Chapter 58 : The Bad News Bears

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy! (Ps. This chap is based off of my moms soccer team XD)

Will's POV

Two weeks later...

Today is a good day so far. I got the job as a JV soccer coach. But what I'm about to do will make or break my already good day. I'm going to go meet my team that I'll be coaching. I really freaking hope that they're not as bad as people say they are, apparently it's the same group of girls that the school had last year, none of which know anything about soccer, nor have they even really played before, and everyone says they suck. I don't really care about winning as much as I care about having fun and making friends, therefore it honestly won't matter to me if they're terrible, I just don't wanna get terribly beat every single freaking time, I'd like to be a little decent. The only bad thing that's happened is that Gracy and Nature have a bad cold, they're staying the night at the hospital, but they'll be fine, the doctors just want them in good health before we bring them home. "Guys, I'm leaving! Anyone coming with me?" I asked from the living room, I have reason to believe that Stacy and Graser have been, 'trying for a baby' lately. "We're coming!" Said H and Shelby running over to me from the kitchen. Yeah, they're still here, and I'm kinda getting sick of them. Soon Stacy and Graser came from their room, then we were off to the high school.

At the high school soccer field...

We pulled up at the soccer field, it was pretty decent. I then met up with the varsity coach who gave me a bunch of soccer balls, I thanked her and soon the school let out, and here came about 30 girls. "Hello guys!" I said to them. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" They all said in a cheery voice. "I'm William but you can call me Will, and I'll be your coach for this year." I said, they all nodded, I then wrote down all of their names and such for a group chat. "So a little about myself, I'm from England and I've played soccer pretty much all my life, I'm an unprofessional professional. I might not be in the World Cup, but I'm pretty good." I said, they laughed. "Alright, shall we start practicing?" I asked, they nodded. "Alright, go make two teams and get this ball in the goal." I said as I threw a ball on the field, I'm doing this to see what I'm working with. They made two teams and started going after the ball, and gosh darn it, they are NOT the best from what I can see. I let them fight for the ball a little while before I called them back to me, I then started getting them to do some basic drills such as two-touches and passing back and forth. I was watching one girl named Kayla who didn't have any enthusiasm at all, it's like she's forced to be here. I also have a very tough task that's soon to come, being the coach, I have the terrible ability to cut people from the team. I'll eventually have to pick my best players and cut the rest, it'll be so hard for me considering I'm so kind. My thoughts were interrupted when one girl kicked the ball without stopping it, therefore it took off and almost hit me. "Go get that, and stop it before you kick it please." I said, it's hard for me to show authority, but I'll have to toughen up a little if I'm gonna be yelling across the soccer field at my team. "Sorry!" She said as she ran to get the ball. "It's fine, you learn from your mistakes." I replied with a smile. I continued giving them things to do, I think that my best player so far is named Molly, but even she isn't that great, but I'm not judging just yet, we've only been playing for about an hour. There's one issue that's literally making me grind my teeth, they are not looking up, they're staring at their feet the whole freaking time. "Guys, look up! Don't be looking at your feet, look at where you are kicking the ball." I yelled, they still continued doing it. I then decided to put together a legitimate scrimmage, and I'm no longer trying to sugarcoat it, they're awful. They wear themselves out trying to chase the ball, they kick the ball away when it comes to them as if it's gonna kill them, they ask for the ball when they're surrounded by 10 people, they kick the ball but don't follow it, instead they just sit and stare at it, they kick the ball to the center of the field which is a big no no, and yeah, a lot of other things. I then called them back to me to talk to them about a few things. "Alright guys, lemme introduce you to my friends H, Shelby, Stacy, and Graser." I said as I gestured for them to come over. "Is your name really just H?" Asked Molly giggling. "No, it's Liam but I go by H for some reason." He answered, they all giggled. "Why are we over here?" Asked Stacy. "Because, H?" I asked, he looked at me. "Go stand over there." I said, he went to where I pointed to, I then nailed the ball, H stopped it. "Guys, do you think you can outrun that ball?" I asked my team, they all shook their heads. "No, so why waste your energy chasing it?" I asked, they shrugged their shoulders. "Also, what did H do when the ball got to him, did he kick it away like it's a rabid dog after him?" I asked, they shook their heads again. "No, he put his foot on it and stopped it, he didn't kick it away because it would've probably hit someone or something if he did." I said, they nodded. "Also..." I started as I stood in front of Shelby, Stacy, and Graser. "Let's say that Stacy, Graser, and Shelby are the other team, if I'm here saying 'hey, give me the ball,' if I get that ball and turn around, where am I gonna go with the other team right behind me?" I asked, they shrugged their shoulders again. "I'm gonna go nowhere, Stacy, Shelby, or Graser will take the ball right back. So why am I gonna ask for the ball if I'm not open?" I asked as I looked at the girl named Savanna, she's the one who's been doing this. My whole team shrugged their shoulders as they looked at the ground. "And of course the biggest thing here that I'm seeing, stop looking at your feet you guys! You can't dribble or kick the ball if you're looking down, you need to have a target you're planning to kick to, whether it's a player or the goal, but you need to look up to have a target!" I said. "But I can't!" I heard quite a few girls say. "H, dribble the ball and kick it in the goal, Shelby and Graser, you try and steal the ball, but you can't look up, look down." I said, they went after the ball, they did terribly. "Ok, now do the same thing whilst looking up." I said, they did it again, but H got the ball in the net with ease this time. "Now look, H made it past Graser and Shelby and got the ball in the net, and where were they looking?" I asked my team. "Up." They all answered, I nodded. "Now everyone grab a ball and practice dribbling... while looking UP!" I said, they quickly grabbed a ball and began trying. "Savanna, I see you, look up!" I yelled, she looked up again, I pretty much just sat and if someone's not looking up, I just yell their name. "I swear, of course I end up with the worst team in town." I said as I shook my head. "You literally got the Bad News Bears as your team." Said H laughing. "I know, and it f*cking sucks dude." I said as I sat down, I then noticed that Stacy and Graser were gone. "Where'd Stacy and Graser go?" I asked. "They're in the car I think." Shelby answered, I nodded before looking at my phone, it's been 2 hours since I started practice. "Alright guys, come over here." I said to my team. "Good first practice, this was more for me to see what I'm working with honestly but you guys did... uh... you did good. And if I yell at you, I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt your feelings in any way at all, but if you guys aren't paying attention to me, I might have to be a tad louder. Also, I'm not gonna get mad at you for something you can't do, but guys, it's so easy to look up and dribble at the same time. That I will get a little annoyed at because I know you can do it, but if I know you can't do it, I promise I would never ever get mad at you for it." I said, they smiled at me. Me, H, and Shelby then waited for everyone to leave to make sure no one got kidnapped, and went back to the car where Stacy and Graser were. "What are you guys doing?" I asked them. "I got cold." Stacy answered. "Cold?! It's freaking 70 degrees out!" I said. "Yeah, I know. We were just talking." She replied, I nodded and got in the car, we then started heading home.

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora