I chuckle. "If I am losing badly..."

"You won't be." She assured.

"IF I am losing badly, get her out of there. I don't want her to see that." I say looking down.

"You have it bad for her don't you. I can see it in your eyes. You care." Luna says finishing wrapping my left hand.

"I do Lun. More than anything." I nod.
She just smiles.

I put my hair up.

"Knock em dead tiger." Luna says wrapping an arm around me as we walk to the fighting pit.

Back to Clarke's POV (sorry)

Raven and I make it to a small pit with sand in it and it is surrounded by people. Almost the whole school is here. I can see Finn on the other side of the pit with his football gang laughing about something. On one side of the pit is football players, cheerleaders, too cool for school, and jocks of all kind supporting Finn and on the other side. Lexa's side is marching band kids, band kids, nerds that definitely have a crush on my Lexa. I mean. Not mine. On Lexa. And other kids that have been bullied by Finn and his team. I find all of our friends. I sit next to Bellamy and Octavia.

"Hey princess. It's a bit cold out want my jacket?" Bellamy says starting to take off his jacket.

"Oh no, Bell it's fine I have Lexa's jacket." I say lifting up the letterman jacket I was holding in my arms, putting it on.

He frowns. "Ok princess. You ready for the fight?" He says and smiles. Million dollars right there. But. Not million that I would pay.

I look at the sand pit that has a wooden fence around it. "Honestly no. I don't want to see her hurt. I know she is going to be hurt." I say and tears start welling in my eyes. I look away and see Luna and Lexa walking up. They are smiling about something and... wait is Lexa blushing. Lincoln walks over to them and Luna comes to me as Lincoln brings Lexa over to the ring.

"She has it big time for you girl." Luna says as she passes to sit with Raven. I blush.

Lexa jumps in the ring bouncing on the balls of her feet in her corner talking to Lincoln. Finn jumps in his side taking his shirt of. Girls awe but honestly Lexa has him beat on the ab game.

"What is going on Finn? Why is the entire school here?" Lexa says Turing to him.

"Why? You don't want to embarrass yourself." Finn says in a cocky tone.

"No I just feel bad for your ego. It's going to hurt by the end of this." Lexa says smirking. That's my girl. Wait. Not my girl.

"Ok! First to KO loses." Finn says gritting his teeth. He doesn't have any tape on his hands.

"Easy enough." Lexa says shrugging. I get up and run to her corner. She turns and looks at me.

"Lexa I'm going to be right here." I lightly touch her face and she smiles.

"Quit it with your girlfriend and fight me COMMANDER!!" Finn says making fun of the word commander. Lexa clenches her jaw. She turns to him.

"What you jealous. Can't get yourself a cute, smart, kind girl like Clarke." She says smirking and Finn charges after her. He goes to swing and she moves out of the way easily having him trip and fall on his face. Everyone laughs. He gets angry. He stands up and the two start circling eachother. Finn lunges and Lexa knocks him in the gut. He clutched his stomach and Lexa knees him and backs away.

"KEEP ON HIM LEXA STOP TOYING WITH HIM." Lincoln yells next to me. Lexa just waves at him, telling him to shut up and let her have her fun. I smile a little at the gesture.

Finn gets up and punch's Lexa square in the face. She is a little disoriented and he takes that to his advantage punching her in the gut. She punches him in the side and he backs off, shaking his fist. I bet it hurt to punch those abs.

The side of Lexa's face is bleeding. They both circle up again. Lexa lunges first and gets hit in the side if the head with his fist knocking her on the floor. I stare at Finn. How could he hurt her like that. He says something to her then looks up and winks. I gasp. Lexa sees. She stands up and starts attacking. From what I see she punches him in the face then grabs his head and knees him in the face. She then tosses his head back in the air and punches it. He falls.

7 seconds later he stands up. Face covered in blood. He is right by me and turns and spits his blood on me. Lexa goes off. She grabs his neck and throws him back. She runs over and wipes his bloody spit off my face and I touch her bloody face. All I can get out is "Lex." Before Finn grabs her and throws her on the wood fence cutting her arm and torso. She gets up and tackles him. She is straddling him and punching him nonstop in the face. All of her energy is going into the punches. You can't see his face anymore it's just blood. He reaches up and she grabs him finger and bends it ways we know it doesn't bend. That's when I know he said something about her friends. She continues hitting his face and he is fighting to get he off. Then he goes limp. She doesn't stop. Lincoln and Luna hop the fence and drag her off of him. His friends jump in and try waking him up. She won. Easily.


Lexa and I are laying in her room. She is still in her fighting clothes on her bed. I am sitting up next to her cleaning her cuts and putting ice on her bruises.

"What did he say to make you go off like that Lex?" I ask while I lightly run my fingers through her hair.

"He said. Um. Well." Lexa starts but turns her head from me. I frown. Instead of running my fingers through her hair I ran them up and down her abdomen, dodging her bruises. She turns back. I don't stop. I think she is enjoying this as much as I am. "He said after he finished me he would fight you. Then he winked at you and everything when black."

I smile. "Now he won't come anywhere close to me. Thanks to you." I smile at Lexa. She smiles back. I lay down next to her keeping my hand on her abs. I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Hey. Do you want to talk about what happened in the garage?" She asked putting her hand on top of mine that in on her torso. "I don't want to force you into anything."

"Lexa. Do you think I would be laying in your bed with my hand on your deadly gorgeous abs if I didn't want to. Do you think I would stand on the side of a fence during a fight if I didn't like you. Do you think I would do this if I don't like you." With that I lean up and lightly kiss her. Her lips freeze for a moment then she kisses back. We kiss for 2 minutes and I back away.

"So you do like my abs." She says and smiles. I laugh and lay my head in her shoulder. "Hey Clarke."

"Yes Lex?"

"Will you go on a date with me."

"Of course."

(2025 words)

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