Chapter 5 : Game Of Tag Gone Wrong

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Hey Y'all! Chap 5, hope you like it!

Stacy's POV

I can't believe this, too many things, and too many emotions, way too fast. First I was happy when Graser kissed me, then I was worried when it started storming, then I was terrified for my life when there was a tornado, then I was upset at Graser for getting out of the car to take a picture, now I'm devastated that I will more than likely never be a mother. Graser's company made me feel safe at least, I felt bad for being kind of rude to him when he was only trying to comfort me. We finally went to bed, every time I heard thunder or saw lightning I got scared and tried to move closer to Graser. I just didn't want to make him uncomfortable, which I thought I was until he put his arm around me and said, "its fine if you want to be closer to me, I don't mind." "I'm just scared, what if theres another tornado?" "I'll protect you, I would never let anything happen to you." His words made me feel the safest I've ever been, and with that, I snuggled my face into his chest and fell asleep.

The next morning...

I woke up to bright sunlight shining in my eyes, and the smell of breakfast. I wanted to get up because I needed to use the bathroom, but throughout the whole night, Graser never moved. The only thing he did was tighten his grip on me, so I was trapped. "Graser!" I whispered trying to wake him up. "Grase!" Eventually he woke up and let me go do my business and go see what everyone else was up to. William had made pancakes and biscuits. "Want some Stacy?" H asked, I felt bad I had to tell them I couldn't eat it because of my "gluten free" issue. "I can't eat gluten because of my disease unfortunately..." I said sounding sad. "Fear not, for I have made some special gluten free ones for you!" Says William. "Aw, thanks Will!" I said. Just when I sat at the dining room table, Parker said, "Stacy, the party's out here" walking over to the backdoor. I got up and went outside to see everyone sitting at the table by the pool. The only one who wasn't there was Grase...  That was until Will was right near the pool and he ran out the door pushing Will into it, which back-fired on him cause he tried to stop but failed and ended up falling in along with Will. Then Parker, H, and even Shelby decided to jump in as well. "Come on Stacy jump in!" Said H. I wanted to go swimming but not in my pj's! "Let me put something else on first!" I said walking to the door, until Will and Graser came and picked me up and held me over the pool. "NO, DO NOT DO IT OR YOU'RE BOTH DEAD." I said, but sure enough, they did it, they counted to 3 and threw me in. At least they we're smart enough to recruit H and Shelby to kind of catch me so I didn't hit the bottom. "I am going to murder you before this trip is over!" I said giggling. Oh yeah, did I mention that I wasn't staying for only a week, I was staying there, with them, for a whole MONTH, AND IT WAS ONLY DAY TWO. After the pool fiasco, we got dressed and went to a park a couple blocks away to play tag and hide-and-seek.

15 mins later...

We were playing tag and Graser was right behind me, trying to tag me, until he tripped and fell on top of me, which hurt quite a bit considering I have back issues and he weighs a good 180lbs. "OUCH." I said, still laughing at him even though it did hurt a lot. "Sorry! You alright?!" He asked, still on top of me. "I guess, you know my back hurts all the time, thats all I ever complain about!" "I'm sorry, I tripped, I didn't mean to..." I cut him off by saying, "its fine, just be more gentle with me please? You forget you're only 18, I'm 31!" "Yes I know, Stace, but you have the enthusiasm of a 4 year old!" He says, helping me up, thats when a felt a sharp pain down my spine, I new something wasn't right, but I didn't want to make him feel any worse than he already did. I tried to keep a straight face so he wouldn't notice. "You get Will, I'll get Shelby!" He said running off, I tried to run but couldn't, I started limping towards Will, and gosh darn it, Graser noticed and ran over to me. "Oh no, I really hurt you, didn't I, Stace?" He asked, sounding guilty. "A little bit but please don't be mad at yourself, it wasn't your fault!" "Ok, but, should we go to a hospital?" He asked, my mom always told me to just rest and if its not better in a week, there could be an issue. "No, I think its best if I just relax." "Ok, if you insist." He said, sounding not too convinced. He tried to carry me but that just made things worse. "Ouch, ok, think its better if I just walk, Graser." "Ok I'm sorry, Stace." "Don't be, its ok, I'll be fine!" I said, Will saw Graser helping me to the car and came to see what was up. "Yo, what happened?!" "I made a boo boo and tripped and fell on Stace and hurt her back so we have to go. Go get everyone for me, would ya?" Will nodded and ran off, when everyone came back, I realized none of us made it out without a scratch of some kind. Will's knee was all bloody, Shelby had scrapes down both her elbows, H had a gash down his leg, and Parker had one on his arm, even Graser had a deep gash on his chest from a rock he fell on while running from H. "It looks like we were victims of an attempted murder." Said H. "Especially Graser, looks like they were going for the heart on him." Said Shelby laughing, everyone agreed.

At home...

Will and of course Graser helped me to the couch. I was about 6pm by now because we needed groceries at the store, Will stayed in the car with me because everyone else needed something specific. I was in A LOT of pain by now, to the point I couldn't even sit up. Will and Graser were getting the groceries out of the car, Shelby was in the shower and Parker and H were talking in the kitchen. "Need anything Stacy? Something to drink maybe?" Asked H. "She can have this!" Says Will throwing a bottle of my favorite chocolate milk at me. "What the- Where did you get this from?!" "My plane stopped in Idaho before here, and I saw it and remembered from your vlog it was your fav!" He said. "Awe thanks Will! What do we have to eat by the way?" I asked, it had been almost 8 hours since breakfast. "Gluten free spaghetti and garlic bread perhaps?" Says Graser holding up a box of pasta, everyone agrees and him and Will cook dinner.

After dinner...

  We were all watching tv, I wasn't really paying attention because I was on Twitter but when I looked up, one of the girls on the show was about to have a baby and it made think of the news I got last night. I was in a predicament, I was about to cry but I couldn't even get up to get away from everyone. Luckily Graser was next to me so I just sort of buried my face in his chest like I was snuggling with him. But he noticed something was wrong when Parker said "#Gracy" and I didn't respond, and he noticed my heavy breathing from trying not to cry. All I can say is, that mission was failed. "Hey Stace." he said, I thought for sure he was gonna put me on the spot by saying "whats wrong" or something but instead he said lets go to bed. He helped me to the bedroom where he then asked me what was wrong. "Just the lady on the show with her baby just made me think about last night." "Stacy, do me a favor, go ahead and get your pj's on and then I want to talk to you, and if you need help cause of your back, I'll be right here." He said, I nodded and went to get my pj's on which was not easy, but I didn't want help from Graser, I may like him but we're not to that point yet. I came back and he was in bed watching tv, I joined him in bed and asked what he wanted to talk about. "Ok, Stacy..." He started. "Yes?" I asked. "On a scale of 1 to 100, what is the percentage that you can have a baby, or get prego in the first place?"  Why was he asking me this? This is the most awkward its ever been between us. "To have a baby successfully its like a 80% chance, as far as even getting to that point its like a 35% chance." "Stacy!" He exclaimed. "What?!" "Your all choked up over that?! Thats only 15% less than the average!" (pls don't roast me if this is inaccurate, I no nothing about this crap) "I guess you're right." I said. "I'm always right! Now lets get some sleep!" And with that I kissed his cheek and snuggled up next to him and went off into the world of dreams. In my dream I was pregnant with twins and Graser was my husband and the dad, was this a sign?!

CHAP FOUR 1600 WORDS OOOH YEA!!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed! <3

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