Chapter 43 : A Reason To Play With Toys Again

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Hey friends! New chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

Not again, please not again. I can't handle anymore fear of being raped or murdered. Graser's in freaking jail, and William is just, he's, I don't think he's the greatest protection in the world. He can easily out-think people and can think fast in serious situations, but physically, he's not the biggest or strongest guy, I don't think he'd be the greatest fighter. He makes me feel safer at least, I just hope that whoever that person is who claims to be Nathan stays the you know what away. I know that can't be Nathan, he's never been attracted to me whatsoever, and he's got a girlfriend, I know he does cause he posted something on Twitter about their date they went on last night. I'm just praying that whoever that is doesn't come here, I'm also worried for William's safety. Him and Graser have a tendency to challenge people and think they can take on anyone, I know that if anyone comes in this house, Will is gonna get his gun and go for it. Last thing I want is something happening to him before his baby is born. I shoved those thoughts out of my mind before laying my head on Will's chest and falling asleep.

The next morning...

That might be the new record holder for worst sleep of my life. Max and Shadow kept messing with my hair, Page kept jumping on top of me, I kept getting sick, I kept having to pee, Gracy kept crying, and best of all, Will is the opposite of Graser when he sleeps, he's an animal. He kept stealing my covers, dreaming and sleep-talking, changing positions and rolling over literally every 30 seconds, he'd dream he was in a fight or something and smack me in the face, and essentially, I might not share a bed with him tonight. I woke up before him, even though I got maybe, five minutes of sleep? I decided to serve a tad bit of revenge. I stole his covers and kept pretending I was dreaming and kicked him like he did to ME. "Yo Stacy, quit kicking me." He said looking at me. "See how it feels?! All freaking night you've been stealing my covers, smacking me in the face, talking in your sleep, kicking me, shall I continue?!" I asked laughing, it was pretty funny but I'm annoyed cause I didn't get barely ANY sleep. "Oh, sorry, I can't exactly control what my body does when it's asleep." He replied, I rolled my eyes. We both got up to do our daily routine of cleaning, cooking, filming, and relaxing.

Three months later... (sorry if it's a challenge for y'all to remember the date, it's supposed to be about the middle of May)

At this point, I don't know what's worse. The pregnancy, or the birth? I'm not sure cause this has been beyond THE WORST pregnancy ever, and it's still not going to end for another 3 months. At the moment, besides the challenges of motherhood, everything is pretty good. Turns out the person behind those texts claiming to be Nathan, was just some random person who lost a bet between him and his friends, his punishment was to text someone random from Twitter a creepy text message, he apologized after a day or two, and I forgave him. Gracy is doing amazing, Maggie's baby of her own is healthy, we're still on track with our daily uploads, Graser resolved all of his court and jail nonsense, and Will and Titan have been getting really good at jumping together, they even signed up for a horse show next month. Our pets are doing good, I don't think I ever mentioned that William buried Night over in the field where they always practiced dressage together. The rest of Night was cremated though, he sits on a little shelf in the living room with pictures of him. (It might sound brutal but yes, normally only the horse's head and legs are buried while the body is cremated) We recently did DNA tests on all of our ponies to learn a little more about them, Maggie is 16 years old and her breed is what's called a Friesian Horse, Pogonip is 10 years old and is a Lipizzaner Horse, and Titan is a Warlander obviously but he's also 10 years old. Maggie really loves escaping as well, so much so that Graser got the vet to sedate her and put a tracking thingy in her shoulder, it's essentially a microchip but it tells him where she is at all times. We never worry too much when she gets out cause she knows to stay off of the road, she knows not to go near any people but us, she always comes home before it gets dark, but there's only one threat that worries us. The swamp that's around the corner, she loves to go swimming in it but my fear is the thick mud, she could get stuck and drown. Also there's all kinds of fish and bacteria in it, anytime she does go in there, she returns covered in slimy gross green stuff, it's a matter of time before she gets sick from it. Graser has started calling her a Kelpie because of her love for the swamp. (If you don't know what a Kelpie is, pls google it rn) Anyway, it's been really quiet today, like, really really quiet, unusually quiet. I've been in bed all day cause my stomach has been killing me anytime I move so I don't know where anyone is. "William? Graser? Are you guys still here?" I asked, soon Will came in the bedroom. "I'm here, Graser's at the store. Before you get pissed at him, he told me to tell you but I forgot, sorry." He said. "Oh, um, ok." I replied, I didn't really care but it was a little awkward cause me and Will haven't been by ourselves since Graser went to jail. "Is there an issue?" He asked. "No, I'm just bored since I can't do anything." I answered. "Why's that?" He asked. "My freaking stomach is hurting again, I'm not having any babies for awhile after this one." I replied. "I think two kids is enough anyway." He said chuckling, I nodded. "Also Stacy, if you can manage to follow me too the living room..." He started, I did manage to get up with a tad bit of his help. I followed him to the living room where there was three big boxes. "What's that?" I asked sitting down. "I managed to talk to my parents and convince them to do a small favor, I asked them to gather all of my toys from when I was a kid and mail them to us for our kids!" He said excitedly. "Ooh really?" I asked smiling. "Yep! This is gonna bring back some nostalgia." He said opening the box. "Oh my gosh, these little guys were my absolute favorite as a kid!" He said looking inside, it was FULL of toy horses. "Aw they're so cute! I didn't know you liked horses as a kid!" I said picking up one of the horses, it was a cute black and white horse with furry feet. "Of course I did! I had horses for neighbors where I lived so that's essentially why I liked them." He answered, I nodded as I kept looking through at least 100 little horses, he had every horse color, pattern, shape, everything in that box. "How many do you have?! My goodness!" I said. "Um, I think around 100." He answered. "Oh my gosh." I replied. "Aw, this was my favorite one, his name was Brian, I know it was." He said holding up a cute reddish brown horse with white feet. "Aw, that's a, weird, name, for a horse." I said giggling. "Yeah I know, I was only about 5 when I got these guys." He said looking through the rest of the horses. "It's honestly crazy how I can remember all of these guys, I remember the specific trip to the toy store I took for each and every one of them." He said. "Then you have one heck of a memory!" I replied. "I haven't even gone through this box." He said opening another other box, it was filled with accessories for the little horses. "Oh... my... gosh... you have a lot of horse toys." I said giggling. "Yes I do, this is all of my little barns and fences and outfits for them." He said. "I'm assuming the other box is also horses?" I asked smiling. "Do not know, let's find out." He said opening it, it had stuffed animals in it. "Aw, cute!" I said picking up a dog plushie, it looked like Page a little bit. "Do you think our kids will approve?" He asked. "Oh yes, I can't wait to have a reason to play with toys again myself." I said giggling, he laughed. Soon I heard Graser slam his car door, he came in the house with a confused look. "What are you confused about robot?" I asked walking over to him, I tripped over Molly who was saying hi to Graser, and just as I caught my balance, I tripped over the little horses, luckily Graser caught me. "That's what I'm confused about! Where did all of this come from?!" He asked looking through everything. "They're Will's old toys! His parents mailed them to us for our kids!" I answered. "Aw thank you Mr. William!" He said, Will nodded and walked off, soon he came back with Gracy. He put her on the living room carpet and dumped out the box of horses, she began playing with the horse named Brian. "See, Brian is everyone's favorite." Said Will sitting with her. "I wanna play too!" Said Graser also sitting down, him and Will played with Gracy while I watched, I didn't want to join because Gracy needs some bonding time with them, she's been glued to me since the day she popped out. Soon playtime ended and Will put her back to sleep while Graser started dinner. We all ate and watched a movie before falling asleep together, as usual.

Sorry for another short chap, me and my mom had to help a friend get their cat out from behind the fridge, he was being curious and fell back there by accident, he's ok tho! Anyway, the pics below are of my toy horses, they're by a brand called "Schleich" and I have over 100, also I included the pics so you got an idea of what Will's horse toys looked like, I based them off of mine obviously. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

(Below is mine and Will's favorite boy named Brian)

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(Below is mine and Will's favorite boy named Brian)

(Below is mine and Will's favorite boy named Brian)

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