Chapter 77 : Star Stable

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Hey friends, new chap, enjoy!

Stacy's POV (it'll mostly be in her POV for the rest of the story)

Four months later... (April 25th, 2019)

I must say, life is definitely great. Gracy is learning to say actual sentences, H and Shelby are settled in in the house next door, and the horse I rescued has healed up well and since our babies Lyra and Angel were born on Valentine's Day and that was the day we decided to name the horse, we named her Valentine. Incase you're wondering, no, we haven't sold Sparky, we don't really plan to anymore. Why? Well I'm about to have a talk with Graser about something I've always wanted to do, I've wanted to do this ever since I was a kid. It'll be a big investment as well as take a lot of time to 'build' if that's a hint. It'll also take up a lot of time, energy, and money once it's a thing, but again, 100% worth it. "Graser?" I called, he didn't answer. "Where is he?" I muttered to myself. "He's outside." Said Will. "Doing what?" I asked. "Go look!" He answered, I shrugged my shoulders and went outback. For once, Graser was actually doing something I've been wanting to do for awhile. Basically our backyard has the pool in the left corner over by the woods, grass in the middle, and a giant open space where there's nothing but dirt next to the pool and up against the woods. I've been wanting to make that a little hangout area with a hammock and a fire pit, and that's exactly what Graser was making. "Oh, how nice!" I exclaimed. "Ya like it?" He asked, I nodded with a smile. "Good, cause this was a lot of work." He said with a chuckle. "Why isn't Will helping?" I asked. "Cause he's lazy AF. He helped with the fire pit for 5 minutes and left." He answered, I giggled. "Can I help with something?" I asked. "Uhh, you can... get the... actually, no, you shouldn't do that..." "Do what?" I asked. "I was gonna suggest getting the rocks out of the car, we're gonna make this all rock so it's not so dusty and muddy." He answered. "Really?" I asked excitedly. "Yep, but maybe you could get-oh! I know! Maggie?!" He called, a few seconds later came an excited Maggie. "What you can do is try to put the rocks on Maggie's back." He said, I nodded and started walking out front and to the car, Maggie followed. I then tried to pick up the bags of rocks without throwing my back out, and put them on Maggie's back. After I got 3 bags on her, she'd carefully trot back to Graser and drop off the rocks before coming back to me, and we repeated this process 3 more times. And of course, as I lifted the last bag onto Maggie, I felt that dreaded sharp pain go down my spine. I tried to ignore it because if I tell Graser, he'll make me sit down and won't let me do literally anything. Along with the bags of rocks, I stood on the bumper of the car and climbed onto Maggie, she then trotted back to Graser. "Looks nice!" I exclaimed, he had already put some of the rock down. "It's ready for summer!" He said, I nodded. "Speaking of summer, I remember last summer when I was vacuuming the pool and I literally fell through the deck, it'd be nice to replace a few boards up there." I said, he laughed. "It's not funny! I could've really hurt myself, ya know?!" "I know, but you didn't, so that's why it's funny!" He replied, I rolled my eyes. "But yes, I'll replace the boards up there as soon as I can." He said. "Thank you." I replied. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something..." I started. "Anything for my beautiful!" He replied, I smiled. "This would cost a lot, and be a lot of work... but... what if we cut down a few trees and build a few pastures between our house and Shelby and H's house... could we have a whole animal rescue?" I asked. "Don't worry, I've already thought about it. But we'll have to have a talk with the city about having more animals on our property than you're really allowed to have. They'd have to come and make sure that we're capable of taking care of the animals correctly and them not be cramped in a small paddock and such, it's honestly already crowded with Maggie, Sparky, Titan, Pogonip, and Valentine." He replied. "Yeah, I know. It's probably for the best that Maggie likes to wander around, that way it's not as crowded." I said, he nodded. "But yep, I'll definitely try and get us a little animal rescue going." He said. "Thank you. I love you." I replied. "I'm not even gonna bother saying 'I love you' cause you already know I love you." He said. "Alright now, I like the occasional 'I love you's' but don't be cheesy about it please." I said, giggling, he laughed. I got off of Maggie and continued helping him in the yard, or at least, I helped until my back was hurting too bad and I made up an excuse to go back inside. I walked in to see poor Will with Gracy and Nature climbing all over him, wanting him to play with them. I know why he wouldn't, he actually just got back from coaching and the grocery store, and he was complaining that he didn't get much sleep last night so he's really tired. "Guys, leave Will alone!" I said as I sat down next to them, then they came over to me. "Tired?" I asked, Will nodded. "Well go take a nap or something." I said. "I can't, I just can't fall asleep in the middle of the day." He replied. "Yes you can, you fall asleep all the time during the day!" "No I don't!" "Yes you- ok, whatever. Continue sitting here and falling asleep sitting up, it's not my problem." I said, he chuckled. "Can we go um, see um, Val-valentine?" Gracy asked. "No, not right now. Mommy's gonna go make dinner in a minute." I answered as I picked her up. "Can Will take us?" She asked. "No, Will's tired, he doesn't wanna do anything right now." I quickly said, Will mouthed the words 'thank you.' "Why?" Gracy asked. "Because." I answered as I got up, she followed me to the kitchen. "Because why?" She asked, this is the part of having toddlers that I was not looking forward to, the amount of questions they have about literally everything. "Look, little girl. Why do you ask so many questions, huh?" I asked with a smile as I picked her up, she giggled. I then carefully set her down again and continued with making dinner while I taught Gracy some things like how to count, and other big words that I know of and what they mean. "And why did I name Milquetoast 'Milquetoast?'" I asked her. "Because he's shy and milquetoast means shy!" She answered. "Yeah! Good job!" I said as I gave her a high five. "Can I get a pony and name him French Toast?" She asked. "Maybe." I answered. "Yes." I heard her say, I giggled. "There's my queen and my princess!" Said Graser as he picked Gracy up and came over to me, I smiled. "Let me go!" Said Gracy, giggling. "No, I shall not let you go!" Graser said to her, I can tell he's probably gonna end up being one of those annoying dads who are always messing with the kids and taunting them. "Let her go, Graser." I said. "Awe, fine." He replied as he put her down, she then ran off to our bedroom. "She really doesn't like you." I said with a giggle. "I know, but I still love her." He replied, I smiled. "Where's Mr. Will?" He asked. "Probably asleep on the couch." I answered as I peeked out of the kitchen and looked in the living room, sure enough, he was sound asleep with Nature sitting on him. "Those two are gonna be inseparable, I can tell you that right now." Graser said, I nodded. I continued making dinner while Graser and Gracy played hide-and-seek around the house, Gracy likes her daddy as long as he does what she says and he doesn't pick her up... just like her mommy. I'm honestly surprised by how calm and cool Nature is, he just follows Will around all day and occasionally comes to see what I'm doing, and he never cries or anything, but he'll let you know when he wants something. He's so quiet and he never messes with the computer so Will always films his videos with Nature sitting on his lap, it's very adorable. Speaking of, Gracy has been trying to play Minecraft with us, and she's getting the hang of it. Let's be real, she's the smartest 2-and-a-half-year-old I ever did see, which makes sense, she definitely gets her smarts from her mama. "Mommy!" I heard her call as she came running down the hallway. "Yes darling?" I asked. "Can-can I play this horse game?" She asked. "What horse game?" I asked. "Come see!" She said as she ran back to her and Nature's room, which is also my office. I followed her to where she had a game on the computer that I'd played before, Star Stable Online. "Can I play it?" She asked. "Sure! I'll help you with it in a minute, ok?" I asked. "Why can't you do it now?" She asked. "Do you want to eat dinner?" I asked, she nodded. "Well let me finish dinner and I'll help you with that." I said, she nodded and followed me back to the kitchen. I finished up dinner and we all ate, except for Will who was still sleeping. After we ate, I decided to finish up some chores despite Gracy telling me to help her with the game. I then went and gave her a bath cause she was playing with the horses outside this morning who were rolling around in the dirt, and I helped her get dressed before heading to the office. "Mommy's played this game before so I'm gonna try and sign in... I'm pretty sure I'm a Star Rider too." I said, she smiled. "Do you know what that means?" I asked, she shook her head. "It means you can probably buy different horsies." I answered. "Yay!" She exclaimed. After a few attempts, I was able to sign into my old account with my horse Dog Dew and I quickly logged in before showing Gracy how to play. When I logged in though, my horse looked completely different, he wasn't a weird looking horse with a weirdly shaped body, he was actually proportionate and looked quite realistic. "I guess they've updated the game a lot." I muttered to myself as I pulled up the map, there was a ton of new areas, quests, and new horses that you could buy. "Alright, you can play for one hour, but then you're going to bed." I told Gracy. "Ok, mommy!" She replied, I smiled before getting up and leaving her to play. I went and sat down on the couch with Graser and Will, they were trying to find a movie to watch. "Where's the little menace to society at?" Graser asked. "Playing Star Stable, I've played it before cause they actually sponsored me." I answered. "Oh, ok. She's already a little computer genius." He replied, I giggled as I nodded. "She'll probably grow up to be a hacker." Will said, I laughed. We eventually picked a movie to watch, once it was over, Graser went and got a shower and Will went to bed while I went to put the little munchkins to bed. "Alright, little one, time for bed." I said as I went in my office/Gracy and Nature's room. "Look! Me and Dog Dew fixed the bridge between Moorland and The Harvest Counties!" She exclaimed. "Cool, good job!" I replied. "But seriously though, bed time." I said. "Ok, fine." She replied as she got up and got in her bed, Will already put Nature in his bed. "Goodnight guys." I said as I kissed her and Nature on the forehead. "Goodnight, mommy. I love you!" Gracy said as she hugged me. "I love you too." I whispered. I then quietly walked away and shut the door, a smile on my face, I love my little ones. I went to my bedroom where Graser was already in bed, I quickly threw my pjs on and joined him. "We have the best kids in the world." I said. "I know we do, cause they have the best parents in the world." He replied. "No, their dads aren't that cool, they get their smarts and kindness from their mommy." I said, he laughed. "I just can't believe everything that's happened in our lives. All the up's and down's, the near death experiences, the troubles and arguments, it's just... crazy." I said. "I know, I often forget about a lot of that stuff. I actually completely forgot about the incident that caused Will to almost die, him trying to swim after Everest." He replied. "Yep." I said as I looked at Everest who was laying across my feet at the end of the bed. "We definitely need to get on that animal rescue thing though, that paddock is way too crowded." Graser said, I nodded. "Tomorrow I'll call up some peeps and see what I can figure out." He said. "Thank you, I love you." I replied as I scooted closer to him, I forgot that Everest was laying on me, cause he ended up falling off of the bed. "Oh, I'm sorry boy!" I exclaimed as I giggled, Graser laughed. "Are we horrible people for laughing?" He asked, I just laughed even harder, but I felt bad. Everest got up and shook off before jumping back on the bed and laying between me and Graser. "I'm sorry, that probably didn't feel too nice." I said as I pet him on his head. "Yeah, right? Imagine you're just sleeping soundly and boom, you get kicked onto the floor." Graser said, I laughed. We all cuddled together and eventually fell asleep, I think to myself every night how much I love my family.

Yay, new chap, 2400 words! Anyway, I didn't update yesterday cuz we threw together a 'end of the season' party with my moms soccer team on Friday and there was a thunderstorm I wanted to watch but it ended up being the most boring storm I'd ever seen, so I didn't get around to writing then. And yesterday, we had some peeps over so they distracted me from writing until they left, so most of this was written late last night, but I wrote a lot today as well. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap! (Below is a pic of what Valentine ACTUALLY looks like, I posted the wrong pic last time, don't ask how XD)

 Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see you next chap! (Below is a pic of what Valentine ACTUALLY looks like, I posted the wrong pic last time, don't ask how XD)

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#Gracy // stacyplays & Graser10 FF (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now