If I Fell- I Don't Want To Spoil The Party (Chap 6)

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“I think lunch is almost over, we should be getting back,” Toby said, standing up. Looking around, I saw that he was right. We all threw away our plates and said goodbye before heading back to our group. There was only an hour left, thank goodness. And our leader already told us that we were going on a scavenger hunt with a partner. Nate and I went together. We had thirty minutes to find a ton of stuff around the school.

Nate and I ran back to the front door, with only a couple of seconds to spare before our time was up. We handed our paper to our leader and were told to take a seat on the hill by the parking lot. We did so, and the other groups began to fill in after us. Most of us ended up getting separated by the mass of people filling in, but Alec found his way to me. The principal, Mrs. Smith, got up to say a few things before they’d announce which teams did the best. She talked about how she was all excited to have us here, blah, blah, blah, I wasn’t listening. Alec and I were talking.

“So, would I like this Jake guy?” he asked.

“I think you would. He might actually still be in town… maybe you could come over and meet him.”

“And this Zane child that is so weird to him but might end up being cool?”

“Nice way to put it. And yeah, if Jake’s over, Zane will surely be too. But you’ll have plenty of time to meet Zane, he’s moving in. And I’m sure you’ll soon be coming up with school-related excuses to come to my house.” Last year, Alec came over once or twice a week, claiming we had a project to do, so he could stay out later. His parents always had to drive him, because he lived kind of far away, about a fifteen minute drive. So there was no way he could walk.

“Most defiantly,” he told me. Then, my phone went off in my pocket. It hadn’t gone off all day, considering I was with anyone who would be texting me for the most part. I took it out, and saw that it was Jake. Alec looked over my shoulder and saw that it was from him, too. He stole the phone from me before I could do anything.

“It has a password on it, dummy,” I said. He just laughed. I looked at my phone and saw that he had gotten through my password.”How….?”

“Computer geek here, remember?” he asked, pointing to himself. I gave him a ‘no really how’d you do it’ look. Sure he was a computer geek, but that didn’t explain how he could have known my password. “I guessed. You make it too easy. Anyone that knows you knows what it is.”

“Then what is it, mister I know everything?”


“Darn it. I hate you.”

“Love you too.” We always do that to each other; just because people say we love each other.

“What’s it say?”

“I approve.” And he handed the phone back to me.

“It says I approve?”

“No, I approve of him.” Confused at what might make him say that, I looked down at the text. It read:

Julia! im coming over tomorro with the fam. Well, i’ll be at their house, official move in day and whatnot. So come over and see me, k? miss you like crazy, beautiful gurl:)

“He’s good for you,” Alec told me. “I can tell. He better not hurt you, though.”

“He won’t, he’s already gotten threats about that.”

“Good. You know I love you, right?”

“Eh,” I said, waving my hand back and forth like a see saw. He laughed.

Mrs. Smith was done by then, and some teacher went up to say which groups won at what. I couldn’t care less, so I didn’t pay attention. But every time he would announce something, a few people would stand up and start screaming. It really wasn’t that big of a deal.

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