If the Beatles Ran an Orphanage

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Ringo- Would try to play with the kids and be one of the kids, would not share his plush octopus and he would wake everyone up with his drums. Would goof around in general.

George- Would eat cake, and teach the kids to meditate. Would teach them to grow sunflowers and teach them to play guitar. Would encourage the kids to love the sun. 

John- Would be the enforcer, would get onto Ringo for goofing around and would tell him to stop being childish. Would yell at the kids to be quiet during nap time. Would have the shortest fuse with misbehaving kids.

Paul-Would do fashion shows with the kids, would cook amazing meals, and tidy up. Would be the "mama" of everyone. Would cheer up a crying kid. Would give a lot of love to the kids. Would sing the kids to sleep at night, and hug them when they are down.

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