Chapter 31 : Titan the Jumping Horse

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Hey friends! New chap, and it's early in the day WAT?!?!? I know! My mom went to coach soccer and I prefer to write when my parents aren't home cuz they annoying and noisy af. Anyway, my parents also never had an official wedding so....I don't really know what happens at weddings, the most 'wedding' I've seen was DangThatsALongName's vlog from Laurenzside's wedding, this isn't the wedding chap but I just thought I'd warn you, anyway, enjoy!

Graser's POV

Two months later...

Life is good at the moment. Me and Stacy are getting married in three weeks, in three months I'll hopefully be a dad, and Will has a beautiful new horse that he named, Titan. Our plans for the wedding aren't anything spectacular, it's spectacular enough knowing I'll be spending the rest of my life with the beautiful StacyPlays. We're getting married in Hawaii. We're going to ride our horses down the isle and even say our vows on the back of our horses. It costed way more than I thought to get our horses to Hawaii in the first place, but it'll be worth it. We booked a special plane that actually has horse stalls on the inside, there used to transport big time race horses. At the current moment, me and Stacy were filming a Far Lands episode when Will texted me, it read... 'Come outside right friggin now.' I didn't know what he wanted, we finished up our Minecraft video and went outside. Will was riding Titan, they were standing in the field next to a pile of sticks that were stacked about four feet high at the least. "What?" Asked Stacy. "Watch!" He said, he rode Titan away from the pile of sticks and then turned around, he asked Titan to canter towards the pile. When he got close to it, Titan leaped, he flew over the sticks with ease. "Ah, nice!" I said. "I think I did a good job considering I taught myself to ride! In a year, you'll be watching me on tv in the Olympics!" He said excitedly, I gave a thumbs up. "Once I'm no longer caring a baby, I'd like to try dressage riding." Said Stacy. "I wanna do Cross Country!" I exclaimed, cross country riding or, 'XC' riding is basically galloping through an obstacle course of jumps, lakes, ditches, and ledges to jump up and down. It's very dangerous though, in show jumping like Will wants to do, the jumps fall down if the horse hits them, in XC, the jumps are solid, if your horse trips or hits the jump, there's a good chance you're gonna eat dirt. It might be dangerous, but it's actually better for your horse, there's not as many rows of jumps and there's never really any tight turns like in show or hunter jumping. Me and Stacy went back inside, Will stayed practicing jumping, every time Titan made the jump, he'd and more sticks to the pile. Me and Stacy sat on the couch and watched tv for awhile, tomorrow we're going to check up on the baby or babies, but I needed to ask Stacy if we're doing a surprise again. "So Stace..." I started, she looked over at me. "Are we doing a surprise again or..." I asked putting my hand on her belly. "I don't know, I guess surprise, what do we have to lose. I'm preparing myself for the worst, what if..." "Stacy, don't start with the what if's. How about, what if you keep going with the what if's and then I tickle you to death to make you stop?!" I asked tickling her. "Ok, ok, I'll stop!" She said giggling and trying to push me off of her. "You promise?!" I asked still tickling her. "Yes!" She said pushing onto the floor. "Hey!" I said. "You got what you deserved!" She said in a evil tone. Our fun was interrupted by really loud police sirens and skidding tires, we both went outside to see what was up. No sooner than when we closed the front door, a black SUV came speeding around the corner with two police cars following. The one did what's called a Pit Maneuver where the police car taps the car that's trying to get away, it worked too, a little too much. The runaway car lost control and rolled, not only did it roll, it was rolling towards Will and Titan. Thankfully Titan didn't spook and was quick to get out of the way. The driver of the SUV was thrown out of the car, Will tied Titan to the fence and put his nurse skills to work after the police made sure the runaway didn't have any weapons. It was a lady who looked to be around 20 years old, she wasn't injured, but she was sent to the hospital to treat minor cuts and scrapes. She apparently was running cause she had a ton of warrants, so after she was checked out at the hospital, jail was her next stop. After the car was totaled and taken away, Will helped me clean up the glass and scraps that were still left in the field. After we were done, we all sat in the horse pasture and watched the meteor shower that was occurring. Me and Stacy were shoulder to shoulder laying down on a blanket in the middle of the pasture, I had my arm around her holding her close. Maggie came over and laid down next to me, she then laid her head on my chest. "Oh, gosh, Maggie, you're too big, you're gonna suffocate me!" I said, Stacy chuckled. I was honestly confused and the least bit concerned, Maggie is never lovable like this, only when she's unwell. I let her stay with her head on my chest, Titan soon did the same thing to Will, I just blew it off as them just being in a cuddly mood. We all stayed looking up at the beautiful sky for a few hours, once we called it a night and started heading inside, I decided to take a look at Maggie to make sure she's ok. I didn't see anything wrong with her, I put her halter on and had her chase me at a walk, trot, and canter, she seemed fine. I set her free again and went inside, Will had already got in bed, and Stacy was looking through all of our DVDs in the living room. "And what are you doing?" I asked. "I wanted to watch a movie." She said. "Ok! Want some popcorn?" I asked, she nodded. I went to make the popcorn and came back to Stacy snuggling with Page. "What are we watching?" I asked. "A Dogs Purpose!" She answered. "Of course!" I said petting Page. We ate our popcorn and watched the movie, by the time it was halfway through the movie, all the pets had joined us on the couch. Stacy was using Page as a pillow while she snuggled with Molly and Milque, and I had Marley, Max, and Shadow all trying to fit in my lap. Eventually we all fell asleep snuggled together, I was woken up by Will getting some water, he came over to us to see what we were doing. "Hehe, their all like mini heaters in this freezing house, it's probs warmer outside than it is in here." He whispered, I chuckled. He went back to bed and so did I.

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