Chapter 4 : Storm Chasing & The Future

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Hey! The picture above I took myself outside..... on a metal balcony....... with my phone in my hand.... This chapter is based off something that happened to me irl! The storm part of things anyways, I've never cuddled with anyone accept my horse... and I'm ok with that! Fun fact about me, I prefer to be alone with my animals.

Graser's POV

We had just got back from Cali Adventure and it was about 11pm, but most importantly, I kissed Stacy, I friggin kissed StacyPlays. She seemed ok with it even though I was embarrassed. The only bad part about it was she tasted like puke, I mean, what else should I have expected. It started thunder storming so we all sat and watched the movie Pixels. (My Fav Movie) Stacy was cuddled up next to me, every time there was thunder or lightning she'd jump and sink farther into my chest, I didn't mind, Will's "plan" couldn't have gone better! Until everyone's phones started going off... "Uh, guys, there's a tornado warning." Says Will. Oh sh*t. "Whats the difference between a warning and a watch?" Asks H. I can't blame him for asking, he's never really been in a "tornado prone area," not that this was one, this was quite unusual. "A watch means theres possibly a twister, a warning means there is a twister FOR SURE." I said, and regretted as I saw fear cloud Stacy's beautiful face. Everyone accept me and Stace started looking for it out the window, I started getting important things together "just incase" while Stacy was glued to me, she wouldn't leave my side. "What are you doing?!" She asks all frantic, I stayed pretty calm the whole time, I wasn't necessarily afraid as much as annoyed. "Just getting some stuff together, you should probably do the same Miss Stace." "Why, are we planning on leaving?!" "If it gets to strong and to close maybe, speaking of, WILL?" I yell. "What?" "How strong is it and where is it?" "Supposedly its a EF 3 and is coming right towards us." Says Will. "Uh, thats pretty strong, think we should hit the road?" I ask. "Well if we're going to, we better go now otherwise we can't outrun it." And with that we leave, Stacy is up front with me, Will, H, Shelby, and Parker are in the back. Right as I pulled out if the neighborhood, there it was. Everyone started freaking out, I was amazed however, I decided to pull over and get out with my camera. Almost everyone called me a moron and told me to come back, but against better judgement, I didn't. It was so eerie hearing the wind in the dead of night, it sounded like a jet engine. I held up my camera and got the most amazing picture, just as I snapped it, thunder roared and a beautiful bolt of lightning hit the ground about a 1/2 mile ahead, the light from it shined onto the twister lighting it up in the darkness. When the bolt hit the ground I screamed of joy, everyone else screamed of fear, I had to laugh, their screams were hilarious, I'm sorry!(this happened to me irl! sadly I can't find the pic a the moment tho, I said in my bio I'm a rookie storm chaser!) As soon as I got in the car and got called idiot, moron, this that and the other, the tornado faded away into the dark. When I got back in the car Stacy was crying, and I don't know why. "Whats wrong?" I asked, she just looked the other way.

In the car...

S. Stacy

H. H

W. Will

Sh. Shelby

G. Graser

P. Parker

E. Everyone

Sh. Graser, we thought you got struck by lightning, you gave us a heart attack!

G. (Laughing) It was worth it! Check out this pic!

E. Wow. Just, wow.

W. You need to slap a watermark on that and sell it!

H. To be honest, yeah.

P. What do you want to do when we get home?

W. How about we watch another movie?

E. Sure.

When Will said watch a movie he winked at me, I wondered why until I remembered the rest of the plan, I winked back at him. Stacy was silent the whole way home, I was concerned as to why she was upset. I automatically think it was something I did.

At home...

"What do you want to watch?" Asks H. "How about Jurassic Park?" I asked knowing that was Stacy's favorite movie, (I'm pretty sure that actually is her fav irl) I've never seen it so I didn't know what it was really about other than dinosaurs. When I suggested that I saw her perk up a little.

About an hour into the movie...

Parker and Shelby were chilling together and I noticed them both falling asleep, remembering the plan I suggested they go to bed, and they did. Will nodded at me when they did as if to say "good job." About 15 mins later him and H went to bed, leaving me and Stace like we planned. I decided to ask her what she was crying about earlier. "I was just scared and I didn't want anything to happen to you, then when you asked me earlier I was just mad cause you scared me." She said, I felt bad so I apologized, she accepted. Boy, one thing I love about her is her forgiveness.

Movie over...

I went to get a shower. When I came back to me and Stacy's room, she was crying again, and I could tell it was for a different reason. "Hey, Hey, Hey. Whats wrong?" I said hugging her. "Nothing." she said through tears. She's by far, the worst liar on planet earth. "Obviously something's wrong!" "I just got results from my doctor appointment a couple weeks ago, I don't think I'll ever be able to have kids." I didn't know what to say. Of all the things I have some smarts about, this was far from them. "Why?" I asked, probably wasn't the greatest thing to say, but I didn't know how to handle the situation. To be honest, I didn't even think she wanted kids, she never mentioned it in the five years we've talked. "Supposedly I don't have that many eggs." She said, I was happy that the reasoning behind it was easy to understand so I wouldn't have to ask more questions. "Well as long as you have some there's always a chance!" I said trying to make her feel better. "Not if I don't plan on being with someone within the next 2 years! Not only will all of my eggs be gone, but it would be too risky for me to have a baby." After she said that the only thing I could think of saying was "there's always me," but I knew I couldn't say that. "You never know what the future holds Miss Stace." I managed to say then she kissed my cheek. I wasn't really into having kids but if it meant spending the rest of my life with the girl of my dreams, I'd learn to love them instantly. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a roar of thunder and Stacy wrapping her arms around me. "Wanna go to bed?" I asked. "Sure." Just so you know, we were sleeping together. We started out on the edge of the bed, but every thunder or lightning strike, Stacy would move a little closer to me. I was laying on my side facing her, so eventually we basically ended up spooning with each other. I went to sleep thinking about what if me and Stace actually did end up together, or even end up together with children.

Okie dokie! Chap 4, 1300 words! Hope you like it! I'm gonna shoot for at least 1000 words per chap. Will they end up with kids? Or is it true that Stacy will NEVER have kids? Or will they end up together at all? I don't no but I will see you next chap! <3

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ