Johnny as The Grinch

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Poor little Johnny was born as a Grinch. He went to school as everyone did and was one of the kindest kids at school. His body had auburn hair all over it and he was voted as the most unattractive lad in the whole district. He was in love with a girl named Cynthia. She had blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was nice to him outside of school, she loved him too but at school she was popular and she did not want to ruin her reputation.

One day, Johnny and his classmates were enjoying a Christmas snack and like usual, the "alpha male of the class" was chuckling with his lads in the back of the middle of the classroom. Johnny was a sweet lad, he gave everyone a mini teddy bear and everyone was laughing at him for looking like a little auburn sasquatch. Cynthia did not stick up for him and she laughed with the other lads. Johnny ran out of the classroom and cried as he shouted: "I HATE CHRISTMAS!"

Cynthia realized what she had done when she felt her heart break as she saw him hurt.

By the time she ran out of the classroom to chase Johnny, he was gone.


-Ten years later-

John sat in his cave alone plotting to ruin Christmas for everyone in Liverpool. He was still hurt over Cynthia but he still wanted to ruin Christmas for all no matter who they are. He decided to steal all the presents under everyone's trees and bring his bulldog who he dresses as Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer.

He built a wagon on wheels that his bulldog would steer into town.

When he was done planning. He watched the town and grumbled and cringed whenever he heard the town sing carols all December. He avoided Christmas specials and sometimes he would watch the 'static channel.'

—-Christmas Eve—
Cynthia got hit by her abusive boyfriend one last time and then she turned around and slapped his face and ran to search for Johnny.
She knew she did wrong for years. She realized she never stopped loving Johnny.
She searched all over Liverpool, the phone books, asked guards, asked all over until she saw Paul, John's best friend.
Paul told her that she must go to the mountain to see Johnny again but he warned her that he's changed so much because his heart was so broken after that day she broke his heart.
She cried and told Paul she loves John and she'll never forgive what she's done to him.

They heard wheels going down the mountain
almost  faster than the speed of light.
They saw him go to the first house, down the chimney and crawled out of the chimney with all the gifts in a humongous bag and his hairs had been covered with smoke and dust from the chimney.

Paul and Cynthia got in the car and drove after Johnny and by the time he had slowed down, all the Gifts in Liverpool had been stolen by Johnny the Grinch.

"Johnny, what are you doing?" Cynthia cried out.


Cynthia came up to him and told him,"I've always loved you, I was stupid enough to choose my reputation over you.", she about cried and admitted,"I've been looking for you for years and I just got out of an abusive relationship with the same guy who promised me he'd help me find you and instead, he forced me to love him and every-time I would miss you and cry over you, he would hit me or touch me in some way."

"Johnny, I love you." Cynthia kept talking,"I'll never stop loving you." She kissed Johnny on the lips and wrapped her arms around him.

Johnnys heart grew oh so big and he held her tighter.

"I never stopped loving you too, Cyn." Johnny was crying tears of joy as he held her close.

Everyone in Liverpool came out of their homes and sang along to carols. Johnny gave all the gifts back to each family.

Christmas was loved by everyone again and the two lovers married next Christmas.

The End.

**Late late Christmas story but I had been going through a lot lately. Thanks for reading and understanding 😘

***P.S I >still love you all 💋

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