Chapter 75 : A Horse On A Boat?!

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

Once I hopped down into the sandy arena, I ran over to the horse and shoved the rider away. "Get away from my animal!" He yelled. "Exactly, animal! You don't care about this poor horse! He's not just an animal, she has feelings, too!" I yelled back, the whole crowd was dead silent as they watched me, except for Graser who was telling me to come back. Despite being looked at by over a thousand people, I knelt down to the horse and quickly took her stuff off, she had over 3 bits in her mouth, and 7 nosebands as tight as they could possibly be, no wonder this horse was in pain from the very start. "You poor baby, I'm here, it's ok." I cooed as I picked her head up and held her in my arms. I looked to my right and could see security out of the corner of my eye, they were after me, but when they got closer to me, they stopped. "Look what this animal abuser had on this horse." I said as I held up the 3 bits and 7 nosebands, they all looked at them in disbelief. "That's against the rules to have more than 2 nosebands and 1 bit!" They said, the rider looked at them with a perplexed expression on his face. "Get that stupid look off of your face, you know damn well that you were hurting this poor baby!" I yelled, and yeah, I actually said a (somewhat) curse word. I then ignored everything and everyone around me as I calmed the horse down, I then got up and started examining the horse, trying to find what exactly happened to her. Eventually it was obvious, her back leg was completely snapped in half, which means she'll probably have to be put down. Sure enough, I saw a vet walking over with a needle. "No! No! I'm not letting this happen!" I yelled as I stood in front of the horse. "Ma'am, please." "No!" I yelled, only for someone to grab me by my arm, I turned around to see Will. "Stacy, relax!" He said, I wasn't letting this horse get put down all because of this person's stupidity. "I will pay for this horse to have surgery, I don't care! Just please don't do this!" I yelled, as soon as I mentioned paying money, they stopped dead in their tracks. "You know what, fine! Take the stupid thing!" Yelled the rider as he kicked the horse in the stomach, thank gosh he did it in front of everyone, cause security went after him so quick. A few minutes later, he was arrested for animal cruelty. The horse was then sedated and was taken to a nearby vet where she'd have surgery... that I'd be paying for... hopefully it's not like $25,000. Surprisingly, I thought they'd end the show, but since Will was the only one left, they let him and Titan go once I went and sat down again, and he did amazing. "Well all be damn." I heard H say, I giggled. Soon he went over the last jump, and I think it was obvious who won first place along with $25,000 and a brand new car that would've costed $75,000. I was so happy when they announced the winner, we all know who it was. He trotted Titan over to the car and the judges before taking his trophy, the $25,000, and the keys to the brand new car. After his little party-of-one celebration in the middle of the arena, he started walking Titan back to the stables and everyone started leaving. After we left, we obviously ran over to him before creating a group hug. "Someone slap me so I know I'm not dreaming." He said. "Ok!" Graser replied. "No, I was just kidding!" Will said as he ran away, all of us laughed. After celebrating together for a few minutes, we all got in the new car and took it for a spin before heading to the vet to check on the other horse. "Graser?" I asked. "Yes, if the horse is ok, we can keep him." He answered as he rolled his eyes with a smile, he knew exactly what I was about to ask. I smiled back before kissing him. "Thank you! And it's a her by the way." I whispered, he chuckled. On the way there, I started thinking of names for the horse, and trying to remember what she looked like in my head incase she looked like something. I easily remember her coat color, she was essentially the same color as Titan, just a tad lighter. She had a star on her forehead and if I remember correctly, she had white feet.

A few hours later...

We've been here at the vet for awhile, and thanks to Graser for knowing how to speak French, he was able to talk to the vet and they're convinced that the horse's leg CAN be fixed, but that's not the major issue. The major issue is that horses can't lay down for too long, otherwise, they'll suffocate because of their weight, and the vet is concerned about the horse's recovery. Obviously she can't stand, but really the only way to for her to heal is for her to lay down for multiple days, maybe even weeks. But we have to try and help the poor thing somehow, even if it doesn't work out, at least she'd leave this earth knowing that someone loved her and tried to help her. We accepted the fact that the surgery would cost $2,000 and the surgeons started the procedure that'll probably last for a few hours. Everyone ended up going back to our hotel room except for me and Graser, even Gracy and Nature went. Me and Graser stayed in the waiting room until 2am, we originally got here at 5pm. "Mr. and Mrs. Graser?" The vet called, Graser raised his hand since I was half sleep, laying my head on his chest. After she came over to us and they had a little conversation in French, Graser told me that they said the surgery went well and the horse is awake now and we can go see her if we want. I nodded and we followed the vet to the horse, laying in a pile of hay in a stall with her leg all wrapped up. Then Graser and the vet talked a little more, it was frustrating that I couldn't understand them at all, Graser could be flirting with her for all I know. After she left, Graser told me something that I really didn't want to hear. "Umm, Stacy?" He asked, I looked up at him. "How are we going to uhh... get the horse and the car to our house?" He asked. "Oh..." Was all I could say, this really sucks. "The car could come over by a boat probably, but what about... her?" He asked as he looked at the horse who's ears were forward, probably curious about what we're saying. "Well, we have to figure something out!" I said. "Stacy, we leave here TOMORROW. How exactly is that gonna work?!" He asked. "Can't she go on a boat too?" I asked. "No! She can't even stand! Let alone on a moving boat!" He said, I started tearing up as I looked at the horse. "You said we could keep her." I mumbled, trying not to cry. Not necessarily because of the horse, but I really hate how Graser gets loud when stuff like this happens. I know he doesn't mean it, but I just don't like it. "I know I did, Stacy! I'm not saying that we can't..." "Then what are you saying?" I asked, tears starting to stream down my face. "I'm sorry, babe, don't cry. I'll do whatever I can." He said as he hugged me, I hugged him back. "How about we go out to eat? There's a 24 hour restaurant not too far away! Just me and you?" He asked, I didn't answer. "C'mon Stace, don't you want to try the thing that France is known for? Bread... oh wait... you can't eat gluten... never mind." He said, I couldn't help but smile. "Really Graser? We've been together for 2 years and you still forget?" "Sorry! You're the only person I've ever met that has that disease! It's hard to remember!" He exclaimed, we giggled. "I'm sure they have gluten free bread! Still wanna go?" He asked, I nodded. We said goodbye to our new horse and headed outside, only to remember that everyone else has the car. Luckily, the restaurant Graser was planning on heading to was a walking distance away, therefore, we started walking as we held hands.

Graser's POV

Gosh dang it, I hate how easy it is to upset Stacy. She's so sensitive it's ridiculous! I love her with all my heart, and it hurts my heart whenever I hurt her feelings, mostly because I don't mean it! She thinks I'm upset with her, when really, that's never the case! I can't help that I have a deep, loud voice, I'm either too loud or too quiet, and Stacy gets mad at me for being too quiet. But when I'm louder, I always end up upsetting her when I don't intend to at all! I'd never hurt my beautiful Stacy! "Hey Stacy?" I asked, she looked up at me and smiled. "I just wanted you to know, whenever I raise my voice like I did earlier, please do not think I'm mad at you or annoyed." I said, she looked away as her smile faded. "I usually don't, but I just don't like when you're loud like that." She said. "I know, and I try not to be, but sometimes I simply forget! Don't you remember Mineclash back in the day? Despite me being a little shy, you know I was still very loud and how most of my comments tell me I can kill someone with my laugh, I'm just naturally loud!" I explained. "I know, and you shouldn't be apologizing, I should be because I'm too sensitive." She replied. "You're very sensitive, but that's just another one of your special quirks that make you a one-of-a-kind." I said as I put my arm around her, she smiled. "I love you more than anything in the world." She said. "I love you more than anything in the universe." I replied, she giggled. We continued walking, hand in hand. Eventually we made it to the restaurant where we talked and laughed together, I often wonder what my life would be like had... well... had Amanda gotten her way a few years ago. My poor Stacy man, I often forget about her literally dying and coming back to life, she's lucky to be alive after some of the things that happened to her. I just... everybody dies at some point, but... what on earth would I do if she goes before I do? All I can say is... I better leave this earth before her, I cannot live without her for a single day, it's hard enough for me to go somewhere more than an hour away without her, let alone... never be able to see her again. Why am I thinking about this? I tried to stop thinking about our own deaths and continued eating and talking with my beautiful wife, eventually we headed back to the hotel where everyone was watching a movie, despite it being 4am. We went and joined them for a bit, eventually we fell asleep cuddled together.

Alright y'all, 1995 words, close enough to 2000. Anyway, I don't have much to say again and I wanna get back to watching 'The First 48' so... hope you enjoyed, see you next chap! (The picture below is of what the horse looked like)

 hope you enjoyed, see you next chap! (The picture below is of what the horse looked like)

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#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora