Chapter 88 : Not Again

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

Before giving Digs the go-ahead, I made sure I was good to go so I wouldn't fall off and hurt myself again. I made sure the stirrups were the right length, I made sure the girth was tight, I shortened my reins, and I was ready to go. I kicked Digs in the ribs, and he took off. I immediately regretted this decision, he was too strong for me, steering him was basically impossible, let alone making him slow down. He was galloping so fast, everything just became a blur, I couldn't even see, he was galloping so fast. The good thing was that he hadn't attempted to buck or throw me off, but that didn't matter, between how bumpy he was and how he was shaking his head, yanking the reins out of my hands practically, I was already starting to hurt. It felt like he'd yanked both my arms out the socket, and I couldn't even begin to imagine the damage that the constant bumpy movements are doing to my back. I didn't even know where we were headed, we were just galloping farther and farther down the road with every stride Digs took. I kept pulling on the reins as hard as I could, but it wasn't doing anything, I had no idea how Graser managed to ride this beast. Before long, I realized we were already about 4 miles from home, we were on the road that goes through the thickest part of the forest, and eventually leads to Dead Man's Creek. I did not plan on going there, not at all, but I'm beginning to wonder... does Digs know what I'm doing? Does he remember seeing Gracy getting taken away? And... does he know where to go? Graser tells me all the time that the key to having a relationship with an animal is trust. You must trust them, and they must trust you. So with that in mind, I trusted Digs. I loosened the reins in my hands, and he took off even faster than he had been going. I leaned forward into him and held onto his mane, when I did, I felt as if someone was jabbing a knife in my back. I tried to ignore it, and I resumed looking around for my baby whilst trying not to fall off of the mighty Grave Digger. As I'm holding on for dear life, I was calling for Gracy in hopes that I'd randomly find her, even though I know she was kidnapped.

Graser's POV

I was woken up by Diesel jumping on the bed. I closed my eyes again but I was soon confused when he laid down in Stacy's spot. I turned to look at her, she wasn't there, and the bathroom door was open so she wasn't there either. Considering it's in her motherly instincts to find our baby at any cost, I got up to go look for her and make sure she's not trying to take matters into her own hands. Yes, I myself am very upset and worried for our baby, so much so that I'm gonna go search for her tomorrow since we were just trying to calm down all day today, but the point is, Stacy is the last person who should be doing anything right now. My back hurts as well, and I'm just waiting for it to turn into a bigger problem, but Stacy already has a problem, she doesn't need to be doing anything but resting and occasionally getting up every once in awhile. I went to the living room and looked around for her, all the lights were off and it was dead silence... except for Will who was talking in his sleep, I heard that since his bedroom door was open for whatever reason. I looked outside for Stacy, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But something told me to go outside, just to be sure. So I went outside, and sure enough, Digs wasn't there. Knowing the little spaz, he probably did what Maggie used to do and jump the fence before running off, but something else seemed wrong about the situation. Dee scared the crap outta me when I was standing there, thinking and she charged me. "Knock it off, asshole." I said as I swatted at her and resumed thinking, she doesn't scare me as much as she annoys me. After awhile, I decided to go look in the garage, sometimes Stacy likes to organize things in there out of stress or anxiety, she might've just wanted to distract herself with something. I went in the garage, and my saddle pad, saddle, and bridle was gone. "She did not." I said, she really took Digs to go look for Gracy. I didn't hesitate to grab Will's saddle set and go look for a horse to ride. Why didn't I just get in the car? Because a car can't jump over a river and squeeze between two trees side by side. As I set the saddle and stuff on the fence, I realized I had a big problem. Maggie hurt her leg the other day, so I can't ride her at the moment. Lulu is an awful jumper and is afraid of everything, and all the other horses are skittish and slow as molasses. "Why did you have to take Digs, Stacy?!" I yelled out of frustration, Digs is fast, fearless, and can jump, he would've been perfect. Not to mention, I'm worried for Stacy. Digs is a beast, he'll tear your arms out the socket and he's the bumpiest horse you'll ever ride, he's probably doing a number on Stacy... that's if he hasn't already thrown her in a ditch and ran off. I continued scanning the pasture for a good horse who is fearless, that can jump, and is fast. But guess what? None of them are. After awhile, I realized that none of these horses are good for this mission, except for one who I've always seen potential in... Spotted Demon. I went over to her paddock and entered it without fear. Dee looked me in the eyes with a look of disbelief and disgust, as if to say 'who do think you are, walking all up in my house like this?' I stared right back at her, then she started walking over to me. I never took my eyes off of her as she circled me like a hawk, waiting for the right time to swoop up its prey. After awhile, she stopped and looked at me, her ears forward and her head tilted, like a curious puppy. I couldn't believe it when she came right over to me, I reached my hand out to pet her, bad idea, Grase. She lunged at me, knocked me down, and stood over top of me. "Clever girl." I said, she really just set up a trap that my idiot self fell for. If I try to move at all, I know she's gonna turn into a great white shark and destroy me, so I had to be like lightning when I jumped up from underneath of her. I didn't leave the pen though, I stood my ground. We went right back to square one, I sat there and lightly smacked her anytime she came after me. After probably an hour, she finally gave up and stood in the corner of the paddock. Now I have to try and approach her myself, and I did, and she acted like Maggie when she's in a bad mood. She just ignored me and looked at me out of the corners of her eyes. Eventually I took it a step further, and I reached my hand out to pet her. And believe it or not, she let me touch her for the first time ever. Her coat felt like it was made of velvet, and her mane made of silk. "See, girl? I'm only trying to help you, not hurt you. Even though I know you're not afraid of me, you just don't like people, you're antisocial like Hbomb." I said to her, she listened to me, too, I knew because she pointed her ears in my direction. "Now, Stacy could be in trouble. Digs isn't the horse for her, and I'd really like to... ya know... like... ride you to uhh... go catch up with them." I said, she ignored me. I decided to face my fears and quickly saddled her up, then I mounted onto the demon. This is the first time I've ever been THIS afraid of a horse, it's quite scary to sit on an animal who could kill you in an instant if it decided to. My heart was racing as I felt her muscles tense up underneath of me and she pinned her ears. I don't know if this horse has ever been ridden before, but I'm about to find out. I asked her to walk forward by lightly kicking her and saying 'walk,' and surprisingly, she did... but not for long. Just as I spotted hoof prints in the mud leading down the road and into the forest, Dee took off faster than the speed of light. Considering she was going in the right direction, I didn't bother trying to stop the little devil, only steer her.

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