Chapter 19: Girl Talk

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Sophie’s P.O.V

I had been at Louis’ house for a while now. I felt like I was supposed to be here, if that makes any sense. Johanna was in the kitchen making dinner, it smelt so good but I don’t know what she was making. It still smelt yum. I love food so anything can smell good. I remember the times when Alice and I would make cakes and all sorts of things. I remember this one cake. It was a packet mix and it was mud cake one, but it wasn’t cooking right then Alice read the expiration date and it was 8 years old! We still made it though, but it was a complete FAIL! 

‘So Sophie, how did you meet Louis? He hasn’t actually told us.’ Lottie asked me and she glared at Louis.

‘Well I was on the Australian x-factor with a group of girls. We were all really close then we got to sing with One Direction and they offered us to come over with them to London. I was the only one that wanted to come the other girls didn’t want to come, so yeah’ I answered.

‘And Sophie got some big news when we were in the car’ Louis added. I gave him a little glare but I don’t think he saw it and kept talking. ‘Someone has written her a song and she is going to be singing it!’ he said with a lot of excitement.

‘Congratulations Sophie’ all of Louis’ sisters said at the same time.

‘Thanks’ I politely answered. ‘What’s the time?’ I asked.

‘It’s 5 ‘o’ clock’ Louis answered. CRAP the time has flown. 

‘Thanks Lou, I just got to go and call Allycat’

‘Who’s Allycat?’ Daisy asked.

‘Allycat is my bestest best friend who I class as my sister because we are so close and she is also Mr. Harry Styles girlfriend and I got to call her just to see how she is’ I said as I walked out the front door and sat on a bench and dialled her number.


‘Hello’ she answered I could hear Harry talking to someone in a very strange voice.

‘Hey, how’s it going and who is Harry talking to in a very strange voice I might add?’

‘Yeah I’m pretty good and Harry is talking to Baby Lux what about you?’ Louis soon walked out and sat next to me, I then put the phone on loud speaker.

‘Naww Baby Lux is so cute and you are on loud speaker now and Louis is with me’ I said to her as I gave Louis a kiss on the cheek.

‘Hi Louis and I know Sophie she is so cute and has the cutest laugh ever’

‘You haven’t broken my rule yet have you, Alice?’

‘Maybe we have maybe we haven’t’ she replied very cheekily.

‘That is not answer, did you or not?’

‘Hey Sophie I might call you back later Lux is crying bye’ and with that she hung up.

‘I bet you she did and she just won’t admit it’ I told Louis.

‘Just have to wait and see’ Louis said with a cheeky smile on his face. Something is up.

‘Louis?’ I questioned him. He turned and looked me in the eyes. ‘Do you know if she has or not?’

‘I really don’t know’ He said. Of course I knew he was lying bit I can’t be bothered trying to get it out of him so I will wait you the right time.

‘Do you want to go out tomorrow?’ Louis asked me.

‘Sure, what do you want to do though?’ I replied.

‘We could go to the movies or something’

‘So you asked me but you don’t know what we’re going to do. Very smart and wouldn’t you want to spend some time with your family?’

‘I do but I just don’t want you to get bored or with they say some really embarrassing things about me’

‘Louis, I’m a Directioner I already knew about Boo Bear before your mum told me and that you are the Swag Master from Doncaster’ I replied I was kind of flirting with him, but really who wouldn’t the light was shining on him and his hair was all messy in a good kind of way. He just looked really hot!

‘Well right now I am the Swag Master from Doncaster because that is where we are.’ he replied with a big smile on his face only making me more attracted with him. Why is he doing this to me!?

‘Dinner!’ I heard Johanna call.

‘It’s dinner time come on we will call them later’ Louis said as he stood up and gave me a hand. He kissed me on the cheek as we walked in and sat at the dinner table. Johanna made spaghetti.

‘So Sophie do you like it here in London?’ Felicite asked me.

‘Yeah I love it over here, I always wanted to come and live here with my friend Alice’

‘Well you’re both doing it aren’t you?’ Louis said giving me a little nudge.

‘Umm Louis you do know that Alice said that she wasn’t staying for too long right?’

‘Wait what?!’

‘She said she might be going back when we going down to Australia, don’t you remember?’

‘No but she can’t leave not when she is going out with Harry’

‘I don’t think she will though’ I said and I put some spaghetti in my mouth.

‘Just get me into a panic mode why don’t you’ He said flinging his arm around my shoulders.

‘LOUIS sit properly’ Johanna told Louis off. I kind of laughed under my breath I couldn’t help it. I was quite funny.

It was about 8:00pm and I was starting to get really tired. We were all sitting on the couch. I saw that Daisy and Phoebe well they both kind of fell asleep on the couch. I nudge Louis and whispered to him.

‘They are so cute’

‘I know will you help me take them to bed?’ I questioned me.

‘Of course’ I said as stood up and walked over to them. I picked up Daisy and Louis picked up Phoebe. We walked up the stairs and put them into bed. We both walked out and into Louis’ bedroom.

‘What do you want to do?’ He asked as he grabbed my hand and sat me on his legs. I raped my arms around his neck.

‘I want to get in my PJ’s well my trackies I don’t wear PJ’s’ I said as I stood up and went to my bag.

‘Alright I’ll get mine on to’ He said as he jumped off of his bed.

I went into the bathroom and got changed then walked back into Louis’ room. He was sitting on his bed on his phone. I walked over to my phone.

‘Hey Soph mum asked if we could watch the girls is that alright?’ he asked me as I sat on the edge of his bed.

‘Of course Lou,’ I said with a smile on my face. There really was no need for him to ask. ‘Time to call Alice’ I said with a smile on my face. I sat next to Louis who by the way didn’t have his shirt on. HOT! I dialled the number and waited for her to pick up.


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