Chapter 16 : From Joy Ride to Highway Thru Hell

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Hellooo friends! New chap, enjoy!

Graser's POV

I'm the happiest I've ever been living with Stacy and waiting to be a dad, I never planned on having kids in my lifetime but, hey, I've learned to love them before their even born. For some reason I feel like it might be twins, it's too early to tell really, I'm sure later on it might be obvious if there's a lot of kicking going on, but I just have a feeling. Ever since I moved here, I've been stuck doing everything, I don't have a problem with it, if it means Stacy is happy and healthy, then I'm happy, I have something I'm going to surprise her with next month, something huge, and I think she'll love it. It's kinda a gift to myself in a way, but it will definitely benefit us once we have little ones. Basically whenever I clean the house I zone out thinking about everything, mostly about the birth of our child, it makes my heart ache watching Stacy be so upset whenever she thinks about it, I'm thinking of how I'm going to keep her calm while she's pushing, she's stuck on thinking about the "what if's," I try my best to reassure her it'll be ok, it never works. It works for about an hour then she goes right back to thinking, the most I can do is keep her attention which is difficult when I'm so busy cleaning, cooking, recording, editing, posting, it even took me a whole day to fix my car, which, I only fixed the transmission, it still needs new brakes, a new muffler, and the ball joints in the tires are wobbly and need replacing before I lose a tire while I'm driving. Up until I somewhat fixed my car, I was using Stacy's, hers was fun to drive off road, but slow as molasses on the road, and it gave me anxiety driving it cause she'd kill me if I crashed it, after all it cost $20,000 dollars, mine was only $8,000. Also I've been taking care of the pets, their pretty easy, I walk and feed the dogs in the morning and at night, and the cats are easy, just feed them twice a day, and clean the litter box. I really wanted to move back to Canada with Stacy cause lately I've been wanting a horse for some reason, their so sweet and smart, and I'm sure Stacy and the kids would love trail riding once their experienced and old enough. I thought I should go talk to her about it, I went in the living room where she was watching tv. "Hey miss Stace!" I said sitting with her. "Hey robot, aren't you supposed to be doing the dishes?" She asked. "I already did FYI, also I was thinking about something." I said. "And what is that?" She asked. "Well, since you love mountains and farmland, once we got everything under control, how would you like to move to good ol' British Columbia with me? We could get a farm, we could have horses, donkeys, and whatever else you might want, plus it's not that far from the rest of your family!" I said. "I'd love to!" She exclaimed, I smiled and nodded. "Actually I've been meaning to ask you something as well." She said. "And what might that be?" I asked. "More than half of the comments on our announcement video were asking if we're gonna vlog the birth, what do think?" She asked, I really didn't know, I just think that should be something that only we experience, I don't feel very comfortable with showing that to everyone. "Uhh, I don't know, I feel like that should be something only we see, I might would like to film it for a home video to look back at one day, but, I'm not sure that it should be floating around the internet." I said. "Yeah, you're right. I'll tweet that we're not doing it." She said pulling out her phone. "Ok, well I'm gonna get back to my job as chef Graser." I said getting up. "What are you making anyways?" She asked. "Buttered noodles, their gluten free, don't worry!" I said. "Yummy!" She said, I finished dinner and we ate, watched tv, and went to bed.

One month later...

Today is the day I surprise Stacy with something amazing, it's not a proposal, I plan to do that soon though, this is something awesome, today I'll be getting a new car, a brand new 2016 black Toyota 4 runner. I'm still keeping my Ford since it's already payed off, it'll be my work truck while the 4 runner will be the family/fun car. I woke up at 5:00am so I'd have time to clean it and personalize it before Stacy wakes up, my plan is to blindfold her and walk her over to it to surprise her. I carefully and quietly got out of bed and threw on some clothes and left, I went to the dealer, signed a million pages of paperwork, and finally I could call the car mine. I took it to 3 different stores where I picked up a bunch of cute bumper stickers, magnets, floor mats, and a steering wheel cover. I pulled in the driveway as quiet as possible, I rearranged all the cars, I put Stacy's Jeep by the front door, my Ford practically in the woods cause her driveway was not that big, and the new car in the dead middle. I rinsed the dust from the dirt road off the car and dried it off, I put on a magnet that said, "don't breed or buy while shelter pets die," and another that said, "if my dog doesn't like you, neither do I." I didn't mess with the stickers, I was going to let Stacy do what she wants with those since their permanent, I learned that after I put one on my car that says, "ride my ass and you'll be shot, survivors will be shot again." I didn't mind it, I actually find it funny, I obviously would never shoot anyone, I don't even own a gun. I continued dressing up the new car, I threw down the floor mats and put on the blue and white steering wheel cover I found, it was time to surprise Stacy. I decided to vlog her reaction so I balanced the camera on my Ford that was right next to the new car, I went inside and looked at the time, I bought a car, went to 3 stores, and washed the car, all within 4 hours. I went upstairs when she was just waking up, perfect timing. "Good morning Stace! I have an awesome surprise for you!" I said excitedly. "What?" She asked still half sleep. "Here." I said tying the blindfold on her. "What the-are you going to murder me?!" She asked scared. "Of course not!" I said picking her up so she wouldn't run into anything, I brought her outside and set her down facing the car. "Why am I outside right now?" She asked in her annoyed voice. "Look now, you'll be hugging and kissing all over me in about two seconds, this was a lot of freaking trouble miss Stacy." I said, I counted to three and took off her blindfold.

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