Chapter 91 : Family Never Gets Left Behind, or Forgotten

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Third person POV

Gracy looked up to see something amazing, a big, fluffy, dark brown horse. It had one white foot and a stripe on its face. Gracy couldn't believe what she was looking at, so she got up and went over to the horse before placing her hand on its chest, it was too tall for Gracy to reach its head. The horse's thick fur was very soft, Gracy wondered what breed the horse was since most horses aren't this fluffy and ginormous. "Hi, horsie. Will you be my friend?" Gracy asked as she looked up at it, the horse lowered its head and nuzzled Gracy. Gracy wrapped her arms around the horse's face, hugging it tightly, the horse seemed to enjoy it. After a nice long hug, Gracy started looking at the horse, and realized it was a girl. "You must be a girl because boy horses have something on their belly and you don't, I kinda wish mommy would actually tell me what it is." Gracy said, the horse snorted, kinda like she was chuckling. "Can you come home with me?" Gracy asked the horse, the horse shook its head up and down, it nodded. Then the horse kneeled down, it wanted Gracy to ride it, so Gracy did. She climbed onto its back before the horse stood up again, and once it did, there was another noise from beyond the bushes. "What's that, horsie?" Gracy asked, the horse stayed still, it must not be a threat because the horse could care less. The large footsteps got closer, and here came another horse, but it was a black horse. "Another horsie?!" Gracy asked, excitedly. The other horse came right over to her, letting her pet it. It was almost identical as the horse Gracy is sitting, but just a black version. Gracy liked the little white spot it had on its nose. "Are you a girl horsie, too?" The horse shook its head from side to side, it was saying no. "Are you a boy horsie?" The horse nodded. "Maybe I should give you guys names. Nah, let's go to my house so you can meet my mommy and my daddy!" Gracy exclaimed, and with that, the horses began walking together, almost like they knew where Gracy lived. The horses ignored Gracy as she talked to them, mostly about being taken from her parents. "I know that I'm never going with anyone I don't know again, I still wonder why that guy took me though. He never did anything to me, just drove around with me." She said, the horses didn't care. Gracy kept rambling as the horses walked for probably close to 3 hours. Eventually the horses came to a stop in a place that the Graser/Kiing family swore they'd never go to again, the creek. Gracy didn't know of the creek, therefore she didn't care, she just saw a normal little pond. Little did she know of its dark past and how it has almost claimed the lives of her mother, Everest, and her buddy, William. "Why did we stop, horsies?" She asked, the horses stayed still. Out of nowhere, came two more horses out of the woods on the opposite side of the creek. They looked the same as the 2 horses Gracy had been traveling with, big, fluffy, and chubby, except one was a yellow-ish brown and the other was albino, not brown or black. "Where do you horsies keep coming from?!" Gracy asked with a giggle, but the horses didn't pay her any mind. Instead, the horse Gracy had been riding, walked over to the other side of the road and put its head down, making Gracy tumble down its neck and land in the soft grass. "What was that for?!" Gracy asked, the horse snorted and walked away. When Gracy tried to follow her, she ran back to Gracy with her ears back and neighed, as if to say 'stay here.' And Gracy did, she stayed there in the grass and watched as the 4 horses gathered around and snorted and neighed at each other, they were having a conversation. But what was it about? The horses seemed anxious, they're afraid of something, perhaps the ghosts that haunt the creek. After awhile, Gracy was terrified as there was what sounded like a low growl coming from the creek. The horses heard it too, but the all lined up in front of Gracy and pinned their ears, and Gracy couldn't believe what happened next. A deep black shadow figure came up and out of the creek, followed by many more. They were pitch black with glowing red eyes, Gracy was scared for her life. She screamed at the top of her little lungs, but it was loud. Thanks to having two incredibly loud parents, Gracy could call for help from a mile away.

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