Chapter 12

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By Now it's Night and Stella had closed her eyes and there was no way I could reach her as my hands and legs were tied to a pillar that stood upright at the corner of the room.

Later I started hearing footsteps like someone was coming our way, it sounded so hard and and firm against the floor I was sure it was a male figure coming so I was alert, then the footsteps stopped and I was curious who this was, one of them maybe or even maybe we're gonna die.

Come and save us please we are here I thought.

I started hearing it again louder than the first time and closer than I imagined and a figure peeped into the room and turns out it was Aiden!.

"She needs medical attention, Stella is dying she's been bleeding all day" I quickly said immediately I saw him hesitate and reluctant, I don't why but he seemed reluctant at first like as if considering if he should help or not but when his adrenaline set in he was so active he carried Stella out the room and walked out the opposite direction which he came in, after about 10 minutes that he had gone he came back to untie the ropes but then again he seemed reluctant "Aiden what's going on?" I asked confused as to why he was always reluctant at first.

"Nothing" he said and shook his shoulders and helped me out of the room.

Aiden's POV
"They are in the third room on the left and no mistakes this time " Anika told me with strict orders.

I knew for sure if I screw this up that would be end and they won't have any chance cause Anika would plan everything possible to kill them on the spot.

"Stella doesn't deserve this " I thought as I approached the room, on entering the room I was reluctant at first because they probably think I'm a friend and I'm here to help "I should tell Allison the truth she'll be mad but she deserves the truth" I thought again as I carried Stella out of the room.

"Aiden remember no mistakes" Mia said with a stern voice like she'd shoot me if I did anything out of plan.

"Aiden What's going on?" Aal asked worried and confused as to why I was reluctant, she needs to know the truth but this wasn't the right time.

I had to make it look like I was sneaking them out of the house, poor Alison probably thinks yay her best friend showed up but what can I do if I'm stuck with two nagging women that have been controlling me all my life 😏.
Do you think Aiden should spill the truth?

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