Chapter 11: Thanks For Spoiling The Surprise

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----------------------------------------------------NEXT MORNING------------------------------------------------------------

‘WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!’ Louis and Sophie screamed as they jumped on Alice, who was still asleep.

‘Go away, I’m still jetlagged.’ Alice whined as she fought with Sophie and Louie with the bed covers.

‘Guys leave Alice alone, let her sleep, she had a big day yesterday.’ Liam said from the door way.

‘Ahhhh, Liam don’t ruin our fun.’ Louis pouted.

‘Yeah Liam.’ Sophie mimicked.

‘Liam’s right, leave Alice alone.’  Harry said at the door way as well.

‘Naww, Harry’s got a crush.’ Louis teased and Harry blushed.

‘GET OUT OF MY ROOM!’ Alice shouted and pulled the covers over her head. Louis, Sophie, Liam and Harry all walked out of Alice and Sophie’s bedroom.

‘So Hazzabear what’s going on with you and Alice?’ Louis asked and nudged him.

‘Nothing, we’re just friends…….. at the moment.’ Harry smiled cheekily.

‘Harry, I told you we have to keep this professional.’ Liam said sternly.

‘Gezz Li I was joking, we are just mates.’ Harry said but turned and winked at Lou.

‘Umm you boys do know I’m here and you are talking about my best friend.’ Sophie said awkwardly.

‘Oopps.’ Harry said quickly and he ran to the kitchen.

‘HARRY EDWARD STYLES COME BACK HERE NOW!’  Sophie yelled as she ran after him.

‘Kids these days.’ Louis said pretending to sigh.

‘Louis, just be careful.’ Liam said with a concern look on his face.

‘I know what I’m doing, I’m a big boy.’ Louis teased as they walked to the kitchen to find Harry in a headlock.

‘Soph, please try not to break Harry, he may be a pain in the ass but the fans might not take a liking to you if you kill Harry.’ Liam said and Louis chuckled as Sophie let go of Harry’s head.

‘I’m hungry, Harry make me some breakfast.’ Louis jokingly demanded and Harry saluted then started to get out all different ingredients.

‘I’m hungry too Hazza, can you make me some pancakes?’ Liam asked and Harry just nodded.

‘I’d like some cereal.’ Soph added to the order.

‘You might as well cook Niall some pancakes too and Zayn will want bacon and eggs when they wake up.’

‘Alright so you, Lou and Niall want pancakes, Soph wants cereal and Zayn wants bacon and eggs, correct?’ Harry went over the order and Liam, Louis and Sophie nodded.

‘Will Alice want anything?’ Harry asked Sophie.

‘Yeah she’ll want some bacon.’ Sophie told him.

‘Come on let’s leave Harry to cook us some breakfast, do you wanna watch a movie?’ Louie suggested and Sophie nodded. They walked over to the couch together with Liam following behind. They decided on a movie and as they were half way through Harry yelled from the kitchen,


‘We’re coming.’ They shouted back. As they jumped from the couch and ran to the kitchen.

‘Breakfast is served.’ Everyone grabbed their plates and went back to the movie. Harry ran into Niall and Zayn’s room with their breakfast in his hands.

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