Chapter 47 : Stranded With a Wolf

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Hey friends, this chap might not be the greatest but hey, I went to the beach today and I'm freaking tired so yeah. Btw, for some reason I lost track of all the dates and times in this story, currently it's supposed to be June of 2017 but the reason that I lost track is because Stacy is supposed to currently be 7 months pregnant, but she's supposed to be due in July.... I done messed up. Let's just ignore it and say that she's a few days away from being 8 months pregnant and she's due in August, ok? Ok! Anyway, enjoy.

Will's POV

One month later...

Today Everest gets to go for his first walk. His surgery went well and healed even better, he still limps around but he just needs to learn to use that leg again. I got a leash and a old collar of Page's and put it on him, we started out the door and continued down the road. Stacy and Graser are filming some videos since Stacy is due next month, we're gonna need a lot of videos to upload when we're busy with two babies. We continued walking and walking, Everest was really good, I expected him to bark at everything and try to drag me down the street but he was fine. Occasionally he'd bolt and almost pull me down on my face when he tried to sniff something or he saw a bird or squirrel. We continued walking until we reached the park where there's a golf course, playground, and a river with piers that you can go fishing on or just sit and watch the water. We walked down the rickety old pier and sat down at the end of it, my feet dangling above the rushing blue water, the current is rather strong today. We sat in silence for awhile, looking at our surroundings, I mostly looked at the kids and their parents playing together on the playground. I was thinking about when I'd be racing my kids down the slides, or playing hide-and-seek, or playing on the swings together, building sandcastles on the beach, or adventuring in the mountains and swimming in the waterfalls, I can't wait to be a dad. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Everest jumped up and began barking at something, I looked around to see what it was, there was nothing. "Everest, shh!" I said as I tugged on the leash, he took a step back to the edge of the pier. "Whoa now, don't fall off..." I started, before I could finish, my worst nightmare happened, he fell into the river. I immediately ran down the pier and jumped off of it and down to a narrow beach, I felt something snap in my leg as I landed, it was a 20 foot drop. I fought through the pain as I sprinted down the 4 foot wide beach, Everest barking at me as he tried to fight the current and swim to me, he couldn't do it. Eventually I had no choice, I leaped in the water with him. Luckily I jumped just far enough, I practically jumped on top of him. I grabbed his collar and held on tight, but I couldn't touch the bottom of the river, now I'm stuck. I knew I was in trouble, this river leads to Dead Man's Creek, there's a two foot gap where the waters meet. All I could do was try my hardest to paddle my way with one arm to the small beach, I only got about a foot closer, I'm still probably close to 50 feet out in the water. "Oh Everest, why did you do this?!" I asked looking at him, he looked very guilty and scared. I soon joined him in being afraid when I saw a huge fish underneath of me, it was black and had to be near 4 feet long. I immediately started freaking out and trying to swim to the beach, I started panicking even more when I could feel a terrible throbbing pain in my leg, I couldn't kick with it anymore, it was too painful, it must be broken. As I could start to see the tall and thick trees that surround the creek, I had to come up with a plan, no way in hell am I going in that death trap. I'd have to grab onto a low hanging tree branch, it's the only thing I can possibly do. As I came up on the creek, I reached for a tree branch, and failed. I was in the creek, until I stopped, Everest had grabbed onto the branch I tried to grab. "Good f*cking boy Everest, good boy." I said, I still needed to climb up and out of this under water graveyard somehow. I looked around and tried to see if there's a way out of here, there wasn't, at all. The only thing I could think of was incredibly risky, I'd swim across the creek and to the road where Stacy rescued Everest. "Alright boy, drop it!" I said, he only knows basic commands like sit, leave it, and drop it. He let go of the branch and I swam as fast as I could to the other side, I could feel as though something was underneath of me, something trying to pull me under the water. As soon as I reached the middle of the creek, I suddenly felt exhausted, nauseous, and had a terrible ache in my stomach, I had the urge to give up, to stop swimming, to just sink to the bottom of this cemetery, even Everest wasn't paddling as much as before. I kept swimming as I knew that's how these 'ghosts' or 'water demons' get you to die, their presence makes you feel sick and exhausted, they make you except that you're gonna die, but I haven't excepted that, I'm getting my ass out of here right f*cking now. After what seemed like forever, I reached the hill leading up to the road. As I crawled up onto the hill, I threw up, a lot. What I threw up is probably just all the water I've swallowed in the longest 15 minutes of my life, and why I threw up is probably because of all the fear and anxiety I just experienced as well as that water making its way into my system. After laying on my back with Everest by my side for awhile, I tried to stand up, but collapsed as I felt the worst pain I've ever experienced in my leg. I didn't know what to do, my phone is ruined since it was in my pocket, it's waterproof but not THAT waterproof, I can't call for help and I can't walk, I'm stuck here. I told Stacy and Graser that I was going to the park, but now I'm miles away, that river took us over 5 miles in the opposite direction of home. I had no choice but to hope that someone will drive by and give me a ride.

Six hours later...

I'm gonna die. Not literally but that's what it feels like. Not a single car has drove by, I'm hungry, thirsty, tired, its been almost 110 degrees all day, my leg is killing me, my stomach is killing me, I've thrown up multiple times, and poor Everest has all the same issues. It's almost completely dark, and I'm scared, really scared. There's so many wild and rabid animals out here at night, and I do NOT want to see any either. I prepared myself for the worst as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep on the side of the road.

Four days later...

Well now I think I really am gonna die. Everest is in better shape than me. I'm gonna die of thirst, hunger, heat exhaustion, and whatever sickness I have that's made me throw up every hour. Somehow, only three cars have drove by, and none of them have even looked my direction. I've tried to get up and walk multiple times, but I can't, the pain is so intense, it literally makes me throw up. It's almost night again, and I don't think I'll make it to sunrise. I really think this is it, I'll never get to see my child or children, and I'm gonna die alone and away from my family, I bet my real biological family won't even care. "Well William, you had a good life, too bad that this is how it ends. With broken leg, and desperate for food or water, and in 100 degree heat." I said to myself out loud, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, forever.

Stacy's POV

A few hours earlier...

Where is he?! Why is he missing?! Where did he go?! "Graser, I can't live the rest of my life not knowing where he is!" I said crying with my face buried in Graser's chest, Will and Everest are missing, and we have no idea what could've happened. "I know Stacy, we'll find him, I promise." Graser replied as hugged me tight. I would rather find Will dead than never know what happened to him. "C'mon Stacy, let's get our friend back." Said Graser as he got up and grabbed the car keys, I quickly followed him out the door and to the car. We began searching every road, park, store, and everywhere in general.

Back to present time...

It's 9:30pm and there's only one place we haven't looked, the creek. I really really didn't want to go there, but I really really REALLY want William back, even if he's dead, at least I'll know what happened to him. We just turned the corner that leads to the place where I fell in the creek, and there they were. Will laying on his back and lifeless as Everest sat beside him. Me and Graser immediately jumped out of the car and ran over to them, Everest came to greet me as Graser knelt down to Will. "He's not breathing." Said Graser looking at me. This can't be happening.

Ooh cliffhanger! What will happen?! I don't really know myself, I'm coming up with this story on the spot. XD Anyway, 1600 words, pretty short. Hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt