Chapter 37 : A Harsh Lesson

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Hellooo friends, new chap, enjoy.


Stacy's POV

Wow. I'm still confused, and shocked by what just happened. How did my ex find me, let alone get out of jail?! Would he ever come back for me?! Would he ever hurt Graser or Gracy?! Ok, I need to think of the positive things, Graser very well could've died, but he didn't. I'm still upset his leg is broken and he needs surgery all because of that jerk. Remember, positive things, we just earned $30,000, I shouldn't be crying to myself because of minor things.

One week later...

Graser's POV

Today me, Stacy, and Gracy are finally going home, Will's coming to pick us up. My surgery went fine and I wasn't in any pain whatsoever, as soon as I'm home, I'm taking this cast off, I'll saw it off if I have to. (My mom broke her leg when she was like 5 and sawed her cast off XD, her leg healed just fine) Stacy is free of her infection and Gracy is perfectly healthy. Eventually Will came and it was time to leave, I stood up and walked to the car just fine with no help at all.

At home...

When I was home, I did exactly what I said I was gonna do, I went in the garage and sawed my annoying cast off. I felt so good afterwards. I went back in the house to make myself something to eat, Stacy was playing with Gracy on the couch, Will was making some sort of food in the kitchen, and H and Shelby were playing Go Fish at the dining room table. "What the fudge are you making?" I asked Will. "Ravioli, and where the fudge is your cast?" He asked. "Don't want it, don't need it." I said. "Uhh, pretty sure you need it, your leg ain't gonna heal like that." He replied. "It'll be fine, I'm grown up so you can't tell me what to do!" I said crossing my arms, he rolled his eyes and continued making dinner, I went to make me and Stacy something, I decided to make us a cheese pizza. While I was making our dinner, I began thinking about our little make out session, would she ever want to do that again, or possibly take it up a notch? I've never, 'done the dirty' with anyone, I would really like her to be the first. But I have a feeling she's not about that, nor would she want to do it now cause we have a baby. I tried to erase those thoughts from my mind and continued cooking, when I was done, I joined Stacy on the couch. "Hey babe and baby!" I said sitting down. "I think before we're too busy with this little munchkin, we need some alone time tonight, don't you think?" Asked Stacy, the dirty thoughts made their way back into my mind. "Y-yeah!" I stuttered, I was trying not to sound too excited. "We can take Gracy!" Said Shelby excitedly, she really likes Gracy. "Ok!" Said Stacy, we ate our food and went to our bedroom shortly after.  We put on our pjs, and yes, we did it in front of each other, we're used to each other by now. We then laid down looking up at the ceiling. "So what do you wanna do in this, 'alone time'?" I asked, I really wanted to do one thing, you already know what it is. "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" She asked. "This." I said before I kissed her, just as I intended, we began making out. Once we broke apart, we smiled at each other.

Stacy's POV

I'm enjoying my 'alone time' with Graser so far, but I've kinda always wondered, what's it like to do, 'the dirty?' If I were to ever find out, obviously it'd be with Graser, AKA, my husband. But I knew I couldn't do it now, Graser doesn't have anything to 'wear', I can't handle another baby. "Graser?" I asked, he looked at me. "Have y-you ever, 'd-done the d-d-dirty?'" I asked, it was very awkward. "No, why?" He asked. "J-just, curious." I answered. "Were you wanting to be the first for me to do it with?" He asked with a smirk. "N-no, I mean, m-maybe..." I stuttered, why did I say that?!

Graser's POV

My heart was beating a mile a minute when she said she might wanna do it, I did NOT expect her to want to at all. "But we can't." She said. "Why's that?" I asked. "You CANNOT get me pregnant, we can't have another baby." She answered. "They have stuff to take within the first 24 hours to prevent pregnancy." I said, she looked at the floor. I could tell that her bad side was saying 'do it' while her good side was saying 'don't.' "You know Stacy, I've listened to my bad side quite a few times in life but look, everything in my life happened just as I wanted, sometimes it's ok to listen to your bad side!" I said with a smirk. "I, I guess you're right, you're certainly not wrong." She replied. "If I can promise that I won't get you pregnant, would you do it?" I asked. "Maybe....." She answered with a smirk. "Want to do it or not?!" I asked chuckling and elbowing her, I wasn't gonna do anything unless she wanted me to. She didn't answer me, she just smiled at me. Eventually she got up and walked over to our bedroom door, she then locked the door and came back over to me. "You're right Grase, I'm going with my bad side for once." She said as she sat down on our bed, my heart is pounding. We laid down facing each other, we then started taking off each other's pants. (Can't believe I'm friggin 13 and writing this😬) When our pants were off, Stacy rolled onto her back, I got on top of her, I never thought I'd get this opportunity. "You ready?" I asked. "Yes." She answered, that's when I went in.

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