Chapter 25 : Protective Pony

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Hey friends! New chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV

I can't believe I actually died, I actually was an angel for 20 minutes. Before I blacked out the last thing I remembered was looking up at Graser, then I woke up, but I was looking at myself as if I was in F5 in Minecraft. I was able to fly around, there was a toy car on the roof of the hospital, how it got there, I have no idea, but it was there. I remember flying back to my body, Graser was crying over top of it. "WHY DID YOU GO SO SOON?!" He yelled, that's when I knew what happened, I died, I was an angel. But I wasn't ready to go yet, I had too much to live for, my family, my friends, my pets, my fans, and especially Graser, I worried he'd go as far as killing himself to be with me. I had to come back, and that's what I did. I blacked out and woke up again, I opened my eyes to see Graser and the doctor, the doctor asked if I wanted to be buried. "I'm not ready to be buried yet." I said, they both looked at me in disbelief, then Graser grabbed me and hugged me, I hugged back despite the fact my organs were spilling out of me. After almost an hour, I was ok, I was in pain, but I was happy to be alive. I died from blood loss, however my insides were fine, even my baby was fine. There was still one issue, who did this to me? Graser explained that his only Ex girlfriend was a gold digger so he dumped her, she wasn't really mad at him, she just wanted to make sure he stayed single, she even went as far as murder.

One week later...

Today I'm finally being released from the hospital, I still had stitches in my belly but I was finally able to get up and walk around. Graser got his brother to feed the horses for the past week, he stayed with me the whole time, he never left my side. Thankfully the police were able to take the knife this, 'Amanda' lady used to stab me and were able to confirm it was her that did it, but they still hadn't caught her yet, I tried not to worry about it. Graser helped me to the car and we went home, when we pulled in the driveway, the horses were laying down sunbathing, when we walked in the house, it smelled terribly of blood, for some reason the crime scene cleaning crew never came. There was blood everywhere in the kitchen, on the cabinets, the walls, the floor obviously, it was terrible. I didn't realize how bad it was since I was stuck looking at the ceiling until I blacked out. Graser made me sit on the couch with a little bell I rang anytime I needed something, he did the glorious job of scrubbing and cleaning the kitchen, it was a bit humorous anytime I heard him start coughing and hacking from disgust. I began thinking about moving here, once I was better I'd go home and get all my stuff, I didn't have much I'd bring, just clothes, recording stuff, and sentimental things like pictures and what not. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, I didn't dare get up and open it, it was around 9:45pm, the same time I was almost murdered. "Guess who's here Stacy!" Said Graser opening the door, it was Will. "Hey guys- oh gosh, what the heck is that smell?!" He asked covering his nose with his shirt. "It's called 'week old blood.'" Said Graser going back to the kitchen, even after an hour of cleaning it still looked like it did before. "Holy sh*t, that's a crime scene alright." Said Will looking in the kitchen. "Language!" I said with my arms crossed. "Sorry, but that's terrible. How on earth did you not die quicker?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders. He ended up helping Graser clean, after they were done we sat and watched my favorite Disney movies to cheer me up, I was already happy to see Will but that made me even happier. We fell asleep like we always did when we were together, I laid on Graser, and Will laid on me.

The next morning...

The next morning I was morning sick and Will, oh poor Will, he was still asleep next to me when I threw up on him, I felt awful. "Ew! Oh my word, it's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it." He said getting up and going straight to the shower, I forgot we never told him I was pregnant. After he got his shower we all sat on the front porch watching the horses, him and Graser went in the paddock and chased them around and played with them, in that time, Graser taught Maggie to rear on command. Them playing together was cute until Maggie chased after Will and grabbed his arm and bit him, Graser mentioned before that her attitude towards you can change quickly. "Oh my gosh, are you ok?!" I asked going in the pasture and helping him up, Graser was holding Maggie by her nose cause she was still trying to get after Will. "I'm good, it just caught me by surprise, she was fine two seconds ago!" He said. "I told you to watch out! She will hurt you if you don't read her body language right, her ears back were telling you to stay away!" Said Graser. Will rolled his eyes and continued messing with Pogonip, Graser let Maggie go and she ran to the corner of the paddock and stood there with her ears back. I sat down up against the fence since I couldn't do anything without tearing my stomach open again. Pogonip came over to me and laid down, he laid his head on my lap, he knew I was injured and wanted to cheer me up. "Awe, hi sweet baby." I said to him, I scratched his cheek and played with a piece of his beautiful mane, we stayed there until sunset. I even ended up falling asleep, I woke up about an hour later, there was a note next to me, it read... 'We're inside if you need us, we didn't want to bother you cause you and Pogonip seemed too peaceful! -Graser & Will.' I was just trying to push Pogonip off of me so I could get up, he wouldn't move, I was confused as to why. He was awake looking at me and he's normally very obedient, I then saw why he wouldn't move. Amanda was back, she was standing behind me on the other side of the fence, Pogonip didn't want to leave me. "So we meet again." She said holding a knife up. I hugged Pogonip tight, he made me feel safe no matter what. "Your pathetic pony isn't gonna protect you Stacy." She said as I felt tears streaming down my face, I looked away from her and noticed something, Maggie was gone. Despite me not liking her and having a knife pointed at me, I immediately started looking around for her. I couldn't find her, until I saw a glowing eye on the edge of the forest, it was her, I also just now noticed Graser standing on the front porch with a gun in his hand. "You might wanna back off Amanda." He said, Amanda turned around in shock, she didn't notice him until now, she pulled out her gun and it became a stand off. "Graser, no!" I mouthed, I didn't want her to notice me. After a few minutes, Amanda shot, Graser fell to the ground. "NO!!!" I yelled. Amanda turned around to me, I knew I was done for, until I heard Graser whistle, after he did, I heard pounding hooves running towards me, it was Maggie. She ran straight at Amanda and grabbed the gun out of her hand and threw it on the ground and stomped on it. She then grabbed Amanda's neck in her jaws, Amanda stabbed Maggie in the shoulder, she didn't even flinch. 'SNAP' I heard after Maggie jerked her head, still with Amanda in her jaws, Amanda fell to the ground, when she did, Maggie put one of her hooves on her and stood proudly, she just snapped Amanda's neck. Graser got up and ran over, he shoved Maggie away and told her 'good girl' before kneeling down to Amanda, he called the police. "Are you ok?!" He asked me, climbing under the paddock fence and hugging me. "Not after watching your horse break someone's neck!" I yelled. "I'm sorry! If I didn't let her you would've died!" He said before helping me inside, he sat me on the couch with Will, he watched the whole thing from inside, he was too scared to get involved. The police showed up soon after, Amanda was taken away by ambulance and would be sent to jail as soon as her neck was healed. As for Maggie, the police needed solid evidence that her attacking someone was necessary, otherwise she might be put down because she's dangerous. For the time being, the police were trying to put a muzzle on her, and she wasn't having it, the one officer was about to use his taser on her. "Excuse me, do NOT tase my horse please?!" Said Graser taking the muzzle from them and putting it on Maggie with ease, she simply trusted Graser ONLY. "We still need proof that you were endangered and letting that animal attack someone was necessary." Said the sheriff. "First of all, she's my best friend, not an 'animal'. And second, I have security cameras so give me one sec, here Stacy." He said handing me Maggie's lead, a few seconds later he came out with his phone, on it, he had the camera footage pulled up. He handed it to the cop and came over to me, it was the middle of March at night so I was freezing, he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, I did the same. Even Maggie laid her head on our shoulders, after this incident, I've realized she's not mean like I thought, she's moody like me as well as protective and obedient. She's a love bug when she senses if someone is sad or stressed, she's obedient when in certain situations, she's silly when someone needs cheering up, and she's protective when she senses trouble. My thoughts about her were most definitely changed, I love her way more now, as well as respect her space, her breaking someone's neck really showed how powerful she is. After the police watched the video, they let Maggie go. They blew it off as self defense, it would be no different than someone's dog attacking a robber. Graser showed them other videos of her playing with him, they immediately regretted accusing her of being dangerous when they saw just how sweet and silly she is. They all fed her treats and simply told us not to let her attack anyone unless it's a life or death situation. After they left, Graser bandaged up her wound himself since it wasn't that bad, he insisted she would kill the vet unless she was fully sedated, she can make her way out of any muzzle, ropes, anything. It is NOT possible to restrain her. And she is NOT a fan of strangers messing with her, she will kill anyone except Graser who gets near her with any kind of gadgets such as a stethoscope or any other vet equipment. If Graser does it however, she's fine because she knows she can trust him, even though we've only had her for a week, Graser's been building a relationship with her for the past 3 years ever since his neighbors moved there. After he put her back in the pasture, we went inside and all fell asleep on the couch again.

Hope you enjoyed! I don't really have much to say so...... see you next chap!

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