Fat and Formal

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Note; I am a big person who loves to wear formal clothes; I have an obsession with neckties and tuxedos. I like wearing baggy pollos and neckties when it's hot out like it is during the summer. What if the Beatles dressed like me- fat and formal?
Paul loves roses, and looking romantic most of the time. Since he has gained 100+ lbs; he would wear a 3x light rose coloured tee shirt tucked in his black trousers with a black neck tie tie that has a rose pattern and would wear a full Windsor knot. He would have a real rose pinned on his shirt next to his neck tie. His watch would be pure silver with Roman numerals on it. He would wear black or white coloured handkerchief in his pocket just to wipe away the tears of anyone. He has mashed potatoes all over his face!

John has gained 120+ pounds, he loves to look like he's the alpha of the group like he is but also he's quite the dreamer. He likes to dress with authority and like an advocate so let's give him an ebony coloured shirt and a crimson red neck tie with loose trousers and a belt with the peace symbol on it. His glasses would become one of those vintage pairs of spectacles. He would have a light blue peace pendant on his chest. He has corn flakes all over his self!

George has a white shirt, a shiny bright orange suit, neck tie and trousers (very baggy)- he won't stop eating sweets. His pendant would be a sunflower 🌻

Ringo has a blue bow tie to bring out beautiful blue eyes, a white polo and a blue blazer. His trousers would be blue as well! His eyes would be brought out so much! He won't stop eating the beans and he keeps having to order two sizes up special for him. His pendants would be a heart and peace sign in his chest.

Both the Beatles would have to be fitted and have their tuxes two sizes bigger than them like I do.
Author note: I know this chapter is kinda meh but it's an idea I've had for a while.
More Beatles in fairy tails coming soon! I'm working on a couple of them! Thanks for reading!

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