Chapter 99 : Pool Party Ponies

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

(August 7th, 2021)

Stacy's POV

Graser, Will, Shelby, and I were sitting in the living room of our house. Liam had Gracy, Luke, and Nature, outside, entertaining them while we are planning there birthday party. There birthdays are within a few months of each other so we thought it would be best for them to share a party, rather having 3 different ones so close.

"Gracy already has a horse, maybe we can get Nature and Luke ponies too?" Shelby suggested. "Thats a good idea!" I exclaimed. Graser rolled his eyes, probably not wanting more animals to deal with. "Maybe... it might just be better to get a foal. Well, a yearling." Will said. "What about shire foals? They are much more workable," I say, looking at horse descriptions on Google. "Stacy, shires are BIG and FURRY. They require much more maintenance and I'm not exactly wanting to handle another horse, let alone two." Graser replied, annoyed. "Look, I'm better now. I can handle it." "Just remember, if these horses end up being too much to handle, you'll probably break a few little hearts if we have to get rid of them." He said, getting up and walking away. I sighed, he's got a point. "I'm perfectly happy taking care of a horse. I can help!" Shelby exclaimed. "And let's not forget about me!" Said H, coming in from outside with the kids following them. "Hey! We're talking!" I said. "Oh, sorry. I did not know." He replied, grabbing the kids and gesturing for them to follow him back outside. "How'd you know what we were talking about then?" Will asked. "I didn't, I just randomly decided to say 'don't forget about me.'" He answered, we all laughed.

Graser's POV

I swear. We can never have enough horses, can we?! Stacy just thinks that it's so easy, yet she's not even the one doing the work. I do the boring stuff like feeding the horses and cleaning the stalls, Will does the semi-boring jobs like brushing the horses and bathing them, and all Stacy does is feed them treats, play around with them in the pasture, and occasionally ride them. If she did help, I'd be more willing to get another horse.

As I was sitting on our bed and thinking, I got a text message from a random number. I looked closer at the number before recognizing it, it was my old neighbors who sold me Maggie and Pogonip. The text was convenient, yet kinda horrible for me, the freaking horse caretaker.

"Hey! From following you on Facebook and what not, we think you're the cutest little family! And we know that it is almost your son's birthday. For a gift, how about our two shire yearlings looking for a good home?"

Great. I guess I can't say no to this. I texted them back, asking when I should go get the horses, and they said whenever and even right now if I wanted to. I figured why not, so I asked them their address, they gave it to me, I got up, grabbed the car keys, and headed out to the living room. "Where are you going, Graser?" Stacy asked. "Somewhere. And you better appreciate it." I said with a smirk before leaving, she had a confused look as I left.

At the neighbor's new farm...

I arrived at a pretty nice farm, a brand new barn and indoor arena. I was immediately greeted by my neighbors, and they led me to a paddock with the biggest horses I've ever seen. They were Sparky's age, but probably five feet taller than him. One was grey and white and the other was black and white. "They don't actually have names, so I say you should let your kids name them!" My neighbor said. "We probably will. I think one will be for our son and the other will be for our friend's son." "Oh, you can't separate these guys! They're too close! They'll go crazy without each other!" "We won't! My friend lives in your old house! So we'll still have the horses together, don't worry!" "Oh, ok! Good!"

After loading up the horses in the trailer, we went home to be greeted by Stacy who was doing something with Pogonip. "Graser! You... you already got them horses?!" She asked in disbelief. I nodded with a smirk. "Go get them and blindfold them so it's a surprise!" I exclaimed, she nodded and ran back in the house, leaving Pogonip standing there like 'well alrighty then.'

I got the horses out of the trailer and sat there holding their leads. The grey one kept nibbling on me while the black one was looking around at his surroundings, puzzled as to where he was.

Stacy's POV

"Gracy? Nature? Luke?" I called, looking for them. I eventually found them in their room. "Mommy, can I get this horsie?" Gracy asked, showing me Will's phone with an eBay listing of a Breyer horse. "Why do you have Will's phone?" I asked, taking it from her. She shrugged her shoulders. "But can I get that horsie?" She asked, tugging on my shirt. I looked at the price which was $47. "Not right now, honey bunny. Maybe another time. But me and daddy have a surprise for you guys!" I exclaimed. Then came Shelby and H into the room. "Oh, hey." They said. "Hi." I replied, giggling. "Can I tell you something?" I whispered, they nodded. "Ok. Stay here, guys." I told the kids and we left the room. "Graser already... somehow bought them horses. We're gonna blindfold the munchkins and take them outside, ok?" I asked, they nodded, excitedly. We did just that, and we carried the kids outside where Graser and Will were. H had Nature, Shelby had Luke, and I had Gracy of course. "Alright, are you guys ready to see your early birthday gift?" I asked, setting Gracy down. H and Shelby also set Luke and Nature down. We counted to three and took their blindfolds off, and Gracy screamed of joy while Luke and Nature had the biggest smiles on their faces as they ran to the horses. I went over to Graser, Will, Shelby, and H and stood between them, smiling. "We made those, guys. And I'm forever grateful that we did." I said, looking at the kids playing with the horses. "Same." Will replied. "And I'm forever grateful that you all decided to join The Cube. And Shelby, thank you for... however we met." Graser said, smiling at us. Shelby laughed. "Not to ruin the moment but I didn't make any of those." Said H, making us laugh. "You're still part of the family, Liam. Don't worry." I said, hugging him. "Hehe, thanks, Stacy." He said, hugging me back. "And H, you've been a lot of help. And I think that if you hadn't been there when I first found out I was pregnant, or just hadn't been there at all, I don't think I would've had Luke. So thank you for that." Shelby said, hugging him. "You're very welcome, Shelby." "Shubomb isn't a thing and it won't ever be, just saying. But I still love you as a friend." She said, making us laugh. "Yes, exactly. Same." H replied.

We hung out outside all day, and it started raining eventually. And the kids wanted to play in the mud. "No! Don't... actually, screw it. Have a blast. Mom doesn't care anymore."

They had a great time in the mud with their horses, and us adults kept relaxing on the porch. I actually fell asleep, leaning on Graser.

Today was a crazy day.

And the next chap is the last chap. 1200 words, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap.

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