Chapter 90 : Falling From a High Place

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

As I felt Pogonip slipping and sliding all around and trying to get to his hooves again, I thought for sure that he couldn't do it, but he did. Even he took a deep breath once he was balanced and ok again. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Oh man. You almost killed us, buddy boy." I said, he shook his head up and down as if he was nodding. After almost falling from a high place, we decided it was a good idea to head home since it was getting dark. I carefully turned Pogonip around and we headed back up the steep staircase and through the woods, and once out of the thick forest, we galloped home, it really does feel great to ride my own horse again without my back hurting me. Eventually we made it home at around 8:45pm, I got off of my handsome stallion and took his gear off. I then gave him a bath to get rid of the mud and dirt even though trying to keep a white horse clean is basically impossible, I've learned that over the years. After slightly bathing him, I put him in the pasture and fed all the ponies, I then went inside to go see what everyone was up to. Will was filming a video with Nature in his lap, and Graser was on the couch and on his phone. "Hey. Did you discover anything on your little adventure?" He asked as I sat down next to him. "Apparently there's like a little cave looking thing on the trail we always go to, and me and Pogonip almost fell to our deaths." I answered. "Uh oh, what happened?!" He asked. "We were going down the staircase and he tripped or something but thankfully, he caught himself from falling." "Well, alright, that's a good thing." He replied, I nodded. "We should watch a movie." I said. "Maybe after you get a shower. You smell like horse, dirt, just... the outdoors, and that's not a good thing." He replied. "Wow, thanks. I love you too, Graser." I replied, sarcastically as I got up, he laughed. I did go get a shower cause I agreed, I did need one. After I put my pjs on, I sat on my bed and just started thinking about everything. I always feel bad that Graser and Will always try to make me happy, but I don't think I've smiled the least bit since Gracy went missing. Before I was too deep in thought, I got up to go watch a movie with Graser.

Third person POV

While Stacy and Graser watched their movie and Will recorded a video with Nature, Gracy was somewhere else, but she was ok. She wasn't hurt, but she wanted to go back to her mommy and daddy very much. She doesn't like the guy who claimed to be taking her for a pony ride, and she has a suspicion he's up to no good, she wants to leave him. Luckily, Stacy always told her what to do in certain situations like this, and she remembered very well. She was currently in a small car while the guy who took her was having a conversation with someone outside, so Gracy undid her seatbelt, and quietly opened the door. She then hopped out and crouched behind the car. She made her way around to the front of the car and started peeking around it, the guy who took her wasn't facing her, she could sneak past him. So she plastered herself to the wall of the building they were in front of, and carefully made her way past the guy. But just as she was about to run across the street to maybe flag somebody down, he noticed her. "Hey, get back in the car." He growled, but Gracy knew a lot better now. "No, you took me from my mommy and my daddy and my friend, Will and my horsie, Holly. I hate you." She said, then he came after her, but Gracy didn't run... yet. As soon as he was close enough, despite her size, she did what Stacy always told her. She kicked him in the nuts, and punched him in the face before sprinting across the street, leaving the guy in the dust. Once on the other side of the street, she started jumping up and down and waving. "Can anyone help me?! That guy is after me and I hate him!" She yelled, but no one stopped, and soon came the guy. Gracy immediately ran into the woods, she figured she could lose him if she hid somewhere, and that's what she did. She found a hollow tree trunk on the ground that she hid in, and she watched as the guy looked around for her. Then she got a little cocky, she picked up a handful of rocks and started throwing them at him, and eventually, she threw a big rock at him and hit him square in the head, knocking him out. "Hehe, that's what you get, jerk!" She said before getting up, then she started wandering through the woods. Before long, she was in quite a predicament. She already has no idea if she's near her home or not, she wandered so far into the woods that she doesn't know where that road is, and it's getting dark. She didn't like nighttime in Canada, there's lots of bears, wolves, coyotes, and many more animals like rabid foxes, they're actually the worst of the animals around there. After it was completely dark, Gracy was very tired from running and walking around all day, so she found a big tree and sat down between its big roots in the ground. Luckily she already had a little coat on, but the temperature can drop to around 30 degrees at nighttime, even if it was 90 during the day. As Gracy was starting to doze off, she heard something, making her jump. She looked around, and the sound kept getting closer, it sounded like a rather large animal walking towards her. Gracy slouched down against the tree, she didn't know what that was, it could be a bear or a moose. As she saw a shadow casting on the bushes from the moonlight, she closed her eyes as she didn't even wanna know what was after her. But once the sound of larger footsteps came to a stop only a few feet ahead of her, she opened her eyes and looked up. It was...

Cliffhanger! (Most chaps from here on out will be cliffhangers) Also, a fun little thing, what do you think is after Gracy?! Leave your guesses in the comments! But y'all, I cannot believe we're on chap 90! That means there's only 10 chaps left! But do not fear, for I have another FF coming out only a week after this one ends! Yep, a whole new Gracy fanfic! I also have 4 new short stories in the works, one of which should be released this weekend, but I'm not gonna promise that. Anyway, sorry this was only 1100 words, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

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