List of the cringe I might put out

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Dear folks who read my stuff,
I'm a slow writer, and I try to make grammar a priority too so that folks can better understand my works. Any who..I'm listing the "cringe" I'm working on.
1) My best friends the Beatles
•This is gonna be one of those books that will take a long time to write because it's going to be my serious side of writing about issues that we face in the world we live in. I know not everything is going to be accurate historically but it's going to be a heartfelt fan fiction. This will have a lot of tears, just as much love as I put into the book you're reading now, and more emotion into it.

2) A ReviewBrah Fanfic
•I'm not sure if I'm going to release this book because of how cheesy, awkward, and weird it is because I kinda have a crush on this YouTuber.. oooops did I just spell my tea.. well, you guys know now 😭 😂

3)About me book
• if you have questions about me, I'll answer those on this book if I do.

4)  N/A

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