Chapter 71 : Mirror Marsh

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Hey friends, new chap, but just a silly side note, my day so far has been just one of those days where NOTHING GOES RIGHT. First of all, my stomach apparently didn't like whatever it was that I've eaten lately, but on top of that, first (I swear on my life, not making this up) I broke the handle on the door to my oven, then I broke the deep fryer in my kitchen, then I broke the coffee pot, and while looking through the cabinets for something to fix the coffee pot with, the cabinet door fell off. And now I'm writing this because I feel like whatever I touch is bound to break, so hopefully you feel a little better about your day now. Also, I'm listening to my music that mostly consists of Guns N Roses, DMX, Bon Jovi, and AC/DC while writing this so yeah, I'm not a pop person, more of a rap/rock person when it comes to music. 'Y'all gon' make me lose my mind up in here, up in here. Y'all gon' make me go all out up in here, up in here. Y'all gon' make me act a fool up here, up in here. Y'all gon' make me lose my cool up in here, up in here'... I just had to write that as I was hearing it, put what the name of the song is and who sings it in the comments if you know it. Anyway, enjoy.

Graser's POV

The next morning...

I woke up with my beautiful Stacy still asleep next to me, the best part about being married to her is waking up to her every single morning. I got up and started my morning routine of feeding our babies, making a decent breakfast, and going to wake Stacy up. "Oh, miss Stacy, wakey wakey!" I whispered to her, eventually she opened her eyes and looked at me before smiling. I went back out to the living room, H and Shelby were watching tv, Shelby was still holding her baby who didn't have a name. "Where's Will?" I asked. "Go look in the field." H answered with a chuckle, I went and looked out of the office window since you can see the field from there. In the field was Will riding Titan, he made a whole jumping course throughout the whole field, the obstacles were made of tree branches, pvc pipes, old plywood, old tires, and whatever else Will might've found in the garage and in the woods. I must say, Will is very good at improvising. I went outside to go investigate, Will almost made Titan run me over. "Whoa, watch where you're going!" I yelled. "I think it's more like... GET OFF THE FREAKING COURSE!" He yelled back as Titan went over a jump. I sat and watched the two of them fly over each jump, I then decided to tack up Maggie and take her jumping. After cantering our horses in circles and over the jumps for 3 hours, we brought them back in the paddock and took their tack off, they then laid down and fell asleep quickly. Me and Will went inside where everyone was still eating breakfast, we got ourselves some waffles and joined everyone at the table. "I see you're up and walking around." I said to Shelby, she nodded. "I'm still sore... and I lost my voice from all the screaming I was doing... and my baby still needs a name." She said. "Welcome to motherhood, a world of problems, stress, and occasional joy." Said Stacy, everyone laughed. "And the worst part about it, there's no such thing as 'refunds' when it comes to your kids." Stacy said with a giggle, we all laughed again. We continued cracking jokes about parenting and what not until we were done eating, me and Stacy went to film a video while Will did the dishes, Shelby continued relaxing, and H just... did whatever. After me and Stacy finished recording, we played with our babies for a little bit to wear them out since we were gonna go on a trail ride later. Once the babies started getting sleepy, we put them in their cribs and got dressed for the chilly weather outside before packing a few things in the horse's saddle bags, and going to tack up Pogonip and Maggie. We then got on them and started out down the street, we usually go left out of our driveway but we decided to go right and across the main road this time. After we crossed the road, we made a right and decided to ride all the way behind the house, and to a mountain with a creek only accessible by literally walking through the mountain, not the creek that almost took the lives of my best friend and my wife, but a much more beautiful creek. It's called 'Mirror Marsh' because it's like a mirror, you can see the reflection of everything around you, and you get to it by hiking up the mountain a bit to where there's a cave in the mountain that leads to the beautiful lake, the path was made almost a century ago by dynamite. I wouldn't even consider it a marsh, it's more like a lake that you'd see a unicorn standing in, the water is crystal clear, and it's surrounded by beautiful cherry trees, apple trees, and gorgeous flowers. Actually, I had to decide if I wanted to propose to Stacy there at the lake, or at the top of the mountain, but I thought Stacy would like the waterfall more. The point is, Stacy's never been here, and I think it's about time I show her. "Where are we going exactly?" She asked. "You'll see." I answered with a smile, she rolled her eyes and looked away. Our horses kept walking, eventually we made it to the mountain, now we have to go hiking a little bit. "Alright Stace, follow me!" I said excitedly, we walked side by side for the most part, but it'll be about 2 hours by the time we reach the lake.

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