsley in the backseat. I rolled my eyes as I pulled open the door and slipped in next to Cooper.


"My god, just pick a place," I groaned from the passenger seat as I slammed my head back against my headrest. "I'm starving."

"Okay, okay," Kingsley giggled from the backseat which caused me to turn my head to narrow my eyes at her. "I'm sorry, I should know better. Let's go to the Tavern."

"What do you mean, you should know better?" Cooper asked as he stopped at a red light and typed the restaurant into his GPS on his phone.

"Meaning once she gets hungry you have about ten minutes to get her something or else she turns into quite the bitch, no offense, El. That's why I always carry a granola bar in my purse," Kingsley informed the boys. They both laughed loudly and I folded my arms over my chest.

"Good to know," Cooper said as he flipped on his blinker and turned once the light was green. "I'll have to remember that."

I glanced over at him with a raised brow but he kept his eyes on the road. Suddenly, my phone went off in my lap and I looked down to see a text from Kingsley. I bit my lip to stop the laugh from escaping as I unlocked my phone.

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