Chapter 78 : 100th Hospital Visit

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy! (I'm currently listening to 'Let's Get Retarded' on repeat XD)

Stacy's POV

The next day...

I was woken up by Graser, it was like 8am. "No, too early." I mumbled, he chuckled. "Don't you want to help start building the horse pastures?" He asked excitedly. "In a few hours, not right this freaking moment." I answered. "Ok, fine." He replied, he then walked away, and I went back to sleep. But I woke up again at around 12pm, that's usually how late I sleep in. I got up and did my morning routine of seeing where everyone is. Will was still in bed, he was awake but he was on his phone, and Gracy was playing with Nature and watching cartoons in their room. "I want that horse!" She yelled at Nature. "Hey, be nice." I said. "But I had it first!" She replied. "That doesn't matter, you guys need to share." I told her. She sighed and grabbed another toy horse out of a bin filled with probably 100 toy horses. "You've got all of those horsies to play with, you don't need to fight over one." I said, she ignored me, but I think I got my point across so I left them to work it out themselves while I went to get myself some breakfast. I quickly got myself a bowl of cereal, I then went back to my bedroom and sat on my bed, I started looking at Twitter like I do every morning. After awhile, I noticed that Will was staring at me considering when our bedroom doors are open, we can see each other across the hallway. "Can I help you?" I asked, he just laughed. "What's up? What are you looking at on your phone?" He asked. "None of your business." I answered, I was really just looking at a Wikipedia page about Lipizzaner horses. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "How to teach myself to wake up to the sound of my alarm clock." He answered, I giggled. "Is that what I was hearing this morning?" I asked, I had been hearing what sounded like an alarm at like 6am. "Yeah." He answered with a chuckle, I shook my head at him. I continued eating my small breakfast and reading about Pogonip's breed, eventually I got up and got dressed to head outside. I figured I was gonna be getting down and dirty so I didn't put on anything too fancy, just a random T-shirt and some old jeans I've had for probably 6 years. "Hey guys, wanna come outside with me and daddy?" I asked as I went in Gracy and Nature's room. "Yeah!" They both said excitedly as they jumped up, Nature is getting the hang of saying smaller words by the way. "Will? You're just gonna... stay in here in the air conditioning and be lazy?" I asked. "I'll come help eventually." He said. "Eventually, aka, never." I replied, he laughed. I went outside with the kiddos, they went and started adventuring around out front, I went to see what Graser was doing. "Alright, miss Stacy. The first thing we gotta do isn't a fun thing." He started as I walked over to him. "We have to dig a hole for each and every post for the fencing." He said. "Oh, how lovely." I replied, sarcastically. "Luckily we don't need to dig that deep, and the ground is wet cause it rained last night, so hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult." He said, it was gonna be a royal pain in the butt no matter what. "Where are these pastures even gonna go?" I asked. "A tiny bit into the forest to give the horses some shade, and all the way out to the street, and as far as width, from our house to H and Shelby's house. We'll just build a whole perimeter and start with that, then we can divide that perimeter into as many paddocks as we want." He explained, I nodded in agreement. "And we're just winging it? No plans or anything?" I asked. "If ya look closely, you'll see that I put little stakes in all the places we need to dig about a foot deep, and about 8" wide." He answered. "Well, let's get to it I suppose!" I exclaimed. We both went in the garage and grabbed some shovels, we then started digging. Eventually Will came and joined us, but this probably won't be a one-day project, it'll probably take a few days, especially since it's quite hot, it's about 80 degrees currently. Soon an hour had gone by, I was already sick of doing this. I wasn't necessarily tired or hot, I just got bored. "Hey, Grase?" I called, I was near the street and he was way over by the woods. "Yeah?" He yelled back. "Is there anything else I can do? This is boring!" I said. "You can start mixing the cement!" He replied, that didn't sound fun either. "Anything else?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "Uhh, you could start putting the posts in the holes if they're deep enough!" He answered, that wasn't fun either but I went ahead and started doing that. One by one, I grabbed a wooden post out of Will's truck and drug it to a hole before putting it in the hole, I repeated this annoying process for probably close to a half hour. Eventually I ran out of freaking posts, so that could be a problem. "Uhh, Graser?" I asked. "What's up?" He asked back. "We ran out of posts..." I said. "Oh, that's a problem." He replied, I giggled as I nodded. "I could go buy more, I know my way around a hardware store." I said. "Nice rhyme." He replied, I giggled. "But ok, if ya want. Just be careful!" He said before kissing me, I went inside and grabbed Will's car keys, I then headed back outside and to his truck. "Mommy? Where are you going?" Gracy asked. "I have to get more things to build the horsie farm! I'll be back in a bit!" I answered. "Can I come with you?" She asked. "Well... ok, but you better not get into any trouble while we're there." I said, she smiled and hopped in the car. "I'm taking Gracy with me!" I told Graser so he wouldn't think she went missing. He gave me a thumbs up and with that, I headed to the store.

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