Chapter 35: My Nathan?!?!

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Author's note:

hey guys :) sorry it took a while and sorry but this is just a filler chapter and pretty crappy but we still up you enjoy and trust us its leading up to something BIG :)

schools been busy so writing has been hard to find time for but we are still writing and hopefully start updating a bit more often but we need YOU to all vote and comment to keep us going

please keep voting, fanning and commenting :) xx

on the bright side.... IT'S LIAM'S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!! YAY!!!! so i know i'm (Alice) having a party for him at school tomorrow and making some cupcakes to eat for him :) are you guys doing anything special for him??

so on the side is a picture of Liam with his birthday cake just for the celebration plus the song that Sophie sings in this chapter is on the side too :) it's by Jonnie and Brookie and it's called 'Perfect Mine.' i (Alice) found these girls on Twitter and told Soph about them and now we are obsessed with them and epeccially their orginal song (on the side) we hope you like them too xx


Alice and Sophie :)xx

Ps: sorry for the long Authors note


‘Niall this is no joke! I don’t even know what song we are singing’ I said walking around in panic.

‘Sophie calm down, you come on at the second song which is Na Na Na. You know the words don’t you?’ Liam said.

‘Of course I do, what Directioner doesn’t know the lyrics’

‘Good’ he replied. And Louis finished off what Liam was going to say. ‘So the guy will tell you when you are going to go on and sing with your amazing voice that we hear in the shower-‘

‘You can hear me in the shower?’ I interrupted Louis.

‘Yeah you have a loud voice Soph’ Niall said.

‘Anyway what song do you sing a lot?’ Zayn asked me. I had to think about that I listen to too much music to know what song it could be.

‘Umm... is it a song by... Taylor Swift?’

‘No’ Louis said. If it wasn’t Taylor Swift and it couldn’t be Cher or the lads so it would have to be...

Perfect Mine by Jonnie and Brookie’ I said happily.

‘YES!’ They all said with excitement.

‘One Direction you’re on in 2 and Sophie stand on side of stage.’ The guy said. I waited until What Makes You Beautiful was finished. My nerves were small. I have performed in front of heaps of people.

‘Okay your on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GO!’ The guy said. I ran on stage and stood next to Niall, the little Irish man. I came on at the bridge so wasn’t too much for me to handle.

‘Okay guys, we have to go now but it was incredible performing in front of you’ Liam started.

‘But we leave you in the talented hands on our friend Sophie’ Louis said and they walked off stage.

‘One more time for One Direction’ the crowd cheered. It was massive. ‘Okay so this song is by two girls on YouTube, it’s an amazing song that everyone should have on their iPod. This is Perfect Mine by Jonnie and Brookie.’ The band started. My foot was tapping, music pumping, my heart was racing.

‘It’s funny how your charming ways,

Ended up in stupid games,

Thinking you were serious,

To find that it was nothing but,’ I was moving around the stage as if I was back in my bedroom or bathroom, before I was on the X-factor. Just being the idiot I am having fun on stage with one of my favourite songs.

‘The same thing that you did before,

To that other girl next door,

I wish that I could turn it around,

So you could see how I need you,’


The song came to a finish. ‘Thank-you, you have been an amazing!’ I walked off stage with a smile on my face. I bumped into someone. This is starting to become a habit of mine.

‘Sorry’ I said. I looked up at who I bumped into.

‘Sophie?’ he looked at me. He looks so familiar.

‘The Wanted your on in 3, 2, 1 GO!’ he was gone. That’s when it hit me Nathan. It was my Nathan!


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