Chapter 69 : Stubborn Shelby

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Alright y'all, another probably inaccurate birth chap, at least it's the last one in this book. I started writing this at 9:15pm on Monday, anyway, enjoy!

Shelby's POV

As soon as my water broke, I started feeling contractions, and they were awful, the worst thing I've ever experienced. It took awhile for this to sink in, the thing I've had nightmares about, been terrified of my whole life, it's happening right now. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt another contraction, I then realized... I need to wake everyone up!

Will's POV

I was woken up by a frantic Shelby, I already knew what was happening before she even had to explain. I woke everyone else up and made them sit with her while I put some blankets and pillows on top of the carpet for her to lay on, I then carefully picked her up and laid her down on the floor. I sat down beside her and started rubbing her back, tears streaming down her face. "What are we waiting on?! Get this baby out of me!" She yelled. "Shh, relax! You especially can't push that baby out now, you have to 'expand...' down 'there.'" I said, she continued crying. "How long will that take?" She asked through tears. "I don't know, anywhere from a few hours, to a day or two." I answered, she just cried even more. We all sat around her and tried to get her to relax, but nothing we did could make her stop crying. Eventually Stacy made us leave while she helped Shelby get undressed, we then returned to our jobs of trying to keep her calm. "I hate this, I can feel things dripping out of me." She said crying. "I know, it'll be over before you know it, I promise." I said as I held her hand, I continued holding her hand and rubbing her back while everyone else did the same.

Three hours later...

The sun just now came up, and I'm falling asleep sitting up. Stacy and Graser fell asleep on the couch snuggled together, H was awake but still kinda not there, he was tired like me. Shelby's not the only one who's miserable, she hasn't let me get up since this whole thing started, which means that I'm hungry for breakfast, thirsty, I'm still exhausted from doing yard work yesterday, and I'm trying not to pee myself. Every time I started dozing off, Shelby would make me jump when she'd squeeze my hand as she felt a contraction. "Shelby, can you please let me use the bathroom?" I asked, I was still half sleep. "I have to pee too! Get over it!" She said crying, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "So just go, there's gonna be a ton of blood and stuff anyway." I said to her, she listened to me too, it was very uncomfortable holding her hand while she's peeing. "Now can I please go do my business?" I asked, she sighed before letting me go, I sprinted to the bathroom before doing what I needed to do, and going right back to Shelby. "Wanna watch tv?" I asked her, she nodded. I grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and gave it to her, she then didn't put on a movie or a show, she put on some music, which woke up Stacy and Graser. They looked at each other and whispered something, they then nodded and got up before going to their room. Eventually I couldn't stay awake, I laid down next to Shelby and fell asleep.

Ten hours later...

I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 5:30pm, I slept for 10 freaking hours. Everyone was up and about, doing their own things, and Shelby was still crying. I sat up and tried to get up, but Shelby was still holding onto my hand for dear life. "Please let me go, Shelby. I'm only gonna go do a few things and I'll be right back, I promise." I said, she let me go and I went to do a few chores as well as grab a bite to eat. I then came and sat with her again, I then decided to give her some dry blankets to lay on, I pulled the water, blood, and pee covered blankets out from under her and put some clean ones down. Before long, it was 10pm, but I was well rested from my 'nap' earlier, that's probably the longest I've ever slept.

#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu