Chapter 22: Wreaked

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Hey guys, 
We are giving you guys an extra chapter because we got over 100 votes!!!
Thanks so much for this help we really couldn't have done this with out you. 
Hope you like this chapter everything is getting a little dramatic at the moment

Before we go we just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELLE!!! it's today here in Australia. 

Thanks again guys please vote and comment and fan.

Love to you guys,
                              Carrot Queen and Cheeky-chap :)


Alice’s POV

I sat freezing cold for a while until a car pulled up on the side of the road. Zayn jumped out and ran towards me and lifted me up. I was so cold. I couldn’t move my body; it was like I was frozen.

‘Holy shit Alice you are freezing, how long have you been there for?’ Zayn softly put me in the front seat then ran around to the other side to the driver’s seat and cranked the heater up.

‘I-I-I don-n-n’t kno-o-ow.’ I whispered back only able to say a few words. He drove away as fast as possible us leaving the town of Holmes Chapel behind. I slowly begin to warm up as we drove further and further away. 

‘Do you want to tell me what happened?’ Zayn asked kindly after driving in complete silence for a while. I stayed quiet.

‘I won’t judge you. You’re like my sister now. You can tell me anything and I swear I will listen.’ Zayn comforted me as I let out a sigh.

‘I was surrounded by paparazzi at the supermarket and then it hit me, I can’t live like this. So I went home and read all the hate I was getting off Twitter and I said to Harry before that I was scared that they would hate me and he told me everything would be fine.’ I held back a tear as I continued, ‘ Harry then found me crying and I told him that I couldn’t live like this and then he started screaming at me and told me to leave, so I did.’ I sobbed as I explained everything to Zayn.

‘I think Harry is an idiot for letting a girl like you go and it’s his problem now.’ Zayn said as I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Zayn’s POV

I don’t think I have ever seen someone look as sad or as hurt as Alice. When I found her at the park I didn’t even recognise her at first. Her always smiling mouth was in a thin quivering straight line. Her bright blue eyes were a dark boring grey. Her body all curled up in a ball like she was trying to keep herself from falling apart.

It was hard to look at her without crying and even worse to know that it was Harry that caused her this damage.

She had just fallen asleep after she finally explained what had happened. She was tossing and turning in her seat as she whimpered.

‘Don’t leave me.’ She cried in her sleep.

‘Shh Alice you are fine.’ I tried to comfort her.

‘Harry help, please help.’ She continued crying in her sleep.

I soon pulled up out the front of my parent’s house as my Mum ran out to great us.

‘Zayn how is she?’ my Mum looked very concern. I walked around to the front seat and lifted her out of the car.

‘She’s a bit of a wreck at the moment but she fell asleep on the way here.’ I whispered as we walked inside. I headed to my room and softly placed her on my bed trying not to wake her.

‘Everything will be fine.’ I kissed her forehead and tip toed out closing the door behind me.

‘Who was that girl Zayn?’ my older sister Doniya asked.

‘Yeah Zayn she looked pretty upset.’ My little sister Waliya butted in and my other little sister Safaa nodded in agreement.

‘That’s my friend Alice.’ I explained to the three curious girls.

‘Ohh does Zayn have a girlfriend?’ Safaa teased.

I poked my tongue at her as I replied, ‘No she is or was Harry’s girlfriend.’

‘What happened?’ Doniya asked.

‘Well I’ll say this politely. Harry wasn’t very nice and said a few things that he may regret.’ The girls all said ‘ohh’ in sequence.


It was Harry.

‘Sorry girlies I gotta take this call.’ I ran into the backyard as I answered it.

‘WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME?’ I bellowed down the phone at him.

‘I need to talk to her.’ Harry said rather calmly. No way was I letting him talk to her.


‘ZAYN I KNOW YOU’RE ANGRY AT ME BUT I DON’T WANT TO DEAL WITH YOUR BULLSHIT RIGHT NOW SO PUT ALICE ON THE FUCKING PHONE!’ he yelled back at me. Alice had walked outside. She must have heard me on the phone.

‘Is it Harry?’ she mouthed. I nodded.

‘He wants to talk to you.’ I whispered back to her. She shook her head. I placed the phone back to my ear.

‘She doesn’t want to talk to you.’ I grunted at him.

‘Please all I want to do is apologise.’ Harry pleaded as he whispered. I looked back to Alice who still shook her head.

‘Sorry mate but no. Maybe try tomorrow.’ I hanged up the phone and pulled Alice in for a hug.

‘Everything will be fine, I promise.’ I whispered in her ear.

‘Zayn you may want to come and see this.’ My Mum called us inside and pointed to the TV.



Cliff hanger sorry no one likes them.

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