Chapter Nineteen: Truth Comes Out

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*Peter's POV*

Something about this situation was withdrawing me to leave the area of the room. A tingle ran through my body as I crept outside the room and silently watched Futera and the nurse. My Spidey senses were calling out to me and I needed to answer.

I purposely left the door a crack open so I could still hear and see them but closed enough that they couldn't see me.

"Have there been any other incidents regarding the Aggarizer disease? Any changes in mood...? Appetite?" The nurse asked.

"Yes... The mood I mean."

"Oh really?" The nurse grabbed a clipboard from her desk, along with a pen and took her place in front of Futera.

"Yeah, I've found myself becoming depressed."

The nurse took that into consideration and decided to write that message on her sheet

"Any friends?"

Futera was silent for a moment and I could tell that she took that in the offence, but probably realized it was important to know because she answered with a simple "no."

"Any parents?"

"No... Well, a druggy father, who lives in Michigan."

Somehow I suddenly felt sorry for her. It was strange to listen to this girl back story. Empathy and wondrous emotions flowed through my body. She came across as a sly, sympathetic girl that just wanted to do good.

"Mhmm." She tapped her pen on her chin. "Any companions...? A boyfriend maybe. Or a girlfriend?"

"Yes. I have a boyfriend."

"And does he know about... All this? Your powers?"

"No!" She said almost immediately.

The nurse didn't ask any further questions about the clear touchy subject.

"Has he noticed any changes in your mood?"

Futera looked down and itched at her arm. "Uh... I think so..." She almost seemed... Sad about it.


I was distracted by their conversation when I was startled at the call of my name.

I turned around looking like a deer caught in headlights. Mr. Stark stood down the hall in his usual, casual outfit. When he saw that I turned to his attention, he took that opportunity to stride down the length of the hallway.

"Whatcha up to, kid?" I stood up straight attempting to hide the fact that I was eavesdropping.

His head tilted slightly as he peeked inside the room I'd been once staring into.

"You have a crush on the new girl?" He chuckled.

"Wha- no!" I rubbed my arm awkwardly. "I have a girlfriend."

"Since when's that stopped, anybody?" He laughed, which soon died when he realized I was serious. "Okay, so why are you stalking her?" He asked.

"It's just... There was something bad that happened today and I'm just... I'm wondering if she'll tell Dr. Fritz."

I tried to keep my gaze from him, but I caught my eyes linger to him to figure out the reaction he'd give.

"What kind of bad thing." His voice became suttle.

"I... It's not my place to tell you, Mr. Stark." I told him, wondering if he'd appreciate the fact that I'm keeping something from him.

"Okay." He pursed his lips and I knew immediately that he regretted not letting me tell him, but decided not to speak. "Then let's see if she'll tell the nurse."

We both turned back to the room and watched as they continued her checkup.

"I'm gonna need you to take off your hood though, y/n."


"Uh, okay." She grabbed onto the strings and slowly pulled on them to up to be easier for her to remove it.

This was it. The moment of truth. I was going to find out who this mystery person really is. Maybe Tony already knew who it was... Perhaps there's a reason she's kept herself behind a mask. Maybe she was like me, didn't want her face to be spotted on social media. Maybe she's ugly and doesn't want people to see her?

The moment of truth. I was shocked. Heartbroken. There were too many words to describe how I was feeling at this moment.

The person under the hood... Was y/n...


We didn't hear much after Nat interrupted us. "What're you boys doing?" She asked suspiciously peering over our shoulder.

"We're eavesdropping on the new girl. Wanna join?" Tony raised a brow, turning around to face the redhead.

"No. I've got better plans than to spy on the new girl who's got as much privacy as everyone else here. None."

"Hey, we're just figuring her out."

"Aren't you a little old for her, Stark?" She asked him while continuing to walk down the hall.

"I didn't start it... The kid did."


"I thought you were the responsible one, Peter."

I shrugged. "Sorry... I just-"

I stopped myself, feeling ashamed. Nat always had a good point but sometimes she makes me wanna curl up and cry.

She pursed her lips. "I guess I'll see you boys at the meeting." With that, she turned on her heel and headed the other way.

We turned our attention back to the door.

"Will the darkness fade?" Y/n asked.

"It's pretty bad, y/n." She said with a serious tone.

"Darkness?" Tony questioned, a little too loud.

Of course... Way to go, Tony!

The nurse must've heard him because her eyes shifted to the door. We backed off and in seconds, the door closed in our faces.

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