If they were critters

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John would be a racoon. He'd be like Oscar from Sesame Street dwelling in the local dumpsters of New York. He'd travel the streets and steal everyone's corn flakes if he got into their houses.

Ringo would be a monkey who would join the circus and steal all the pop corn. He'd fill up on the Coke a cola.  He'd mess with the audience and the performers. He'd fool with the lights and just goof around in general.

George would be a horse of course! He'd run the mountains of India and hang out with his best friend, Ravi Shankar, who would freely ride on Georges back whenever they would ride into the sunset.

Paul would be a peacock because of how fabulous he is. He would do exotic dances to lure the beautiful birdies around him. He would fall in love with Linda who is a beautiful swan every single day. He would love his beautiful family and show his sass when it's needed!

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