Chapter 37: It's a Alice and Lou thing

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Author's note:

hey guys sorry its been sooooooooooo long since we have last updated but we have both been super busy with school and other stuff..... PLEASE FORGIVE US!!!!!

we hope you like this chapter and please VOTE COMMENT and FAN!!!!! (we update faster if you do )

lots of love,

Alice and Sophie :)xx


Alice's POV

We all soon then left the festival and I noticed Lou beingquiet, a little too quiet.

'Hey Haz do you know what's wrong with Lou?' I whispered into Harry's ear.

'It's a guy thing babe, don't worry about it.' Harry told me and I just nodded. I looked over to see Sophie and Nathan laughing loudly together and Lou walking all by himself, death glaring the two.

'OMG he's jealous.' I thought to myself. It was like a light bulb went off in head. I let go of Harry's hand and ran over to Lou and jumped on his back.

'PIGGYBACK RIDE!' I yelled as I held on to him.

'I'm not in the mood Al.' he mumbled but I just held on even tighter.

'Well I can quite obviously see that but I want my happy, smiley Louis back.'

'ALICE SERIOUSLY?' Louis yelled but I couldn't care less.

'LOUIS SERIOUSLY?' I yelled back even louder.


'I told you I want my happy, smiley Louis who doesn't get jealous easily.' I told him and his face scrunched up.

'Jealous? I'm not jealous. Who's there to be jealous of?' Louis stumbled over his words.

'Lou it's quite easy to see you are jealous of Nathan.'

'Me? Jealous of him? Don't make me laugh.' Louis laughed as he tried to cover up his sorrow.

'Lou you don't have to lie to me.' I jumped off his back and stood in front of him. Everyone else was already in their cars as I looked into Louis' eyes.

'Ahhh fine, I might be a teensy wincey bit jealous.' Louis sighed and I laughed and hugged him tightly as I whispered in his ear, 'Don't be.'

I let go of him as I skipped my way towards Harry's car.

'What was that all about?' he asked me.

'It's a Alice and Lou thing, don't worry.' I said the same thing he said to me.

Harry chuckled softly, 'Ohh love, when it has something to do with you AND Lou I get very worried.'

'Hey Louis and I are awesome.' I defended Lou and myself.

'Yeah and that's what scares me.'

'Whatever.' I sulked and Harry snickered.



It was Harry's phone.

'Babe can you answer it?' he asked me and handed me his phone.


I took his phone and looked at the contact.

Olly Murs.

'It's Olly Murs.' I told Harry and he nodded. I clicked answer.

'Hello Harry's phone, Alice speaking.'

'Oh hello Alice, it's Olly. Is Harry there?' Olly asked me. WOAH! I was talking to the Olly Murs.

'No sorry he is driving, can I take a message?' I politely asked.

'Yeah, can you ask him that my plans cancelled and can I still come over tonight?'

'Sure, I'll ask him now, hold on a min.' I placed my hand over the phone and pulled it to my chest.

'Haz Olly wants me to tell you that his plans were cancelled and can he still come over for the party?' I told Harry and he smiled widely.

'Tell him of course and tell him that Wesley is coming too.' Harry laughed.

'Okie dokie.' I pulled the phone back up to my ear and continued talking to Olly.

'Harry says of course and that Wesley is coming too. Does that make sense to you because I am so confused?' I told Olly and he laughed.

'Okay thanks and it'll be nice to finally meet you.'

'Yeah it'll be nice to meet you too.'

'See ya.'

'Bye.' Olly hanged up and I handed Harry back his phone.

'So I guess Olly is coming?' Harry asked hopefully.

'Yeah and why do I have the feeling that you talk a lot about me to your friends?' I asked and he deeply chuckled.

'Maybe it's because I do talk about you a bit too much but anyways we're home so LET'S PARTY!' Harry yelled and we both got out of the car, grabbing Lux on the way. The door was already unlocked since everyone else seemed to have beaten us home. We both walked in to see the party had already started.

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