Chapter 36 : Graser the Bounty Hunter

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Hey friends! Another long and late in the day chap filled with drama and stuff I see on the ID channel on tv! Enjoy!

Graser's POV

Life is truly great right now. I've never been so happy in my life, I'm with the girl of my dreams and have a beautiful baby girl. Me and Stacy were snuggled on the couch watching tv, before long she drifted to sleep laying on my chest. I continued watching H and Shelby playing with Gracy, it was adorable. I decided to try and get some sleep since tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. We have to go to the doctor at 1:00pm, but we don't have a car seat, I need to go to the store beforehand so our little girl isn't in danger. "Will?" I whispered as he walked behind the couch, he looked at me. "Turn the light off." I mouthed, he turned off the light and to sleep I went.

The next morning...

I woke up before anyone else, it was 8:30am. Before I left I figured I should stop leaving the house without saying anything so I woke Stacy up to tell her. "Stacy!" I whispered trying to wake her. "What?" She asked still half sleep. "I'm going to the store, if there's any issues just go to Will." I said, she nodded and kissed my cheek, I quickly threw on some clothes and went to the store. Before I left, I had a bad feeling about something, not about anything at home, but about me going somewhere on my own. I went with the feeling in my gut and brought my gun with me just incase.

A few minutes later...

I was driving down the wooded back roads with beautiful snow and icicles hanging from the trees. I was enjoying the ride other than the fact that I almost spun out on black ice a few times. For some reason I decided to take ol' Betsy for a spin, I haven't really driven her since I got the 4 Runner. But I'm glad I decided to take her, she had a steel bumper that covers the grill and headlights which would soon come in handy. There all of the sudden was a car that popped up behind me, it was suspicious cause I'd never seen that car before in the area, it was a Honda Civic. Nobody from here drives sports cars, only trucks and SUVs, I was keeping my eyes on this fellow. He was riding as close to my bumper as he could possibly get without running into me, which made no sense, I was doing 50 in a 25mph zone. I just had a bad feeling about this guy, I looked over to make sure I had my gun with me, when there was a stop light, I made sure it was loaded, it was loaded to the max. When I got onto the highway, this guy followed me, he then got into the lane to the right of me but he still was behind me a bit. I looked in my mirror at this guy, he seemed familiar, and not in a good way either. I wasn't too concerned for my safety, I'm in a decent car that's up way higher than his little car, I have a pocketknife and a loaded gun, I shouldn't be too worried. The store I was going to was about 20 minutes away, this guy was still following me, I however ignored him.

Few minutes later...

I was nearing the exit I needed to get off of when this guy sped up and jumped in front of me, when he did, he slammed on his breaks. I of course, ran into him. My car was perfectly fine thanks to the steel on the front, not a single scratch, but I was still pissed. "What the f*ck?!" I yelled, I made sure to have my gun with me. As soon as the guy got out of his car, I recognized him, it was Stacy's ex who tried to shoot me before. "I thought you were rotting in jail?" I asked walking up to him, I wasn't afraid. "A little birdie bailed me out, now I'm back for revenge." He said, I held my gun behind my back. "Not happening buddy." I said. "No, it will. You're not returning to Stacy, but that's ok cause she'll meet you in heaven or wherever you go after I kill her too." He said, I still had no fear. "Good luck with that, you'd have to get past more people than me to get to Stacy." I said with my fingers on the trigger. "Who? Little William? He's easy." He said, I was contemplating shooting him right now before he even tried to shoot me. "Nope." I said. "Who?" He asked. "I'm not gonna tell you, it could be a 9 year old guarding her, or a Navy Seal guarding her." I said. "You will tell me, otherwise it's the end for you." He said. "You done f*cked up that sentence in 2 places, one, if you shoot me dead, then you'll definitely never know, and two, really? It's the end for me? Couldn't come up with a better line than that?" I said chuckling, he stared at the ground for a bit, before he held up his gun to me. I turned to look at my car, I have a dash cam in each of our cars. My dash cam was on, therefore, as long as I catch him trying to assault me, he's going right back to the big house. I stood staring at him, I didn't raise my gun, I didn't blink an eye, I was staring death right in the face. I began thinking about an escape plan, I didn't want to use my gun, I'd probably go to jail for shooting someone. I started thinking about how the last time I encountered this dude he completely missed a shot on me when I was standing still, no way he could shoot me if I was running. My car door was still open and the engine was running, if I could make it to my car and floor it, I'd be fine. "Hey, if you're driving somewhere 60 miles away and you're driving there 60mph, how long would it take you to get there?" I asked, this guy isn't very smart, if I had at least and extra second, I could get out of here. "6 minutes?" He said looking away for a split second, I bolted. As soon as he saw me, he shot. I've missed being shot over 3 times, and it remained 3, he managed to shoot me as I floored past him. I was shot in the arm, it hurt, a lot. I called the police, I told them what had happened, they said they were on the way. I assumed that the guy was following me but when I looked in my mirror and he wasn't there, I realized what mistake I made. If he's not pursuing me, he's after Stacy. I made a U turn in the middle of the highway, I then floored my car all the way home, hoping, praying, he doesn't beat me there. If I get home in time, my plan is to get everyone in the car and book it, even the horses, cats, and dogs are coming with us.

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