Chapter twenty five - Basilisk

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Y/n pov

You go to your dormitories and fall into a peaceful sleep.

"Y/n." You hear Tom say desperately.

"Tom? I thought it'd be longer." You say surprised at how fast he could contact you again.

"I'm growing stronger." He told you. You looked at him confused.

"What does that mean?" You ask skeptical.

"Don't worry about it." He brushes off.

"Your memory really helped us. Thank you." You tell him being weary.

"Glad I could be of use." Tom bowed his head.

"So Tom, why did you contact me?" You ask staring down the boy.

"I need to warn you. You mustn't find the monster, next time it'll kill." You nearly scoffed at his input.

"Tom, where are you getting this information?"

"I can't tell you. You'll know if you follow." He promises.

"You're acting strange." You tell him.

"I'm... still recovering." You glare at him.

"And I'm not naive enough to believe that excuse."

"Someone's coming, I must go." Tom lies.

"Someone's coming?" You ask.

Tom disappeared into the Darkness and you, looked around and saw Fudge he was talking to Dumbledore and Snape.

"Where is the girl?" Fudge asked.

"I'm no longer headmaster, I don't know." Dumbledore replies.

"She's a risk to the school." Fudge spits growing angry.

"What will you do if I knew, lock her away?" Dumbledore asks.

"At least until we can come up with a plan." The minister says regretfully.

"Do that now." Snape snapped at him.

"I need proof." Fudge told the two men.

"That's not responsible, the girl is of no danger to anyone." You've never seen Snape get that defensive.

"Watch your tone with me Severus." Fudge warns stepping towards the raven-haired man almost challenging him.

"Cornelius, he is like I concerned for the girl." Dumbledore says stepping in between the two.

"If it comes down to it, she'll be put near the less problematic people, not as violent." Fudge explains.

"Great, she'll be with the non problematic mass murders." Snape hissed.

"Severus, you of all people should understand why she's a potential threat." Cornelius fudge attempted to reason.

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