Chapter Twenty Two: Bad Vibes

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Peter and I walked home together. It was nice. I knew I shouldn't be doing it but it feels so good to be around him. His presence warms me. Plus, he was my boyfriend... But the disease. It's killing me, Ripping through my insides out.

"No. I've had bad grades. Jeez, I got an 87' in math." He cringed.

"Peter!" I said slapping his arm. "That's good-" I took another step, somehow missing my footing and fell forward. I felt strong hands grip onto my waist, forcing my head to jerk forward causing pain to shoot through my head.

I found myself elbowing him twice in the ribs before he decided to let go, leaving me hurtling towards the pavement. In mid-air, I managed to save myself from a goose egg on my head by flipping to my side. My arm was forced to take the impact of my fall. I gasped in pain.

I laid there for half a second before abruptly snapping myself up in a sitting position.

"Y/n!" Oh right. Peters here. Goody.

I raised my knees to my chest and pulled them in for warmth and security. I didn't know why, but I could feel myself rocking back and forth, using the muscles in my back and the balls of my feel for support.

I looked up at him... But it wasn't him. I mean, it was, but his figure was all orange... everything was orange. I could make out every detail of his features, but it was as though I had been looking in orange lenses.

I quickly rubbed my eyes thoroughly. When I re-opened them Peter was his normal colour. Everything was its normal colour.

"What happened!?" He said genuinely concerned.

I slowly made my way up to look at him. I fake laughed. "I fell. my god, I'm so clumsy." I raised myself to my feet, grimacing at the throbbing pain in my arm.

He looked at me with worry eyes. "You sure your good?"

"Don't pitty my stupidity." I waved my hand.

"But..." It was almost what seemed he was biting his tongue on what he was gonna say. He looked at my arm sadly.

"You were saying?" I asked as I began walking again, my throbbing arm to my chest.

"Uh... Can't remember." That was a total lie! "Ya know, you should probably get that checked out." He walked up beside me.

"It's all good." I waved it around. "Agh!" I said as I pressed it back against my chest. He's probably right...

"Are you okay?" He reached towards me but I whacked his hand away with my good hand.

"I'm fine. I'm not a baby." He watched me struggle to obtain myself.

I wanted to avoid Peters intimidating eyes but it was hard. I needed him now more than ever. I needed my friends. I needed my life back to normal.

I glanced over to a nearby store where I got my first bike with my mother. Warm, happy feelings broiled in my body. I looked over to an old neon green bench that must've just been placed there because I don't recognize it.

There sat a man I couldn't see his face but I suddenly got a bad feeling that surrounded all the good feelings and chewed them up.

As I tilted my head, the man suddenly turned around. It wasn't any ordinary man. It was THE man.


I could feel my eyeballs burst from my head. I wanted to punch him. Hurt him. Kill him even. My life is going to hell and having a creepy man stalk me is making it a hell of a lot harder.

I didn't even get a chance to think of a reaction. My legs started moving in his direction. I wasn't clear on my plan what I would do when I'd reach him, but it wasn't gonna be good.

I strode across the sidewalk and started for the road. The features on his face morphed into a sketchy, yellow-toothed smile. What was he planning? I cocked my head at him.

His eyes trailed to my left... And I knew why. Just a few meters away a set of car headlights hurdled towards me. I didn't have time to run. I crouched down in the proposal stance and covered my head.

I heard a faint crash but I didn't feel anything. I slowly raised my head up and found myself looking into the mask of Spiderman.

HOW DID HE GET IN HIS OUTFIT SO FAST? He was crouched down to just above my level. He had one hand on the bumper of the vehicle, which was now slightly bent. His other hand was lightly rested on my shoulder for security sake. Thank god for his mask because I did NOT want to see his reaction to this.

I turned my attention to the bench where a furious, old, ugly man sat. I raised myself, accidentally avoiding Peter who was curiously looking in the direction my head was turned.

The man stood up with dead defining eyes, piercing through ours. I could see Peter slowly rising from the corner of my eye.

"Your boyfriend won't always be there to protect you, Y/n." With that, he turned the corner of the alleyway.

I stood there, confused and distraught, while Peter had other plans. He shot a web out the building and flew away within seconds.

I moved off the side and sat down on the curb holding my arm against my stomach.

What was this man's problem? How is it that I've never seen him before until the past month? Is he somehow the reason I'm in all this mess? My head was spinning with questions but all thoughts came to a halt when the sudden sound of a car door slamming erupted.

"Look at what you did to my car!" A British sounding man shouted from the vehicle.

I turned my attention to him and glared. "You ran into ME... remember?"

His blond hair was loose and curly hanging above his forehead. He was fancied up with a black suit with velvet trim along the hem of his shirt. His tie was the best part of the outfit. It was a bright silver-red colour.

He glances at my arm. but decided not to speak of it.

"If I wasn't gonna be late for court," he looked down at an expensive-looking watch. "I wouldn't let this away." His body turned and he headed back for his car.

"Wait!" I called out to him. He turned back with an impatient expression.

"If you don't mind me asking... Why are you going to court?" WHY DID I JUST ASK HIM THIS? it's none of my business. But I felt as though I should know.

He stopped leaving the car door between us. I couldn't quite tell what his reaction was. It was between the, 'are you kidding me?' And the, 'who do you think you are?'

"I uh..." He looked at me with determination. "I'm going to get my daughter back."

I was speechless. I watched as the father stood there with his head lowered now. Probably ashamed that a stranger asked him such a question and he answered so confidently.

"What's her name?" I asked, hoping I didn't go too far.

"... Daisy." Our eyes met.

I'm not sure why, but I was about to come up with another question when my Spiderboy flew back to me.

He stuck his landing a few steps behind me. I turned my head to him as he took his strides forward to stand directly beside me.

"Spiderman..." The man turned his attention towards him then looked back at me. "You know him?"

I looked at Peter and suppressed my urge to blush. "Yeah, this isn't the first time I've run in front of cars." I smiled at my hero.

"You alright, man?" Peter asked.

The mans face altered. "Uh, yeah. Actually, I was just leaving..." He gave his eyes a few more seconds of staring at Spiderman before deciding to get in his vehicle and pull ahead.

Peter turned towards the few pedestrians taking notice of him. He gave a wave to each of them.

"Y/n, let's get outta here." He turned whispering to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while one hand gripped my waist, and the other was used to shoot a web to the top of our building.

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