Aftermath (Revised)

Start from the beginning

"Son," Martha greeted him. I moved aside letting her hug Clark as well. "Your daddy would be so proud." She told him, tightening her hug. "Just as much as I am."

"I know mom," Clark replied, releasing from the hug.

"Bruce, I'm glad you're alright," I told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You and Diana had me worried there."

"Honestly, for a moment I was a bit worried too." Bruce honestly admitted. I looked at Bruce for a moment seeing relief wash over him. I never saw Bruce show his true emotions like this. Something must have really gone down.

"Well, we had a good leader..." Diana said, giving Bruce a small encouraging smile. Bruce looked at her for a moment in thought before

"Where are the others?" I asked, just now realizing the others are not there with them. "Did somethi-"

"No, Mia, they're fine," Bruce said. "They just went back to their homes."


"I just came to make sure you were okay and I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions to ask," Bruce told me.

"You know me well, but I doubt you will want me to write this to Perry," I replied.

"Probably not."

"I'm glad to see that you are all okay," Martha told Diana and Bruce. Diana gave a small smile as Bruce nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Why don't you all come inside for some tea?" Martha offered.

"Oh, I don't-"

"He would love some." Diana chimed in, hooking her arm with his with a cocky grin.

Bruce sighed. "Yes ma'am. I would love some tea."


3rd POV

"Here you go," Martha said, placing the tea on the table

"Thank you, Miss Kent," Diana said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Anytime dear." Martha smiled. "Now I hate to be rude, but I must retire for the night...I have had no sleep since Clark left."

"Oh, well thank you for the great hospitality, Miss Kent," Diana replied. "The tea is delicious."

Martha smiled and headed toward her old room before wishing everyone a 'good night'.

"So, what happened with Steppenwolf and the boxes?" Mia asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"I decapitated him." Diana nonchalantly replied. Mia looked over at her in shock. She said it so calmly and casually. "It had to be done," Diana added.

Mia nodded. "Ok....what about the boxes?"

"I gave that task to Victor," Bruce began to say. "He took it to S.T.A.R. Labs."

"Before we came here we agreed that it's the best and most secure place in S.T.A.R. Labs. Since the military is already there guarding the Kryptonian ship." Clark said, leaning back in his chair.

"So what happens now?" Mia asked. "What of the team? Will you still work together?"

"Well, for now, we go our separate ways." Bruce started to say. "But, I do plan to extend my gratitude to all of you," Bruce said, looking toward Clark and Diana as they both exchanged confused glances.

"Anyway, we should go," Bruce said as his attention was turned toward Diana.

"Yeah, we should go." Diana agreed.

Man of Steel: Loving Mia JonesWhere stories live. Discover now