Chapter 44 : Dead Man's Creek

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Hello friends! This book has been overrun by horses I know, I shouldn't have included horses in this book but it's done now. Also it's kinda a good thing cuz otherwise I wouldn't be updating every day cuz I wouldn't know what to write, the horses do come in handy for fillers anytime I'm at a loss for what to write, like right now, so that's why I'm writing a show chapter. Anyway, enjoy!

Will's POV

One month later...

Today I get to take Titan to our first horse show, I'm really nervous and excited. I was incredibly nervous when I found out that you don't only get judged by your performance, you're also judged by your outfit, which was a major problem for me. I didn't have any nice riding clothes, I just rode in my every day outfits such as a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I decided to drag myself out of my computer chair and go to a tack shop. (Horse equipment shop) Inside was everything for you and your horse, but there's nothing in there that costs less than $100, just a decent jumping saddle costs over $700. I ended up getting a red and white saddle pad and boots for Titan, and for myself, I got some basic gear such as a helmet, boots, a decent coat, and some pants. Right now I'm trying to get everything in the trailer since I'm about to be late, the show starts at 3:00pm and it's already 2:30pm. Stacy and Graser are coming along but Donna is watching Gracy for us, it's for safety reasons regarding the horses being distracted by her if she were to start crying. Soon I loaded Titan in the trailer and I was ready to go, a minute later Stacy and Graser came outside. "Are you nervous or excited Will?" Asked Stacy smiling, she was vlogging me. "I am very much both." I said. "Don't worry, the worst that can happen is Titan throws you off and you're disqualified!" Said Graser. "Um, that's exactly why I'm nervous." I said laughing. "Shut up Graser, you'll do fine Will." Said Stacy, I nodded. We got in the car and drove to the show, I got Titan out of the trailer and began grooming him and tacking him up.

A few minutes later...

Ok, this is it. I'm sitting on Titan and waiting for my turn. Stacy and Graser are leaning on the fence in the corner next to the biggest jump, it's 4 feet high and 5 feet wide. I'm so gonna lose, everyone's outfits and horses look so nice, and here's me with my budget outfit. Titan's mane hasn't been brushed in almost a week, he hasn't had a full bath in forever, I myself am a hot mess, I'm just gonna except the fact that I'm not placing any better than 10th. "And up next is William Kiing and his Warlander horse named Titan, they taught themselves how to jump and are from the United Kingdom. This is their first ever show, so without further ado, let's welcome them to the local horse jumping competition!" Said the judge over the speakers, this is it. Everyone began clapping as I walked Titan into the ring and waved to everyone, I mostly looked at Stacy and Graser, they gave me a thumbs up and mouthed, 'you can do it.' I asked Titan to canter, he did just that, we were off. We came up on the first jump and flew over it with ease, then the second jump, easy as a piece of cake, the third jump, easy as pie. I feel good about this, but I don't want to boost my confidence too much. We came up on the biggest jump right next to Stacy and Graser, I was more nervous about failing right in front of them than I was nervous about the jump itself. As I felt Titan dig his hooves into the sand underneath of me, I closed my eyes as he lifted off into the air. I felt him land before I opened my eyes and looked back, he flew over the jump like a pegasus, I couldn't help but smile. As my turn ended about two minutes later, I looked behind me at the jumps, all of them were still standing, Titan didn't hit a single one. I couldn't help but grin as I looked at everyone clapping and whistling. I sat backstage until everyone had their turns, the judges are going to call everyone out to receive their prize going from 3rd place to 1st place. Oh yeah, the prize isn't too exciting, it's just a really nice blanket for your horse and a trophy, no money or anything but I don't care, I did this for the fun of it. "Alright, in third place is... Lauren Barkley and her horse Straight Bet, congratulations!" Said the judge, the girl and her reddish brown horse walked into the ring to get their ribbon. I smiled at them, their whole outfit was pink and the horse had bows in his hair, it was adorable. "And, in second place is... Eliana Bonds and her horse Onyx, congratulations!" Said the judge, the next girl and her black horse walked into the ring to get their ribbon. I chuckled as I noticed that everyone sort of had their own style, this girl was wearing all black and had her horse's fur shaved to where it looked like a skull on his butt. I started to walk Titan away as I knew for a fact I wasn't in first place, I was stopped in my tracks though as I heard the judge. "And the lucky lad in first place is..." He started, I stopped because I was the only guy besides one other guy who, let's be real, he knocked down every jump, he didn't do the best but I give him credit for trying. The judge also said 'lad,' that's more of a British thing, and I'm the only one from England. "Let's see here, William Kiing and his beautiful stallion Titan!" He exclaimed, my mouth dropped. I wasn't in this for the prize or anything, but I think anyone wouldn't mind getting 1st. I quickly turned Titan around and trotted him into the center of the ring. I was handed the trophy as the show managers put the blanket on Titan that says... 'Haha, I won.' I looked at Stacy and Graser in the corner, they were cheering and clapping, I smiled at them. "How does it feel to win your first ever horse show?" Asked the judge as the managers handed me a mic. "Oh, um, I never in a million years expected to be into horses or anything at all, I play Minecraft on YouTube for a living, c'mon now!" I said, the whole crowd laughed. "I'm into horses because of those guys right there." I said pointing at Stacy and Graser, they waved. "They brought home two horses right before I moved in with them, before I knew it, I was jealous and decided to get a horse of my own. Sadly he's no longer with us but I do have this beautiful boy who, surprisingly, it was love at first sight on Instagram." I said patting Titan's neck and chuckling, everyone said 'awe.' "Anyway, I don't like to gloat so does it feel good to win? Yeah, but I feel kinda bad for you guys having a noob imposter win you guy's annual show, I think so many of you guys did better than me." I said looking at the other competitors, I heard a lot of them say 'thank you.' "Whats your YouTube channel called?!" I heard a kid ask in the crowd, I chuckled. "It's Kiingtong!" I said laughing. "Ok, I'll subscribe!" He replied, I gave a thumbs up and laughed. "So what are you going to do at home tonight William?" The judge asked. "Me and Titan are gonna eat some ice cream and I'm gonna play Minecraft, exciting I know." I answered, everyone burst out laughing. "Well thank you everyone for participating in the annual show jumping competition again this year, have a great night everyone!" Said the judge before turning off the speakers and starting up some music. All of the competitors including me, got to gallop our horses around the ring and wave to everyone, I gave I high five to Stacy and Graser as well as the kid who asked about my YouTube channel as I galloped by, he smiled and ran back to his mom. A few minutes later, I walked Titan back to the car and trailer where Stacy and Graser were waiting. "Well congratulations!" Said Stacy hugging me as soon as I got off of Titan. "I didn't expect to even place better than 10th, my gosh." I replied as I started untacking Titan. "I didn't expect you to either, sorry bud." Said Graser. "Wow, thanks. You're really optimistic." I replied, he laughed. Soon Titan was all untacked and cooled off, I put him in the trailer and we started driving home. We all ended up getting ice cream on the way there, even Titan got some vanilla ice cream, just as I said I would get us.

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