Chapter 76 : Goodbye... Forever?!

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Hey friends, I decided to do two chaps today, and this chap might make you cry, you've been warned. Enjoy.

Stacy's POV

Four months later... (April 13th, 2019)

Life is great, as always. I'm currently on my way home from the store, but at home, is my husband and kids along with my best friend, our pets and our new horse named Valentine. As I was driving up and around a ramp to get onto the highway, there was a car... a car going the wrong way. The only thing I could do is swerve to the side and hope for the best, but I only saw darkness less than half a second after we collided. What only seemed like a second later, I opened my eyes, but I wasn't in the car, I was... above it. I looked down to see... me. I was on the ground next to my car, covered in blood and being looked at by a paramedic, I was... dead. "No, no. I can't leave! Not like that!" I yelled, but it did no use, I'm now a ghost, nobody can hear or see me. "It's your time now, Stacy." I heard a voice say. "No, no it's not! Please!" I replied. "Graser always joked on me saying that I have 9 lives, please let me live!" I yelled. "Of all the things I've been through, I can't die because of some idiot on the wrong side of the road!" I yelled as I looked down at myself, it was obvious I died on impact considering the condition I was in. I decided that I wasn't going to heaven on my own, I'd have to be dragged there. I'm not ready to leave my family, I can't, I won't.

Graser's POV

"Don't you think that Stacy's been gone awhile?" Will asked, we're currently watching tv. "Nah, remember, it's Stacy. She says she'll be back in an hour, so you're gonna need to triple that to get the correct amount of time she'll be gone." I answered, we giggled. As we were talking, my phone rang, I got up and went to get my phone, it was Stacy.

In phone call...

G. Graser

P. Police

P. Is this Zachery Graser?

G. Ummm, yes. Why do you have my wife's phone? Who are you?

P. I'm with the sheriffs department, and I'm sorry to inform you... Stacy was in a car accident caused by a wrong-way driver... she's no longer with us.

End of call...

I couldn't believe it. I fell to my knees and started sobbing, this can't be happening. If this is happening, I will in fact, kill myself. "Grase? What's wrong?!" Will asked. "Stacy's dead." I answered, sobbing. He completely froze as tears formed in his eyes. "H-how?!" He asked. "Some f*cking idiot was on the wrong side of the road!" I exclaimed. Will then grabbed my phone and called the police again.

In phone call...

W. Will

P. Police

P. 911, what's your emergency?

W. Umm, yeah, I was just informed that my best friend and also mother of my child, Stacy Hinojosa was killed in a car accident. How was she killed?!

P. I'm sorry sir, I don't know what exactly you mean.

W. Was she killed because of injuries or what?!

P. I'm afraid I don't know, but she was killed on impact, it's possible her neck was broken.

W. And she's officially pronounced... dead?

P. I'm afraid so. I'm so sorry.

W. Ok. T-thank you for y-your... your time.

P. You're very welcome, I'm sorry for your loss.

End of call...

Will's POV

This is not happening. This isn't real. I joined Graser in crying the most I'd ever cried. "Daddy, what's wrong?" Gracy asked as she sat with Graser, he didn't answer her, he couldn't answer her. "Where's mommy? I made her this." She said as she held up a drawing of Stacy's Minecraft character, it just made me cry even harder. "Mr. Will, where's mommy?" She asked. "Mommy isn't coming home for... for awhile." I managed to say, I refuse to believe that Stacy is dead. She came back from the dead before, and I'm not giving up on her until she's 6 feet underground.

Stacy's POV

No. No. I'm not leaving. I'm watching my family right now, I'm in the same room as them, but they don't know. Gracy made me a drawing, and I WILL get to tell her how amazing it is, I'm not leaving, I cannot leave. "Guys, I'm right here!" I yelled, it's no use. "William, I'm here!" I said, I was right in front of him, but he doesn't know. I reached out to touch him, my hand went right through him. "Whoa." He said as he put his hand on his heart, directly where I tried to touch. "I just felt something touch me." He said. "It was me!" I shouted. "We're losing our minds already." Said Graser. "No you're not! It's me! Please!" I yelled in his face, after that, I gave up. "Do you give up?" I heard that voice say that I heard earlier. "I give up on trying to talk to my family from the other side, but I do NOT give up on joining them on the other side." I answered with my arms crossed. "You really love your family, huh?" The voice asked, I nodded.

"Maybe I'll give you one more chance..."

Will's POV

A few hours later...

We're at the hospital now, and I'm literally going to be sick. Stacy does NOT look good, she looks like she's out of 'The Walking Dead.' Me and Graser aren't actually supposed to be here with her body, but we don't give a sh*t. Turns out, she didn't die from a broken neck, her ribs were broken and punctured her... her heart... and the steering wheel dug into all of her organs... I don't think she's coming back, nobody does, not even Graser. If she does, it'd be a true miracle. "She's not coming back." Graser muttered. "C'mon Stacy, please come back." I said as I grabbed her hand, despite it being covered in blood. When I did, I knew it was over, she was ice cold, she has no blood flow. "I think... I think we should say our... our final g-goodbyes." I said, Graser nodded. We each spent some time alone with her, I went after Graser. "Oh Stacy, you were a one-of-a-kind, no doubt about it. I can't believe that after everything we've been through, everything that you've been through, this is how it ends. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, you never deserved to go like this. I really don't know how we'll go on without you, but I guess we have to, you wouldn't want us to kill ourselves. And... I... I guess this is... goodbye." I spoke before gently kissing her hand, even though I now had blood on my mouth, I did not care, that was probably the last time I'd ever be able to do that. And with that, I left her, and me and Graser headed home, preparing to somehow explain this to Gracy and Nature. Once there, I immediately broke down as I just caught a glimpse of Gracy's drawing for Stacy. How will we tell our fans? I just collapsed on the couch and cried my eyes out, feeling awful because one, my 'more than friend in my opinion' is dead, and two, Gracy and Nature have no idea what's going on. Me and Graser cried ourselves to sleep that night, our lives have changed forever.

Well, I'm about to be murdered by all of you... until you scroll down 🙃


Haha, you know I'd never kill anyone off! I hope you enjoyed this bonus chap that has no effect on the story! It'll actually continue on Saturday, and it'll continue the day after the horse show incident 😉 anyway, just to clarify, Stacy is NOT dead, I've been planning on doing a prank chap for awhile! Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap!

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