Chapter 49 : Two Births, One Day

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Hey friends, another birth chap for you to use to roast me on my knowledge. I'm pretty damn smart, alright?! Just not when it comes to this kind of stuff... I can promise you that Maggie giving birth will be much more accurate than Stacy giving birth, if you don't believe me, feel free to google 'horses giving birth.' Anyway, enjoy!

Will's POV

This is lovely. "Can you get Stacy in the living room?" I asked, Graser nodded and ran back to her, I ran back to Maggie who was up and walking around, I could see the foals (Baby horse's) feet sticking out. I went in the pasture and over to her to see if she could have the foal on her own, I'd much rather not need to help, not because it's gross or anything, because I need to tend to Stacy. She seemed to be doing ok on her own, she was pushing while standing up. I decided to lend her a hand and pull a little bit, I at least wanted to make sure the head was out before I left her on her own. I then thought, 'what am I thinking?' A horse's water usually breaks seconds before the baby comes, people on the other hand, it takes up to three days for the baby to come out after their water breaks, I have nothing to worry about, I can sit with Maggie all I want. Soon Graser came outside with Stacy in his arms. "What are you doing?!" I asked. "I wanted to see Maggie have her baby!" Stacy answered, I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care really. Maggie walked in circles before standing still and pushing again, she wasn't really getting anywhere, she needed to lay down. After awhile, I decided to help a little more, I grabbed the foals feet and pulled, Maggie wasn't enjoying it. No more than 2 minutes later, the foals head was out, and it was sliding out because of gravity. As the foals shoulders slid out, I grabbed onto it as it fell out. I gently laid him down on the ground and looked at myself, I was covered in gallons of blood and fluid. I then grabbed a towel that Graser gave me and dried the foals face and nose off, it immediately started breathing and looking around, it was the cutest thing in the world. It was deep black with a little white foot like Titan. Maggie soon came over and began licking and cleaning the foal. "Awe it's so adorable!" Stacy said, despite the fact that she's in labor herself. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Graser asked, I checked, it was a boy. "Boy." I answered, he's so cute, I sat there petting him. After I stopped myself from hugging the adorable foal all day, I did what I did with Stacy and took the umbilical cord and tied it in a knot so Maggie wouldn't step on it and pull the placenta out by accident. Soon Pogonip and Titan came over, they were in the pasture the whole time, they just didn't care to see what was up. Titan sniffed the foal and walked away, he wasn't very interested, despite the fact he's probably the dad. Pogonip did the same, he checked the situation out, saw that there's no food or treats, and left. As I stood up and looked at something I saw out of the corner of my eye, I realized something serious, this paddock isn't meant for a foal, he can easily get out of here and get hit by a car. We need to put some more boards on the bottom of the fencing, then he can't get out. "Graser?" I asked, he looked at me. "Go to the hardware store, get some plywood or something to make it so he can't get out." I said pointing at the foal and the fence. Graser nodded and left Stacy with me while he went to the store. We sat there watching the adorable foal try to stand, after about 15 minutes, he was finally up and walking around. Once Graser was home about a half hour later, I took Stacy back inside while he started fixing up the paddock.

Five hours later...

We were all watching tv, Stacy was on the floor like she was last time, soon we fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up at 3am by, Graser?! "What?" I asked. "I might've hit my hand with the hammer earlier, it's killing me. Imma go to urgent care or something, let me know if anything happens with Stace." He said, he put on a decent outfit before leaving, I knew that he couldn't have done that whole pasture without hurting himself somehow. I started going back to sleep when it was time. "Will, get over here!" Stacy said, I went to get towels and things before I sat down with her. "W-where's Graser?" She asked. "He hurt himself with the hammer when he was building the fence and went to the doctor, I'm not too sure he'll be back anytime soon." I answered, she didn't look happy, I'M not happy, she's gonna flip a lid when I probably have to help and there's no one to assure her that she's ok, I'm gonna have to hope she can do it on her own while I comfort her. I decided to take a risk, I'd rather hold her hand and calm her down than help, I'll still make sure that everything is correctly in position though. "Alright Stacy, you know what to do!" I said, she didn't hesitate one bit like last time, she began pushing as hard as she could right away. She was pushing so violently, I worried she'd hurt herself. "You're doing good! Just a few more pushes!" I said rubbing her back, I'd reach down there every now and then to make sure everything is good, so far it has been, until now. Stacy's been pretty quiet the whole time, until she screamed bloody murder. "What?!" I asked, I checked her out, the baby was wedged a little. It didn't take much for me get it unstuck, she then resumed pushing, I was a little concerned though when she screamed. I crossed my fingers hoping that there's no more issues, and that her screaming was just a reaction and she's not injured on the inside. Soon the head was out, then the shoulders, then the baby slid out of her. "Good job Stacy! A little easier now that you've had a few babies." I said getting up, I grabbed my baby and wiped them off with a towel, soon they began breathing just fine, it was a baby boy. "It's a boy." I said with the biggest smile, Stacy began crying happy tears. Soon our happiness, was replaced with fear, Stacy was bleeding, a lot. "I don't mean to alarm you, you are bleeding, very very bad." I said, her smile faded very quickly. I don't know what to do, she's bleeding so much that we can't wait on an ambulance, and I can't take her myself, what the hell do I do?! I'm a nurse yeah, but I don't have any equipment to see what's going on inside there, nor do I have anything to fix her up with. The only thing I can do is see what the problem is by 'feeling around.' That's exactly what I did, and soon the problem only got worse. It's twins.

Ooh, another cliffhanger! Sorry for the short chap, I've been working on something else that has to do with #Gracy, you'll find out soon enough! Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

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