If The Beatles Kidnapped me ❤️

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Paul: let's put Frankie in this fabulous sack!
John: we're gonna get in trouble!! Paul, you dumb bloke!
Ringo: LETS DO IT!!
George: let's kidnap food too.

Paul: we're gonna kidnap Frankie, and their gonna live with us! What kinda of father would leave his kid alone in the dark? That's a lonely life!
John: Aw well MY LIFE WAS WORSE! But let's kidnap Frankie, because they can play different instruments and we can use another person to play background sounds.

George: they can cook for us too! I heard they can make awesome pasta dishes and some thick mac n cheese without it being Kraft.

Ringo: we will make the best family for Frankie.

Paul: ITS OUR TIME TO ACT! The dad is asleep and Frankie is laying alone in their dark room.

The four used stealth mode to sneak into the house and into my room. Paul blind folded me and the rest put the sack over me picking me up. I was like a dead body that was really over weight. They carried me like a casket. And hours later, I woke up in the most comfortable room, it was cold like I liked it and I slept my best.

Paul: good morning, sunshine!

Me: -Sitting on the softest bed I've ever slept in shook-

Paul: no, you're not dreaming, you're in Liverpool dear and our friends John, Ringo and George are here.

Me: That's awesome! Imma get up and make breakie for you guys, I'll make a big ole breakfast for you all.

George: did I HEAR BREAKIE? OH MY!

Me: -I make pancakes 🥞 eggs 🍳 croissants 🥐 (thinks about Carl Wheezer from Jimmy neutron) then I make hash browns 🥔

All of us: sat down to eat all morning and gained twenty lbs eating.

We then go out for a stroll and then we felt like someone was watching us...

Then we saw.. a yellow submarine! We ended up in Pepperland, to face the blue meanies again! What a dream come true 💓

We ended up at the studio and I played different instruments all day and my life felt so perfect with my four new brothers.

I cooked Macaroni and cheese for dinner and I cooked five pounds of it. Uh oh! When it came to the last pound of gooey Mac n cheese, the four boys faught over it and Paul and George ended up splitting it half and half.

I started to clean the kitchen.

Paul: I'll help you, since you cooked for us.


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