Chapter 8 : Tied the knot

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Just thought you might be curious to know, the average time it takes me to write each part is about 2 hours, one hour made up of staring at my screen day-dreaming, and the other hour is me actually writing. I may have this whole book planned out but there are some blank spots I haven't thought about that I come up with on the spot, such as "the jellyfish sting," wasn't planned, but it would be a good blank-spot filler! Anyway, chap 8, enjoy!

Graser's POV

Poor Stace, her luck is just terrible, and considering how sensitive she is, both physically and mentally, its easy to hurt her, physically and mentally. When she finally started acting herself again, we both get stung by a freaking jellyfish, and her sting was much worse than mine. All I can think of is that it just barely touch me but it must have ran right into her. I trust Will that its not harmful considering he was training to be a nurse at one time. (This is not true.) Me and Stacy went to bed and she cuddled with me till she fell asleep, I was very careful not to touch her sting, which was hard cause we were facing each other and she was snuggled in my chest. I soon fell asleep myself and had a rather strange but really nice dream, Stacy was pregnant and I was her husband, what could this mean?

The next morning...

I woke up at 2:45pm to Stacy trying to make me to let go of her so she could use the bathroom, as per usual. The thing that wasn't usual was I didn't hear anyone, normally you'd hear Shelby laughing, Will cooking, or Parker and H talking. I got up to see where everyone was, they weren't there. They weren't outside or in their rooms, but my car was there. I texted Will.

In text message...

G. Graser

W. Will

G. where r u guys

G. hello?

G. you're slightly worrying me...

W. dude chill, we walked to the store, I didn't answer cuz Shelby had my phone till now

G. and y is that

W. I didn't have pockets and I was sick of carrying my phone so I gave it to her

G. k whatever when will u be back

W. 2 hours or so

G. k

End of text...

I went to the living room with Stacy who was sitting in silence, I know she prefers silence but this was odd. "What are you thinking so deeply about?" I asked sitting down next to her. "I'm not thinking, I just miss my pets." She said wiping away a tear and sniffling. "Awe, I'm sure they miss you too." I said hugging her. "But I was thinking, maybe when you're officially free of pain from you're back and that sting, we could go horseback riding on the beach or in the woods." I said, I've kinda always known how to ride a horse decently, in the area I live in Canada, its kinda unheard of to have never ridden a horse. (I'm sorry, considering I'm a horse owner, had to incorporate horses into this story somehow.) "That would be awesome!" She responded very happy. "Have you ever ridden before?" I asked to get and idea on if we could gallop or not, I knew how to jump and gallop a horse, I couldn't jump very high but I could jump. "Like once in south Africa." she responded. (This is true, she actually has done that irl) "Ever galloped?" I asked. "That would be a no..." "Well, in a couple days, you will!" I said, boy I just hope nothing goes wrong. Considering the past few activities where at least something went wrong, and the fact that a horse could kill you instantly if it wanted, I feel like someone might die. "Who's going?" She asked. "Probably just me, you, and Will. Shelby, H, and Parker are apparently, afraid of horses." I said and she laughed. "You still have to pick which scene you want to view while on the horse. Beach or woods?" I asked, I was hoping she'd say beach cause riding in the woods is a pain. You'll get branches in your face, your horse will trip every 5 seconds, he'll try to stop and eat everything, spook at everything, its just lovely. I regret even suggesting that option. (Ever wonder what its like to ride my horse in the woods, I just described it) "Um, well I've done beach so I'll go with woods!" She said. "Ok." I said kinda annoyed, I couldn't blame her, I was the one who suggested it after I already knew it was not fun. "Why can't we go today? Its so nice and the wind makes it even bet..." "Number 1, its very bumpy and and will bring out the worst in that sting, and 2, wind on a horse in the forest is bad! Last thing I want is the horse getting spooked and running into traffic with you on its back. Living in British Columbia, I know horses, they can be very dangerous when their scared. Today is what, Tuesday? We can go on Friday, alright?" I said, very straight forward. "Ok fine. I'm bored, what can we do right now?" She asked. "I don't know, Will said everyone won't be back till like 2 hours from now." I said. "Oh shoot, I need to record is what I need to do." She said getting up. "I bet our fans would like a IRL vid with the two us!" I said. "Thats not a terrible idea but what would we do?" She asked. "How about the, whats it called, the jellybean game where there's good one and bad ones?" I asked, she agreed and we got dressed, set up our cameras, and started recording, this was her video so she took the intro. "Hello everyone, my name is Stacy, and today I'm here with Ugly Robot Graser!" "That is me, the one and only ugly robot!" I said laughing. We continued talking for a bit about why we were hanging out IRL and the challenge we were doing till we began. "Alright remember Stacy, if you throw up you lose, so don't! Also you'll have to clean it up!" I said laughing. "So than get a trash can!" She said also laughing while she spun the wheel that tells you which bean you have to eat. "Oh great, I guess I'll know what dog food tastes like cause its either that, or chocolate." She said. "How ironic miss, Crazy Dog Lady." I laughed and called her. "Here goes nothing." She said and ate it, which resulted in her running to the bathroom throwing up. "Ah come on Stace you gotta do better than that! You've already lost but we're gonna keep going cause that is too short of a vid!" I told her as she sat down next to me again. "You can keep going all you want, I don't care if I lost, that was terrible." "Come on!" I said giving her the puppy dog eyes, we continued for a bit, I only puked once from the dead fish jellybean but every bad one Stacy got she threw up, she has a very weak stomach apparently. "Well thats it for todays video, please like and subscribe for me putting myself through that, and Page and Molly love you, go rescue a dog!" She said and stopped recording. "What are we doing for your video that doesn't involve eating disgusting things?" She asked. "I tweeted for peeps to ask us questions about each other that we have to answer and whoever gets the most wrong would have a punishment of some kind." I said." "Ok, I guess we'll do that but whats the punishment?" She asked. "How about I tweet for people to give us dares and we go to the mall and the loser has to do those dares?" I asked. "Oh boy, ok I guess." She said and I started recording. "Hello everyone and welcome to an IRL vid with the one and only, StacyPlays!" "Hello!" She said and we began the challenge. "Ok miss Stace, on what date is my birthday exactly?" I asked. "Uhhh, January, 18th? Of 1997?" She guessed. "Nope! Its the 16th!" I said laughing. "Oh come on! Fine then, when's my birthday Graser?!" She asked. "August 23rd of 1983!" I said confidently. "How on earth did you know that?" She asked. "Yeah, one point for Grase! And you've told me that before, next question is, what is my exact height?" "You're asking me stuff I would never know on purpose." She said. "Ok, with this question you either need to be on the dot or one off." I said. "I'm gonna guess, 6'." She said. "Ah dang it, you get the point even though you're one off, I'm 5' 11"." I said, in the end it was a tie. We decided to go to the mall tomorrow so everyone else could tell us what to do, in the meantime, we were watching tv. I thought I should tell Stacy about that dream I had. "Hey Stace?" "Yeah?" "I had a strange dream last night and I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything but, in the dream, I was your husband and you were days away from giving birth to twins that were mine. I just thought I should tell you." I said looking at the floor, I didn't want her to think I had a dirty mind and was thinking about me doing "things" with her. "Really?! I had the same dream twice in a row!" She exclaimed. "Really? Well, I guess this is an ok time to ask you..." "Yes Graser?" "Will y-you be m-my, girl-girlfriend StacyPlays?" I can't believe it, I asked the one and only StacySays, to be my girlfriend. "As a matter of fact, I've been waiting for you to ask me that." "Really?! S-so you will?!" I ask nervous, what if she says no? "Of course I will be your girlfriend Graser10!" She said and wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest. "I would kiss you but not after that jellybean thing." She said giggling. "Oh Stace, I love you." I said. "I love you too." She whispered back, the curtains in the windows were closed so it was dark enough she ended up falling asleep. About an hour later everyone came back, Will looked at me with Stacy asleep on my chest and gave me a thumbs up, then he came over to me. "Have you tied the knot yet cause it sure looks like it." He whispered trying not to wake Stacy. "Maybe I have but don't tell anyone yet, I want to make sure she's comfortable with them knowing." I said, he nodded and went to make dinner, we had slept till 2:45 in the afternoon so it was about 4:30 by now. I very carefully moved Stacy off of me and put a blanket over her so I could go edit, get a shower, and clean up and stuff. When I came back an hour and a half later, she was still asleep, I guess the craziness thats happened lately has finally got to her. I woke her up when dinner was ready, we had spaghetti and Will made Stacy her own gluten free bowl. "Thanks for being so thoughtful of me and my stupid disease." She said as Will gave her the pasta. "No probs!" He said sitting down. We ate and watched some tv as we did every night. Stacy fell asleep on me again so grabbed a blanket that was next to me and put it over top of us and thats where we stayed the rest of the night.

1900 Words, hope you enjoy! I know Graser lives in Ontario Canada but lets pretend he know how to ride a horse like me and he lives in BC Canada, ok? This is a fan FICTION after all! Anyway, see you next chap! <3

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora