Chapter Twenty Six: It'll work out

Start from the beginning

He didn't even wait for the woman to reply to his command before turning around and heading back into the action room.

When he arrived back to the action room he was taken by surprise that the heroes were in front of him, detaching their Armory.

"Fury," Tony said this in question rather than welcome.

"William Scott will be taken into our custody." Fury jestured to the guards in Black carrying a man in a fancy tecky steel suit. Tonys eyes widened when he saw the major gash taken out of his one leg and blood gushing around it.

"Well done everybody!" Tony praised.

"It wasn't us who did it." Nat intensely eyed Tony.

"As soon as this mortal here had been taken down," Thor smiled cheerfully pointing at the bad guy. "His army had dropped all at once."

Tony took a brief glance at Peter but had to do a double-take because he'd already had his eyes on Tony giving him the desperate look.

"Mr. Stark?" He said "y/n?"

"Yes... y/n!" He piped up but his emotion faded quickly not knowing what to say to the poor lad.

"She'll be all right." He settled with.

"Can I see her?"

Tony began to feel uncomfortable. With Thor's eyes occasionally looking up at him, in the midst of taking off his vest. Clint already having his gear off leaning his back against a bench watching like a hawk. Everything in the room died down quickly.

"Sorry kid." Tony Shrugged
"But I need to se-"
"She is okay. Drop it."
"Mr. Stark she's my girlfri-"

"I said no!" Tony said it out loud causing more of a scene. Everybody's attention turned on him now and he let out a big sigh and glared at Peter.

"She's in the exglavator box."

"She's where???" Nat asked with raised brows. Everyone looked from Tony to agent Romenov and it seemed as though Tony had been the only one phased by this.

"It was the only thing we could do. We couldn't risk her having-" He stopped himself and looked at the intense stare of everybody's eyes.

"Agent Romanov, this is classified information if you wish to speak in such a matter, call me aside and we'll discuss further. As for now," he took his eyes off Nat and put on a fake smile for the sake of this audience.

"Good work today! And Thor," he turned to him. "Your entrance was phenomenal!"

Thor smirked and went to fist bump agent coulson but he cooly rejected it.

As the avengers began to disperse, Peter walked up to Tony

"Mr. Stark, I'd like to 'call you aside'" he used quotation finger gestures.

Tony sighed but thought it was fair to tell the truth about his girl. Hesitantly, he agreed and explained what was happening. But he left out the part about her organs and bones slowly deteriorating. Tony watched Peters facial expressions during his speech. He seemed deep in thought about this situation.

"She's... She's a keeper, Pete." Tony half- smiled.

Tony know that Peter gave the best fake smile he could attempt. He watched as a small tear slid down Peters cheek and he suddenly felt like crying himself but he wasn't going to let that happen.

"How... How long does she have?"

Tony had been impressed with how much effort he put ink everyone of his words without breaking.

"In all honesty kid, she's got a good chance. She's a fighter. She'll get through this." Tony made it his priority to assure Peter, though he wasn't much convinced himself.

Peter was clearly not listening to him as he was looking anywhere but Tony with another tear running down his cheek. Peter must of caught Tony looking at him because he tapped the button on his wrist, immediately and his mask unfolded from the suit and covered his face.

"Thank you." Tony finally received Peters eyes. "Thanks for being honest."

"Your welcome." He nodded.

Peter looked away and sighed. "I gotta head back to school." He pointed backwards in the direction they'd just come from.

Tony nodded. "Kid,"
"Are you gonna be alright?" His brows creased.
"Of course. Why not?"
"No, there's no reason not to be alright. Everythings gonna work out. We've got the antidote as our top priority." He waved his hands as he spoke.

Peter gave Tony a smile. "I know it will... I'll see ya later." Peter called already walking away from the conversation.

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